Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1698 Shangyang Royal Family Li Jinfeng

"The Shangyang royal family is here..."

The few Tianjiao who felt this breath were all sighed in their hearts.

The Shangyang lineage is a big mountain pressing on the head of the Supreme Master. It does not mean that the Shangyang lineage is stronger than the Supreme School, but that the Shangyang lineage has lasted for too many eras, and the style of acting is too extreme. Barbaric, never unreasonable!

And the Li family of the Shangyang royal family is even more unreasonable!

If you want to reason with the Li family of the royal family, you can, unless the strength is too much, even if the two are evenly matched, the Li family of the royal family doesn't care at all, kill if you want, and scold if you want!

More importantly, the strength of the Shangyang lineage is indeed strong, and the strength of the Li family of the royal family is even more ridiculous!

This time, although everyone came here for Wang Changsheng and the other three, the entire Xianmang Xingyu had already become a battlefield for Tianjiao. Since the monks from the Li family of the royal family dared to come, they must not be ordinary monks.

"It's Li Jinfeng!"

"Is Li Jinfeng here?"

Feeling the aura of the Li family of the royal family passing across the sky, as long as it passed by, even Xianmang Xingyu sneered, and the masters who felt this aura, the expressions of many Tianjiao became heavy.

Even in the supreme sect, monks who can cultivate to the realm of venerables are all geniuses. However, geniuses are also graded, similar to Jian Pingfan, which is definitely the top.

And Li Jinfeng is also the top one.

Even the ordinary Tianjiao is not Li Jinfeng's opponent.

The name Li Jinfeng, although the name has a girly air, but he is a handsome young man. Of course, at Li Jinfeng's age, it is a bit far-fetched to say that he is a young man, but he is definitely the most powerful among the arrogance. Batch!

It's even better than ordinary swords!

Even if Jian Ping used the accompanying divine sword, he might not be able to defeat Li Jinfeng!

The arrival of Li Jinfeng spread throughout the entire Xianmang Xingyu in a short time. Many ordinary monks from the Supreme Sect had never heard of this arrogant of the Shangyang royal family, but for the arrogance of the various Supreme Sects, As far as it is concerned, it is not familiar at all.

"500 years ago, a genius in Zhou Tiangong was defeated by Li Jinfeng with only three tricks!"

This news was circulated among Tianjiao, but after Li Jinfeng appeared in Xianmang Xingyu, this news spread like wildfire. Everyone knew that this news must have come from the hostile forces of Zhou Tiangong, because This can hit Zhou Tiangong's momentum.

In the confrontation between the supreme masters, they are calculating each other all the time!

"Li Jinfeng?"

When Wang Changsheng heard the news, he also put down his glass and listened seriously.

Regardless of the fact that Wang Changsheng has the blood of the Li family of the Shangyang royal family, and he also has the young master order of the Li family, but Wang Changsheng really knows too little about the Shangyang lineage of the Nine Heavens Realm.

Wang Changsheng had never heard of the name Li Jinfeng. However, if the rumors were true and he could defeat Tianjiao of Zhou Tiangong with three moves, then Li Jinfeng's strength was indeed much higher than that of ordinary Tianjiao.

Also at the peak state of the Venerable, Wang Changsheng thought that if he didn't use Huangquan, he would definitely not be Li Jinfeng's opponent.

Compared with these monks in the Nine Heavens Realm, Wang Changsheng is still too immature.

Compared with experience, Wang Changsheng is far inferior!

Compared with knowledge, Wang Changsheng is far behind!

Much younger than his age!

The only advantage is that Wang Changsheng has practiced the ancient method, and the foundation of the ancient method is definitely not comparable to the magic method of Jindan Dao. Among the same level, Wang Changsheng's foundation and accumulation are not inferior to anyone, and even surpassed it. Not a lot.

"Tianjiao of Zhou Tiangong has already spoken. After three months, at the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, we will make an appointment to fight Li Jinfeng!"

"This news has been confirmed, it came from the Heaven's Chosen of the Evil Fire Sect!"

"It has indeed been confirmed that I belong to Zhou Tiangong. Senior brother will make an appointment with Li Jinfeng in three months' time to show off my Zhou Tiangong's majesty!"


Everyone started talking, especially when they looked at the monk who claimed to be Zhou Tiangong, he didn't show any strange expressions.

All the monks in Xianmang Xingyu are from the Supreme Sect, so it is not surprising that there are monks from Zhou Tiangong in this restaurant.

However, Tianjiao Zhou Tianjiao's appointment with Li Jinfeng, for many monks, showed a look of expectation, but they can only look forward to it, and just listen to the result when the time comes.

As for watching?

I'm sorry, Xianmang Xingyu is too dangerous at this moment, let alone ordinary monks, even monks at the peak of the Venerable, as long as they are not Tianjiao, or accompanied by Tianjiao, they dare not enter Xianmang Xingyu rashly Xingyu.

The monks at the peak of the Venerable are indeed very strong, but they have to divide their opponents. Didn’t you see that many years ago, when Wang Changsheng and the other three gangsters killed the monks of the Supreme University, was it as easy to kill a strong man at the peak of the Venerable as killing a dog?

"You can go and have a look!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

It is not yet known when Li Fusheng and Fatty will be able to end their retreat, but Wang Changsheng believes that by the time Li Fusheng and Fatty finish their retreat, they must have reached the peak state of the Venerable.

"I hope they have time!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

This kind of confrontation between the top geniuses of the supreme teaching must be very attractive to monks of the same level. Even ordinary monks in the realm of venerables are afraid of entering Xingyu at this time, but once the day of the duel is approaching, There are definitely many ordinary monks going there.

If you can comprehend every move and a half in this kind of top Tianjiao battle, maybe you will have the opportunity to step into Tianjiao, even if you can't become a top Tianjiao, become an ordinary Tianjiao monk, enjoy the treatment and resources. Same.

Xianmang Xingyu is getting more and more lively. This kind of excitement is like a grand gathering of the Supreme Great Sect in the Nine Heavens Realm. However, those who are qualified to participate in this grand event are all the arrogance of the Supreme Great Sect.

The origin of this grand event has something to do with Wang Changsheng. However, it has not much to do with Wang Changsheng and the three of them. So many geniuses came here, and it also meant to compete with other geniuses.

Of course, if you meet a hostile Tianjiao, it would be a good thing if you can kill the opponent, and the Jedi will be rewarded when you return to the religion.

"It always feels like things are not easy!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

There is a reason why Wang Changsheng felt that it was not easy. The things he caused were not big or small, but they definitely would not cause so many arrogances of the supreme teaching to take action.

It was also because the Nine Heavens Realm had been too peaceful these years, and these supreme masters didn't have many chances to make a move. Just taking advantage of this incident, everyone gathered in Xianmang Xingyu.

At least half of Tianjiao didn't come for Wang Changsheng and the others.

With so many great teachings involved, the game in it is simply not something that Wang Changsheng can participate in, even if Wang Changsheng becomes a mountain patroller!

Three months is very short for a monk, and it is often just a breath adjustment. Three months passed. Wang Changsheng saw that the time was approaching, and Li Fusheng and Fatty hadn't woken up yet, so he was going to go directly to Xianmang Star Yu southwest corner.

The southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu is the place where Li Fusheng and Fatty once fought.

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