Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1740 Can't mess...


When An Chen was beheaded by Wang Changsheng, a cultivator far away on the ancient road of Huangquan in the Xiantian Realm had no breath, like a dead body, but when a soul lamp not far away died out, he looked like a dead body. The monk frowned, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"Dark Chen..."

The corpse glanced at the extinguished soul lamp, thought for a while, apparently thinking about who Anchen was, and finally, after thinking for a while, slowly closed his eyes, apparently not taking Anchen's death to heart .

If the monks of the ancient way of the Yellow Springs died outside, under normal circumstances, they would be extradited by the soul boat, but those were only limited to the strong ones in the realm of the Great Master.

Moreover, not every great venerable is worthy of extradition.

As for Anchen, although he is the arrogance of the ancient way of Huangquan, but before he breaks through to the Great Master, he is just a good junior for the ancient way of Huangquan.

As everyone knows, it is precisely because Anchen was not extradited that Huangquan Gudao missed an important message.

After Wang Changsheng killed An Chen, the aura on his body gradually weakened, and after the aura of Shenzang completely disappeared, Wang Changsheng sat cross-legged on the spot with a pale expression.

After taking out a holy medicine and taking it, Wang Changsheng's aura gradually stabilized.

"I still can't bear it!"

Wang Changsheng said helplessly.

When the god in his eyes was sacrificed, Wang Changsheng knew that he might not be able to withstand the power of the god in his eyes. For this reason, Wang Changsheng was already mentally prepared, but...

Now not only his eyes are blind, but even his body is on the verge of collapse. Shenzang's power is too strong, and he can't bear it at all.

"It seems that my estimation is correct. Fortunately, I only sacrificed the sacred treasure in my eyes..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart: "If I sacrificed the sacred treasure in the galaxy, I am afraid that I have not waited for the suppression of Anchen. Exploded and died!"

For such a situation, Wang Changsheng is also helpless, it is obviously something he cultivated, and it is also very powerful, but when he uses it himself, he has to be careful!

If he had known this earlier, Wang Changsheng would have tried his best to integrate Shenzang, so he wouldn't be in the current situation.

Even, Wang Changsheng firmly believed that after merging with the divine treasure, his cultivation speed would definitely be much faster than now. After all, even the divine treasure that has been cultivated can be so powerful.

Shaking your head, throwing out these unrealistic thoughts, don't mention the things that have passed!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng began to heal his wounds.

The first thing Wang Changsheng healed was his body, as for his eyes...

With Wang Changsheng's current strength, it doesn't matter much whether he needs eyes or not. He can recover most of his combat power by recovering his body first.

"At first, I thought about threatening Anchen, so that I could get the spell to recover from the underworld, but I didn't expect that this person is not afraid of death..." Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

If Anchen could get the spell to restore Huangquan to its peak state, Wang Changsheng felt that he might really be immortal with the Huangquan sacrificed by Wang Changsheng.

Because, there is not even a drop of the yellow spring breath in Anchen's body, but what about Wang Changsheng?Calculated in terms of bars, how many times can a whole Yellow Spring like a big river be restored?

There are simply too many to count!

"It seems that when the strength is sufficient, it is necessary to go to the ancient road of Huangquan..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Once you have practiced this kind of technique, no matter what the injury is, you can recover in an instant, so you can roam freely!

The three of Wang Changsheng hid on land to heal their injuries, and the situation in Xianmang Xingyu, just as Wang Changsheng predicted, was already in chaos.

According to the results of the discussions between the various supreme religions, as long as they enter the city, no matter how big the enmity, they need to stop, and they cannot fight in the city.

Such a regulation can also guarantee the possibility of the fall of the monks under the supreme sect. After all, no one can guarantee that the monks under his teaching will not encounter any danger.

However, the Tianjiao who entered Xianmang Xingyu are crazy about killing, but no matter whether it is a city or not, as long as they encounter monks who are hostile to the Supreme Sect, they will be killed directly.

"Aren't you from Zhou Tiangong?" A Tianjiao, looking at the three monks in the late stage of the Venerable, said calmly: "Before, it seemed that your Tianjiao from Zhoutian Palace killed some of my juniors, right? "

"Dare to ask you are..."

One of the venerable monks in the late stage of Zhou Tiangong asked a little nervously.


What answered him was a chain of dao yun, which passed directly through it. Not only the late-stage monk Zhou Tiangong who spoke, but the other two also did not escape the end of being penetrated by dao yun.

In front of Tianjiao, the three monks in the late stage of the Venerable had no chance to fight back and were killed directly.

However, the Tianjiao who made the shot did not kill them all. After killing the bodies of the three Zhou Tiangong monks, he did not obliterate the souls of the three Zhou Tiangong monks.

Although everyone is crazy about killing, there is still a glimmer of life left. As long as the spirit can escape, there is still a possibility of recovery in the end. Of course, it depends on the supreme sect to which you belong, whether you are willing to take out so many precious treasures rescued.

For example, like Tian Qi, whose body was beheaded by Wang Changsheng, and his soul was wiped out, leaving only a trace of soul in Tianyan Pavilion, which was abruptly rescued by Tianyan Pavilion, and the price he spent was also huge.

It's just that Tianyan Pavilion only has Tianqi as the young pavilion master, and no matter how expensive it is, Tianqi must be restored.

bang bang...

The entire Xianmang Xingyu continued to emit bursts of roaring sounds, and there were also Tianjiao who killed him, and they were wiped out together with their souls, without giving the other party a chance to recover.

"Let's go!"

Jian Pingfan killed several Daoshan monks with one sword, and said to Jian Pingfan not far away.

"I didn't expect that you would attack these ants!" Jian Pingfan said to Jian Pingfan.

The two are brothers, and their relationship is naturally not as rumored by the outside world. On the contrary, the relationship between the two is very good.

"No way!" Jian Pingfan complained to Jian Pingfan: "Brother, it's easy for you, you just need to practice..."

"I'm different. As the voice of Heavenly Sword Mountain, if I don't do this under such circumstances, it will be very detrimental to Heavenly Sword Mountain!"

Jian Ping nodded and said nothing.

Two brothers, Jian Pingfan and Jian Pingfan, took different paths. Jian Pingfan was born with a very high talent, and with the companionship of the Excalibur, his future achievements will be absolutely extraordinary.

As for Jian Ping, his aptitude is ordinary, and only the way of swordsmanship can make Jian Ping go on.

Jian's ordinary way is more pure!

"Let's go!"

Jian Pingfan waved his hand, and immediately afterwards, the two brothers also walked out of Xianmang Xingyu.

The situation in Xianmang Xingyu has already spread, and the two brothers believe that it won't take long for orders from the supreme religions to come down, and this situation won't last too long.

What's more, Xianmang Xingyu, as a place where many supreme masters cultivate venerables, this place cannot be messed up...

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