Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1732: Inheritance of the Ancient Underworld Path


Liuyin Demon Realm blew itself up, and Anchen herself was the first to react.

The Six Yin Demon Realm is the six small worlds that Anchen himself sacrificed, and each small world has spent Anchen's great efforts, not only that, but also one of Anchen's trump cards.

Now that the Six Yin Demon Realms have all collapsed, Anchen has also suffered a lot of backlash.

However, Anchen didn't care about it, and instead showed a sneer on his expression wrapped in a black robe.

Already planning to use the secret technique for the last time, whether he is injured or not is not important to An Chen, but, in a short period of time, he will not be able to use the Six Yin Demon Realm, and An Chen does not know that without the Six Yin Demon Realm, Is he Wang Changsheng's opponent?

There is no way, An Chen is only at the peak state of the Venerable, and to use the Six Yin Demon Realm, he must sacrifice six small worlds. Once he breaks through to the Great Venerable and opens up a small world at will, the Six Yin Demon Realm will not be so easy to deal with.

bang bang...

The explosion of the three demon realms, the roaring sound is still going on, neither Wang Changsheng nor Anchen did anything, Wang Changsheng is because the power of the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers is not enough, and Anchen is not sure that Li Fusheng has been suppressed, if Li Fusheng has not Being suppressed, An Chen planned to run away.

An Chen without the Six Yin Demon Realm is by no means the enemy of the joint efforts of Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng.

"Cough cough..."

After a long time, at the place where the Liuyin Demon Realm exploded, the storm subsided, and even the torn void cracks gradually healed, and a series of coughing sounds came out.

It was Li Fusheng's voice. From the sound alone, one could tell that Li Fusheng was very weak at this moment.

"Old Wang... Next, you can only rely on yourself!"

Li Fusheng said weakly.

Immediately afterwards, Li Fusheng put away the three-legged giant tripod, and his body became chubby again.

At this moment, Li Fusheng's body was covered with wounds, and this was just his body. Only Li Fusheng himself knew exactly what kind of wounds Li Fusheng's immortal body was injured.

Li Fusheng's breath was sluggish, and the Dao Yun surrounding his body was gradually dissipating.

If Li Fusheng hadn't directly sacrificed the three-legged giant cauldron at the last moment and hid himself inside it, I'm afraid it would have been more than a simple serious injury.

After speaking, Li Fusheng entered the three-legged giant tripod again and hid himself.


Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Don't worry!"

Now the great seal of mountains and rivers, although not condensed to the peak power, is enough to pose a great threat to An Chen.

However, Wang Changsheng did not make a move, because An Chen hadn't made a move yet.

Now Anchen is also seriously injured, impacted by Li Fusheng, and backlashed by the collapse of the Liuyin Demon Realm, the situation is not much better than Li Fusheng.

However, Wang Changsheng knew that the aura of the underworld in Anchen's body should be enough to support the secret method of instant recovery. Facing Anchen without the Six Yin Demon Realm, Wang Changsheng was still very confident that he could win it.

Anchen also looked at Wang Changsheng.

"You should recover as soon as possible!"

Wang Changsheng said to Anchen: "The aura of the underworld in your body should be enough for you to recover once!"


Hearing Wang Changsheng's words, Anchen's expression immediately changed.

What did he hear?He heard the word "Yellow Spring" from Wang Changsheng's mouth? !

For Huangquan Ancient Road, owning Huangquan is the biggest secret.

Don't look at most of the monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, they all know the supreme teaching of the ancient path of the Yellow Springs, but no one knows that they are related to the Yellow Springs!

"How did you know about Huang Quan?" An Chen asked in a deep voice.

Wang Changsheng smiled and said: "Many ancient books have records, especially the ancient books of their undead race, which have very detailed records of Huang Quan!"

There is no way, in order to prevent Anchen from voluntarily escaping, Wang Changsheng can only take the initiative to guide the problem to the underworld.

Wang Changsheng believes that if he throws out the point of Huang Quan, An Chen will definitely find a way to take him down.

As for how to explain this problem, it can be directly pushed to the undead.

The undead exist across several eras, so it's not too much to know Huangquan, right?

An Chen was puzzled. To be honest, with An Chen's status and status, he was not enough to understand more mysteries of Huang Quan. He only knew that the Supreme Great Cult he belonged to had something to do with Huang Quan, which disappeared from the world.

Think about the background of the undead, and know whether Huang Quan really has any problems.

It is because he knows too little, so what he doesn't know is that Huang Quan has disappeared when the undead race traversed the era. Even if it is the undead race, there are very few records about Huang Quan.

What's more, Wang Changsheng has never touched the ancient books of the undead, so he just pushed this problem to the undead.


A roaring sound came from Anchen's body, wrapped in a mysterious aura, and all of Anchen's injuries recovered instantly.

"Since you know Huang Quan, then I have to take you down!"

An Chen said.

Huangquan is the biggest secret of Huangquan Ancient Road, and there is no room for loss!

"Exactly what I want!"

Wang Changsheng also said in a deep voice, with a dignified expression.

bang bang...

The great power of the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers continued to roar, and Wang Changsheng himself was startled by the huge power and influence. It has been a long time since Wang Changsheng has cultivated to the current state of Great Seal of Greatness of Mountains and Rivers. I was taken aback.

"bring it on!"

Wang Changsheng said.

Holding the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers in his hand, Wang Changsheng directly crushed Anchen away.

An Chen also felt the current power of the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, not to mention that his Liuyin Demon Realm had collapsed, even if he collided with the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers with the power of the Six Yin Demon Realm, he would not have the slightest advantage.

Therefore, it must not be hard-wired!

Anchen, who has regained his peak again, has too many means, and there is no need to head-to-head with Shanhe Great Seal.

When An Chen saw the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers attacking him, he didn't resist head-on. Instead, he waved his hand, his figure kept retreating, and a mysterious aura burst out.

Immediately afterwards, a halo of light appeared at Anchen's feet, and a small boat slowly swayed out of the halo.

If other monks encountered such a situation, they would definitely not take it to heart when they saw an ordinary boat with no breath, but Wang Changsheng didn't think so.

When he first entered the world of war, Wang Changsheng had experienced the tricks of that strong man in the ancient way of the Yellow Springs. If Zhizun hadn't appeared in time, all the monks present would have been swallowed up.

After the boat appeared, Anchen held a pitch-black sickle, wrapped himself in a black robe, and stepped onto the boat.

"You can die on the inheritance technique of the ancient way of the underworld, you are proud enough!"

An Chen sat on the boat and said coldly.

Anchen knew in his heart that if he used the technique of inheritance, even if he could kill Wang Changsheng, he would definitely be punished after returning to the ancient way of the underworld.

Because, the technique of inheritance in the ancient way of the underworld is used to cross souls, not to kill people!

However, if Wang Changsheng can be killed and the secrets of the Ancient Underworld Road can be avoided, the merits and demerits should be offset!

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