Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1727 Not Enough


Fatty saw Liuyin Demon Realm pressing down on him directly, and a cursing voice came out of his mouth: "Brother, it was Lao Li who attacked you, why are you targeting me?"

Fatty also couldn't figure it out, he was beating up, he was being beaten all the time, Taotie's corpse couldn't threaten An Chen, why did An Chen greet him directly after sacrificing the Liuyin Demon Realm?

Shouldn't Li Fusheng be suppressed first?After all, Li Fusheng is the greatest threat to An Chen!

bang bang...

No matter how the fat man exclaimed, the Liuyin Demon Realm pressed down on the fat man, even if he was hiding in the body of Taotie, the fat man could still feel the extraordinaryness of the Liuyin Demon Realm.

"Old Li, fuck him!"

the fat man growled.

Immediately afterwards, the fat man sacrificed the Taotie method, and with the help of the Taotie corpse, he kept entangled with the Liuyin Demon Realm.

The Liuyin Demon Realm suppressed it little by little, and the fat man's gluttonous body and the Taotie method were obviously suppressed by the Six Yin Demon Realm.

It's not that Taotie's method is inferior to Liuyin Demon Realm, based on the height that Taotie has reached, Taotie's method is definitely not inferior to Liuyin Demon Realm, not to mention, Fatty has Taotie's corpse to help.

The main reason is that Fatty's own background is not enough, and he can't compete with An Chen at all.

bang bang...

Li Fusheng also shot, the three-legged giant cauldron continued to bombard, and the huge roar resounded through Xingyu.

"That does not work!"

Li Fusheng thought in his heart.

Li Fusheng knew Wang Changsheng's speed, and he had already arrived. Wang Changsheng must have arrived too. The current Wang Changsheng must be hiding in a corner, waiting for the perfect opportunity to make a move.

Therefore, what Li Fusheng has to do now is not to find a way to suppress Anchen. After all, Anchen's strength is too strong. Even if it is a life-and-death battle, Li Fusheng is not sure that he can win Anchen.

Li Fusheng wants to create opportunities for Wang Changsheng!


Li Fusheng slammed his hands on the three-legged giant tripod, making a huge muffled sound, and the muffled sound spread with the evil spirit released by the three-legged giant tripod.


A neighing sound came from Li Fusheng's mouth, and the scorching breath also began to spread.

The real body of the fire phoenix!

Li Fusheng directly sacrificed the avatar of the fire phoenix, and the scorching flames steamed and crushed Anchen. Not only that, even the avatar of the fire phoenix crushed Anchen.

Li Fusheng used most of his methods. Although it was not Li Fusheng's strongest outburst, it was not far behind.

Anchen was not surprised to see Li Fusheng's methods, because the Tianjiao monks who entered Xianmang Xingyu knew of Wang Changsheng's existence.

"It seems that the one who hid in the dark and attacked him should be the strongest among you?"

An Chen said coldly.

The Six Yin Demon Realm rotates, and a powerful suction emanates from the Six Yin Demon Realm. This suction is not just as simple as sucking the monks into the Six Yin Demon Realm, but within this suction, there is a powerful erosion. Power.

Whether it's the body or the soul, or even the magic weapon, it will be slowly swallowed by this erosive force.

Of course, the Six Yin Demon Realm sacrificed by the Dark Chen would not be able to erode the Taoist artifacts. After all, the Dark Chen is only at the peak state of the Venerable, but the consciousness of Li Fusheng and Fatty can hardly resist the power of the Six Yin Demon Realm.

"So strong!"

At this moment, Li Fusheng and Fatty felt the pressure that Tianjiao, who was beheaded by Anchen in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, was facing!


A roar came from Li Fusheng's mouth, and all the methods he used collided with the Liuyin Demon Realm.

bang bang...

It collided with the Liuyin Demon Realm, and there was a huge roaring sound. The Liuyin Demon Realm was only shaken, the suction force was a little weaker, and the real fire Li Fusheng sacrificed dissipated.

Even the three-legged giant tripod is in a constant stalemate with the Liuyin Demon Realm!

The fat man was not much better, he just hid in Taotie's body, and the impact on the fat man was obviously much smaller than that of Li Fusheng.

The scene froze instantly!

"The Gluttonous Method, the Fire Phoenix Art..."

Anchen looked at Li Fusheng and Fatty with serious expressions: "They are all existences that once dominated an era!"

Not to mention the Fire Phoenix Jue practiced by Li Fusheng. When the blood of immortality pushes the era, the ancient path of the underworld is dormant, and when the ancient remnant Taotie is alive, although it cannot be said that the world is invincible, it also pushes most of the world's greatest teachings.

Now that Anchen is playing one-on-two, the pressure is huge.

What's more, Taotie's body and the three-legged giant tripod are at least at the level of Dao artifacts, and Anchen's pressure is even greater.

"There's another one hiding in the dark!"

An Chen thought in his heart.

Judging from the rumored jade slips, the one who hides in the dark is the most powerful one. It was also the one who led the killing of more than 400 venerables.

Therefore, at this moment, Anchen didn't dare to do anything with all his strength. While resisting the joint attack of Li Fusheng and Fatty, he also had to spare some energy to deal with the one hiding in the dark.


Just as the three of them were in a stalemate with each other, suddenly, a piercing voice sounded.

The voice was not loud, but when the three of them were in a stalemate, the voice was very attractive.


Anchen was vigilant, knowing that the third person, that is, the strongest one, was about to sneak attack him.

"Old Wang, if you don't make a move, both of us will be finished!"

There was also a sound of cursing from the fat man's mouth.

Others didn't know this voice, but Fatty and Li Fusheng were of course very familiar with it. It was Wang Changsheng's voice.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a huge sword glow appearing in Xingyu, like a mountain peak, directly crushing Anchen.

It is the technique of Jianfeng!

The Sword Peak technique left by Venerable Jingyu to Wang Changsheng at the beginning, after Venerable Jingyu fell in the battle world, this sword peak technique can be regarded as the inheritance left by Venerable Jingyu.

Wang Changsheng beheaded Lin Jiuyuan in Xianmang Xingyu, which can be regarded as revenge for Venerable Jingyu.

Wang Changsheng didn't show his figure. With Anchen's strength, after sacrificing the Liuyin Demon Realm, it is impossible to suppress Anchen with a sword peak technique.

Anchen is powerful, even surpassing the three of them, what's more, the time for Wang Changsheng to cultivate the sword peak technique is still too short, and he can't exert the power of the sword peak technique at all.

"Mountain and River Great Seal!"

The great seal of mountains and rivers that has not been condensed by time is also crushed against An Chen. This kind of powerful seal of mountains and rivers can only cause a little trouble for An Chen.


"Eat spirits!"

After the great seal of mountains and rivers, there are two unparalleled sword lights.

These two sword lights, the epee is carrying a rolling mighty power, crushing down, while the devouring spirit is cold and weird, for the monk's soul, these two are enough to make An Chen very troublesome, not to mention, there is Li Fusheng and Fatty dragged it together.

"not enough!"

Wang Changsheng, who was hiding in the dark, said with a cold expression.

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