Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1719 Fellow Daoist, don’t run away...

With Wang Changsheng's strength, he could also have such a majestic collision between An Chen and Ge Yu, but that was with the help of the Langcang Sword. Of course, if he had time to accumulate energy, he would also have such power.

However, the Langcang Sword is a Taoist weapon, and it has the blessing of a magic weapon. The Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers needs time to gather momentum. Could it be possible for the opponent to give Wang Changsheng so much time?

And An Chen's Liuyin Demon Realm and Ge Yu's war weapon can be sacrificed at any time!

"Of course, there is also the hidden treasure in the eyes!"

Wang Changsheng believed that, apart from the Langcang sword, if he sacrificed the divine treasure in his eyes, he would definitely be able to suppress the two of them. However, after a breakthrough in cultivation, Wang Changsheng found that the divine treasure contained in his eyes was too powerful. , I'm afraid I'm going to go blind!

bang bang...

The Liuyin Demon Realm sacrificed by An Chen and Ge Yu's war weapon were still colliding with each other, and there were endless roars. However, whether it was the Liu Yin Demon Realm or Ge Yu's war weapon, their power was gradually disappearing.

"Dark Chen is going to win!"

Wang Changsheng said with a frown.

In the current situation, Wang Changsheng can tell the outcome at a glance. Of course, only Anchen's Liuyin Demon Realm is victorious, and the Liuyin Demon Realm is more mysterious. As for the life-and-death battle between Anchen and Ge Yu, who will win? No one knows until the last resort is sacrificed.


Ge Yu waved his hand directly, a roar came from his mouth, and his palms were scattered. Even the war weapon shrank, and Ge Yu held it in his hand to defend Anchen.

Anchen also dissipated from the Liuyin Demon Realm, and was offset by Ge Yu's palm to offset most of his power. If he continued to crush him, it would be difficult to cause harm to Ge Yu.

Both An Chen and Ge Yu were wrapped in black robes, and their expressions could not be seen clearly. However, from the unstable breath of the two, it could be seen that the collision between the two just now was obviously uncomfortable.

"Not bad!"

Ge Yu stopped, looked at Anchen, and there was a voice of appreciation in his mouth.

"You are also very good!"

An Chen also spoke.

An Chen took the initiative to take over Wang Changsheng's position, and it was also because An Chen saw Ge Yu's origin, and he was also the top and supreme leader of the Xiantian Realm. , Aren't you sorry for such a big battle?

The final result is undoubtedly very good. All the supreme masters present have seen the power and strength of the two, and they are definitely the pride of the top ranks.

Of course, most of the Tianjiao present have more than just their origins, and they have no intention of revealing it. Although Xianmang Xingyu is in the last three days, there is indeed not much intersection with Xiantian Realm.

"My lord will fight again!"

Ge Yu clasped his fists and said.

An Chen nodded and didn't say much.

"not good!"

Seeing An Chen and Ge Yu give up, Wang Changsheng's expression immediately changed.

Why did Ge Yu and An Chen fight?

Or was it because of Wang Changsheng, but Wang Changsheng just planned on Ge Yu, intending to draw more Tianjiao from the supreme sect to the end, but he didn't expect that he was so lucky that he directly picked the Tianjiao from the Ancient War Road? !

Now that An Chen and Ge Yu stopped fighting, Ge Yu got into two fights out of nowhere. Although it was fun, he would never forget being dragged into the water by Wang Changsheng.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Changsheng shouted something bad, he saw Ge Yu turn around and look towards him. Immediately afterwards, Ge Yu rushed towards him.

"Old Li, fat man, look at Anchen, keep an eye on him, keep in touch!"

Wang Changsheng said to Fatty and Li Fusheng who were not far away.

Immediately afterwards, looking at Ge Yu rushing over, Wang Changsheng turned around and ran away without the slightest hesitation...

Li Fusheng: "..."

Fatty: "..."

Both of them were stunned, they couldn't understand what was going on, why did An Chen and Ge Yu stop fighting, and they went to find Wang Changsheng?

Neither of them expected that this incident was caused by Wang Changsheng.

call out...

Wang Changsheng was so fast that he escaped directly from the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.

"If I knew it earlier, I should have left first and come back with a different identity!" Wang Changsheng cursed in his heart.

Wang Changsheng did not expect that the fight between Anchen and Ge Yu would stop so soon, so Wang Changsheng could only run now.

"Fellow Daoist, don't run away..."

Wang Changsheng had just escaped from the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu when he heard a faint voice behind him, it was Ge Yu's voice!

Don't run?

Hearing these two words, instead of stopping, Wang Changsheng ran even faster.

Peng strike technique!

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly sacrificed the Peng strike technique, the speed was raised to the fastest, and he directly fled away.

If An Chen hadn't appeared, Wang Changsheng wouldn't mind fighting Ge Yu, after all, Ge Yu's strength was very strong, and Wang Changsheng also wanted to fight against such a strong man.

What's more, what happened in the southwest corner just now can be regarded as Wang Changsheng tricked Ge Yu. If it wasn't for Ge Yu and An Chen's majestic confrontation, how could so many talents end up?

When escaping from the southwest corner, Wang Changsheng saw that Tianjiao had already fallen. As long as he showed his blood, Wang Changsheng believed that many supreme sects would lose Tianjiao this time.

However, after guessing An Chen's identity, Wang Changsheng focused all his attention on An Chen.

How could Wang Changsheng, the pride of the Underworld's Ancient Path, not count on it?

"So fast?"

Ge Yu, who was following Wang Changsheng, also showed doubts when he saw Wang Changsheng's body speeding up suddenly.

"never mind!"

Seeing Wang Changsheng disappearing from sight, Ge Yu had no choice but to give up.

It's not that Ge Yu can't catch up with Wang Changsheng, and a monk who can become a proud monk will not lack the speed-enhancing spells.

Rather, Ge Yu felt that with his current state, even if he caught up with Wang Changsheng and wanted to kill him, it would be impossible.

Before fighting Anchen, Ge Yu and Wang Changsheng had also fought each other. Ge Yu knew that Wang Changsheng's strength was extraordinary, and his background was even stronger than himself.

After catching up now, besides taking revenge, I also want to know Wang Changsheng's identity!

After thinking about it for a while, Ge Yu flew directly outside Xianmang Xingyu. The purpose of Ge Yu coming to Xianmang Xingyu was also to meet the arrogance of the Supreme Master of the Nine Heavens Realm and fight against Anchen. Ge Yu had already gained a lot, and the trip was worthwhile, so he didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Didn't come?"

After Wang Changsheng flew a long distance, he found that there was no figure of Ge Yu behind him, and he was relieved. Under such circumstances, Wang Changsheng really didn't want to fight Ge Yu, so as to affect himself to target An Chen.

Now that Ge Yu didn't follow, Wang Changsheng was also happy to see such a situation.

After changing his face and even his breath, Wang Changsheng's figure fled towards the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu again.


Just as Wang Changsheng escaped into the southwest corner, his expression immediately changed: "Is it so intense?"

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