Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1702 Kai Defeated

The fight between Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan shocked all the monks present, even the arrogance from other supreme sects, after feeling the power of the two, their hearts were solemn.

"Strong, too strong, these two have already reached the peak of the Venerable, and if we go further, I am afraid that only the Grand Venerable can take them down!"

"That's true. The cultivation base and strength of the two are much stronger than those of ordinary Venerable peaks!"

"I'm also at the peak of the Venerable, but I'm afraid it only takes one move, and I will die!"

"It's too scary. We ordinary monks can only watch these arrogant conquests. Once we end up, we will die!"


Everyone looked at Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan who were facing each other, and their hearts were full of thoughts.

Ordinary monks looked at the two of them, in addition to being shocked, they were still shocked!

However, in the eyes of the other supreme masters, the strength of Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan is just to show their own powerful background and skills, but their trump cards have not yet been shown.

This is also the reason why Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan stopped fighting, because if they continued to fight, they would have to sacrifice their trump cards, and then they would really be fighting for their lives.

"After all, Li Jinfeng won!"

Wang Changsheng said: "By virtue of Shangyang's bloodline, Li Jinfeng's background and strength are indeed stronger than Qi Zhan!"

Li Fusheng also nodded.

Competing for background and strength, Li Jinfeng is indeed stronger, but if you really want to fight for your life, it depends on which of the two has more cards.

Qi Zhan was defeated, and his expression was not good. This battle is a battle post under Qi Zhan. Under normal circumstances, after this kind of battle post is posted, everyone's perception is that Qi Zhan is already very sure.

And what is the result now?

Qi Zhan was defeated. For Qi Zhan, his reputation would definitely be damaged. Even some of Zhou Tiangong's reputation would be damaged because of this battle.

However, Qi Zhan was not Li Jinfeng's opponent at all, and he didn't want to risk his life, Qi Zhan had no choice but to swallow this breath.

As the No. [-] pride of Zhou Tiangong, Li Jinfeng was defeated in the face of Li Jinfeng. Li Jinfeng was not the No. [-] pride of the Shangyang Royal Family, but ranked second.

The Li family of the Shangyang royal family ranked first. It is the young master of the Li family of the royal family. He has been in seclusion for many years and rarely walks outside.

"Old Wang, did you see that..."

Li Fusheng sent a voice transmission to Wang Changsheng, and Wang Changsheng followed Li Fusheng's gaze and looked to the other side.

Perhaps sensing the gazes of Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng, another monk wrapped in a black robe also looked at Wang Changsheng and Wang Changsheng. The man nodded slightly.

"How?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Li Fusheng pointed out that that person must have a special intention, otherwise, at this time, his eyes should be on the battle between Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan.

"People from the Hidden Sea!"

Li Fusheng said: "It's just that I don't know if he is the pride of Hidden Sea?!"

"Hidden sea?"

Wang Changsheng was immediately taken aback, and then withdrew his gaze.

Wang Changsheng doesn't know much about the Hidden Sea, but when fighting on that piece of land before, it was because no monks from the Hidden Sea were found that the three of them were exposed. Otherwise, the remaining hundreds of monks would definitely be killed Three people gang up and kill.

Now all the venerables of Xianmang Xingyu, including Tianjiao, are chasing and killing Wang Changsheng and the three of them. In the final analysis, it is because the hidden sea cultivator exposed his identity.

Moreover, according to what Li Fusheng said, when he was in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, it was the monk from Yinhai who exposed his identity. Otherwise, Li Fusheng is now, let alone how chic he is.

"Keep an eye on him!"

Wang Changsheng said via voice transmission.

Li Fusheng nodded and didn't answer, but he sent a voice transmission to the fat man, telling him to keep an eye on the monks in Yinhai, and when the crowd dispersed, he would follow up, and he must not let the monks in Yinhai go.

"it is good!"

The fat man also had a fierce look in his eyes, but he didn't face the monks in Yinhai, so he didn't have to worry about exposing himself.

After the three locked their targets, they continued to watch the show.

The battle between Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan had ended, and according to the current situation, there was no possibility of the two of them continuing to fight for their lives. Therefore, some of the monks who were watching around had already turned their heads and left.

These monks who left early are basically weaker monks. They just came to watch the excitement. Now that the excitement is over, they will leave early to ensure their safety.

Because it is very rare to gather so many talented monks here, when Li Jinfeng and Qi Zhan's conquest are over, there may be a chaotic war next.

"My lord will fight again!"

Qi Zhan said to Li Jinfeng in a deep voice.

After finishing speaking, Qi Zhan turned and left directly, and Li Jinfeng did not stop him. Seeing Qi Zhan leave, although Li Jinfeng's expression remained unchanged, he was also relieved.

"The first day is arrogant, the pressure is very high!"

Li Jinfeng said in his heart.

Now, except for the high-ranking powerhouses of the Li family in Shangyang, no one knows that the first arrogance of the Li family in Shangyang, that is, the young master of the Li family in Shangyang, has broken through to the realm of great venerables.

The scope of Tianjiao is within the realm of Venerable, once you break through to the realm of Dazun, no matter how old you are, you cannot be called Tianjiao anymore, because Dazun has already stood at the pinnacle of the Nine Heavens Realm!

And within the realm of the venerable, even if it is the peak of the venerable, no matter how many years you have cultivated, or how many years of precipitation and polishing, as long as you can push a strong enemy horizontally, you can be called the pride of heaven.

Therefore, some Tianjiao are only a few thousand years old, while some Tianjiao are tens of thousands of years old.

Tianjiao is just a general term for the strong within the realm of the venerable, not a fixed boundary.

After the young master of the Li family in Shangyang broke through to the Great Senior, the title of the first arrogant of the Li family in Shangyang naturally fell on Li Jinfeng. With Li Jinfeng's strength, although he was at the top among the arrogant, he wanted to push him horizontally. All powerful enemies are still somewhat stretched.

If the young master of the Li family in Shangyang hadn't made a breakthrough, he would be able to suppress Qi Zhan in at most one stick of incense time against Shang Qi Zhan.

Li Jinfeng felt a lot of pressure!

After thinking for a while, Li Jinfeng glanced at the surrounding monks, turned around and left.

Li Jinfeng appeared in Xianmang Xingyu to come for Li Fusheng, and to fight against Qi Zhan, just because Qi Zhan had made a battle invitation, otherwise, Li Jinfeng would not have wasted time.

Now that the three of Li Fusheng are hiding, Li Jinfeng can only search slowly without revealing his purpose.

After Qi Zhan and Li Jinfeng left, the monks present left one after another.


When Li Fusheng saw Tianjiao from Yinhai, he also turned and left, and immediately called Wang Changsheng and Fatty to follow.

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