Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1713 Tianjiao's end

Not to mention Tianjiao, even most of the great venerables are not qualified to use Taoist artifacts. Most of the great lords of the Supreme Master teach the projection of Dao artifacts in the middle of the teaching. Dao artifact projection can also display most of the power of Dao artifacts.

Therefore, as long as there is a Taoist instrument in the teaching, it does not matter whether there is a Taoist instrument on his body or not.

Of course, if the great venerables were evenly matched, the one with the Dao weapon on his body would obviously have the upper hand.

bang bang...

The fight between Jian Pingfan and Daoshan Tianjiao was still roaring.

At this time, Wang Changsheng, who had already run away, changed his clothes, face and breath after leaving, and returned to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu.


When Wang Changsheng saw the situation in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, he said with some surprise: "Have other Tianjiao ended?"

Originally, in the southwest corner of the entire Xianmang Xingyu, there were only three places fighting. I was fighting with Jian Pingfan, Li Fusheng was fighting with the Tianjiao of Yinhai, and Fatty was fighting with the Tianjiao of Liuguangtian.

After he left, Daoshan Tianjiao also took over his position and fought against Jian Pingfan, and the short-term agreement reached with Jian Pingfan showed that Jian Pingfan also hoped that this chaotic war would break out.

Therefore, as long as Daoshan Tianjiao does not die, Jian Pingfan will not stop, nor will he let Daoshan Tianjiao leave!

Now, Daoshan Tianjiao is still strong. Although he is not Jian Pingfan's opponent, it will be a matter of time before he is suppressed. However, without the help of other Tianjiao, it is very difficult for Daoshan Tianjiao to leave.

Li Fusheng was still fighting against Yinhai Tianjiao, but two of Yinhai Tianjiao had already ended, and Li Fusheng was completely suppressed.

This is also the reason why Li Fusheng couldn't sacrifice the three-legged giant tripod. If Li Fusheng sacrificed the three-legged giant tripod, it would be impossible for Yinhai Tianjiao to suppress Li Fusheng to such an extent!

Fatty, on the other hand, fought against Liu Guang Tian Tianjiao, the speed of both sides was extremely fast, even from Wang Changsheng's point of view, facing this kind of speed, the pressure was extremely great.

In addition to these three fights, there were actually more than a dozen Tianjiao ended. The battle broke out everywhere. Wang Changsheng took a look at it. Adding the three of them, there were almost twenty Tianjiao who fought.

"not bad!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

As long as more and more Tianjiao end, that is what Wang Changsheng wants to see.

"Kuang Sizi, 3000 years ago, you snatched my chance and ascended to the position of Tianjiao before me. This revenge should be avenged!"

"Famous Zhuanyu, I want to kill you here to avenge my junior brother!"

"Zhou Tiangong has always dominated my teaching, today, I will take the Tianjiao of Zhou Tiangong to sacrifice to heaven!"

"Although I have no enmity with you guys, isn't the purpose of everyone coming here just to compete with each other? I'm coming too!"


Many monks swearing and cursing came from their mouths. After they finished speaking, they stopped watching and chose to end the battle. Such a big scene made the blood of these supreme masters present excited.

There is no way, for the Tianjiao of the Supreme Master, the strength is in the realm of the peak of the Venerable, and he has reached the top. Except for other Tianjiao, he can no longer feel the pressure in this realm.

Therefore, although many Tianjiao haven't moved yet, seeing everyone fighting in full swing, they can't help it.

"Old Li, fat man, find a way to escape!"

Wang Changsheng said to Li Fusheng and Fatty via voice transmission.

Now more and more Tianjiao are going down, the flames of war have already ignited, there is no need for the three of Wang Changsheng to continue to put on a show, so the best way now is to get out, otherwise, if they are really involved, it will be very difficult to get out at that time!

There were also many ordinary Venerables at the peak level. At this time, not many Venerables have fallen. Once more and more fallen Venerables, or the fall of Tianjiao, the situation will escalate. At that time, it will not be Wang Changsheng. People can control it.

"it is good!"

The fat man immediately answered via voice transmission.

Fatty fought against Liu Guangtian's cultivator, both of them were very fast, Fatty couldn't do anything to Liuguangtian's Tianjiao, and Liuguangtian's Tianjiao couldn't do anything to Fatty.

Both of them can't do anything to each other, so in this situation, it is very easy for the fat man to get out.


Wang Changsheng immediately said via voice transmission: "Fatty, after you get out, find a secret place, change your breath and body shape, and then come back and stare!"

"Why are you staring?" Fatty was about to retreat, and said through voice transmission: "Now that many Tianjiao are gone, when they beat you to the death, what does it matter to us?"

What Fatty meant was just to leave. Anyway, when these Tianjiao fight, something will happen in the end. Nearly [-] Tianjiao are here, and there are [-] ordinary Venerable peak realm powerhouses.

According to Fatty's estimation, a total of [-] monks can go out in the end, which is not bad!

Therefore, the three of them didn't care about the affairs here at all, and the war they wanted to provoke was completely provoked, and the goal of the three of them had been achieved.

"If you are told to go, you can go!" Wang Changsheng said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Wang Changsheng didn't bother to explain to the fat man.

Is my purpose just to make these Tianjiao fight?

More than that!

There is no doubt about the strength of these Tianjiao, even if Wang Changsheng himself is facing up, without sacrificing Huangquan or Jiuyou City, with his own strength, Wang Changsheng can only barely suppress it.

It is very difficult to suppress Jian Pingfan.

Therefore, Wang Changsheng's idea is very simple, it has been hard to bring about the current situation, and these supreme teachers must definitely be taught a painful lesson.

Of course, relying on Wang Changsheng's own strength, it is difficult to deal with the Supreme Master, but now that these arrogances have entered the game with their own pride, can Wang Changsheng still be polite?


In terms of planning, Wang Changsheng is no match for these Tianjiao, but these Tianjiao are too proud, thinking that with their own strength, they cannot be said to be invincible in the fairy world, but there is no problem with self-protection, so many Tianjiao saw this. It is a game, and the reason why I am willing to enter the game.

Wang Changsheng's only advantage is that he can survive!

"Old Wang, I can't do it, help me, I can't get away!"

After watching the fat man escape, before he had time to pay attention to Li Fusheng's situation, he heard Li Fusheng's voice transmission.

When Wang Changsheng said to retreat, Li Fusheng didn't answer because he was held back by the Tianjiao of Yinhai.

The two Tianjiao of Yinhai ended up, two against one, Li Fusheng could only deal with the situation when he couldn't sacrifice the three-legged giant tripod. If he wanted to escape, he would be entangled by the two Tianjiao of Yinhai. , Li Fusheng could only call for help.

Otherwise, with Li Fusheng's situation, it is absolutely impossible to ask for help!

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