Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1729 Li Fusheng went crazy

Anchen, who had returned to his prime, was three points stronger than when he fought Fatty.

Because before leaving the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, Anchen had gone through several battles, and now Anchen was at his strongest.

After recovering, Anchen rushed directly towards Wang Changsheng without any hesitation.

Anchen has already seen the extraordinaryness of the great seal of mountains and rivers, so of course it is impossible to give Wang Changsheng time to continue to gather, what's more, in order to deal with Wang Changsheng, Anchen even used the precious secret method, if Wang Changsheng and the other three were not killed, Anchen felt that I'm sorry for my secret technique!

"Good come!"

When Wang Changsheng saw Anchen attacking, he appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, without any hesitation, he directly sacrificed the Langcang Sword.

Once sacrificed to the underworld, he was indeed afraid of being recognized by An Chen, what if An Chen escaped alive?However, it doesn't matter if you sacrifice the Langcang Sword. To cover up the aura of the underworld on the Langcang Sword, the Langcang Sword itself is a magic weapon that is not weaker than the existence of Taoism.


Wang Changsheng directly commanded the Langcang sword to continuously attack Anchen, blocking Anchen's attack.

"Another Dao weapon?"

An Chen kept colliding with the Langcang Sword, feeling the power of the Langcang Sword, and also showed a surprised expression.


Anchen was forced to retreat by the Langcang sword, and said with a puzzled look: "It's not a Taoist weapon!"

"Is it an ancient artifact?!"

Anchen looked at Lang Cangjian with a horrified expression.

In the world of cultivation, as long as it is connected with the word "Ancient", it is not simple, and the Taoist implements are already very extraordinary. Adding the word "Ancient" in front of the Taoist implements not only represents the age, but also represents those eras. powerful!

Every piece of ancient Taoist artifact is a powerful existence that still exists in the world after the wear and tear of the times. It has withstood the power of time and is stronger than Taoist artifacts.

It's just that there are very few ancient tools, and if you want to refine ancient tools, you must practice ancient methods, and in this era of Jindan Dao, it is too difficult to practice ancient methods, not to mention that you have not practiced to a high level. , It is simply impossible to sacrifice ancient Taoist artifacts!

"What is the origin of this son?"

Anchen looked at the Langcang sword sacrificed by Wang Changsheng, and hesitated a little, considering whether he should leave first?

Because, the origins of Li Fusheng and Fatty are amazing enough. One has the blood of the undead, and the other has inherited the Taotie method. However, compared with Wang Changsheng, they are not as good as Wang Changsheng?

Even, An Chen was a little jealous of Wang Changsheng, for being able to have such a strong background, even the arrogance of himself, the supreme master, could not compare to him.


Although Anchen was hesitating, facing Wang Changsheng's attack, he was unambiguous at all. After knowing how powerful Wang Changsheng was, Anchen became more cautious.

bang bang...

The continuous collision between Anchen and Langcang Sword is also equivalent to the constant collision between Anchen and Wang Changsheng. Under such violent collisions, Anchen did not have the slightest advantage.

"It can't go on like this!"

An Chen said in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, while dealing with the Langcang sword, Anchen's gaze was set on the Liuyin Demon Realm.


I saw Anchen waved his hand, and there was a more majestic roar coming from the six dark holes in the Liuyin Demon Realm, and even the suction power suddenly doubled.

"what happened?"

"Why is it suddenly more majestic?!"

Li Fusheng and Fatty resisted the Liuyin Demon Realm, which is Anchen's strongest spell, and shared a great deal of pressure on Wang Changsheng. However, neither of them expected that the Liuyin Demon Realm, which was about to be jointly suppressed by the two, suddenly broke out in between.

This suction caught the two of them off guard!


Li Fusheng saw that Fatty and Taotie's corpse were engulfed by one of the dark holes, and they were swallowed instantly, showing an inconceivable expression.

Not to mention that Li Fusheng next to him couldn't understand it, even the fat man who was in it couldn't understand it either.


The voice of cursing came from Fatty's mouth, seeing this situation, the best way is to throw away the body of Taotie, and then use the force of the shock to escape.

But, the fat man couldn't bear to gluttonous corpses!

"Forget it, life is important!" The fat man said cursingly: "After this time is over, if Old Wang doesn't make up for me, I will definitely make him look good!"

Saying that, Fatty was about to throw away the body of Taotie!

"Oops, no!"

When the fat man was about to act, his expression immediately changed.

Seeing this situation, Fatty didn't hesitate at all, and curled up tightly inside Taotie's body.

The fat man can't break free anymore, the only way is to rush out with the strength of Taotie's corpse after being involved in the Six Yin Demon Realm, otherwise, he will definitely be swallowed by the Six Yin Demon Realm.

"Old man, I have inherited your inheritance. Whether I can survive this time depends on you!"

Fatty said to Taotie's corpse.

Immediately afterwards, Fatty, together with Taotie's corpse, was drawn into the Six Yin Demon Realm.


Seeing that the fat man did not break free from the shackles of the Liuyin Demon Realm and was finally swallowed by the Liuyin Demon Realm, Li Fusheng made an anxious voice.

Although the relationship with Fatty is not as deep as that with Wang Changsheng, but during this period of time, the two of them roamed the Nine Heavens Realm together, which can be regarded as helping each other, not to mention that everyone rushed up from the next three days together.

Now watching Fatty being swallowed by the Six Yin Demon Realm, although I don't know what the final result will be, but Fatty will definitely not feel good, and there is even the danger of falling.


After Li Fusheng saw the Liuyin Demon Realm devouring the fat man, he flew directly towards Anchen. Obviously, Anchen wanted to use the Liuyin Demon Realm to deal with Wang Changsheng.

With Fatty's strength, if the Liuyin Demon Realm was under the embankment, it would be absolutely impossible for the Liuyin Demon Realm to absorb the fatty so easily. Li Fusheng also had a chance to rescue him, because the Liuyin Demon Realm was about to be defeated, and Anchen made a sudden move. Neither of Li Fusheng was prepared.

Just now Anchen was mainly dealing with the fat man, if he mainly dealt with Li Fusheng, Li Fusheng felt that he would end up in the same way as the fat man, being sucked away by the Liuyin Demon Realm.


Li Fusheng snarled at Wang Changsheng: "I'll stop him, you continue to gather the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers!"

"Today, I will let him die!",


With a roar, Li Fusheng opened his arms, and a majestic power spread from his body. Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng saw a huge change in Li Fusheng's figure.


Seeing Li Fusheng's changes, Wang Changsheng frowned immediately.

Because, Li Fusheng actually sacrificed his original appearance, not the fat one, but the sharp edges and corners, wearing a fiery red battle armor.

"It's been many years... many years..."

"I haven't seen Lao Li's face..."

Wang Changsheng said with a shocked expression.

Li Fusheng, going crazy...

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