Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1689 Jian Pingfan's Advice

Jian Pingfan was indeed taken aback by the price quoted by Wang Changsheng, 1 Xianmang?

Calculated according to the price of quasi-dao artifacts, these 1 immortal awns can at least be exchanged for thousands of quasi-dao artifacts. Although the price of immortal awns is so valuable, in the Nine Heavens Realm, quasi-dao artifacts are more popular .

That is to say, in Xianmang Xingyu, everyone came here for the help of Xianmang's cultivation, not to mention that the monks of the Supreme Teaching still have some family background, which is why they can hold the price of Xianmang so high.

With one mouthful, one can see Jian's ordinary attitude at the moment.

Fortunately, Wang Changsheng's reaction was not slow, what's more, when quoting this price, Wang Changsheng was also guarding against Jian Pingfan's overreaction.

Seeing the drink sprayed out, Wang Changsheng waved his hand directly, and a beam of true energy was spread in front, blocking the drink sprayed out by Jian Pingfan, otherwise, Jian Pingfan's spray could spray Wang Changsheng's face.


Seeing his disrespectful actions, Jian Pingfan also reacted, and immediately apologized to Wang Changsheng.

As the young master of the supreme religion, if the news spread, Jian Pingfan would lose all face and lose his reputation if he did something like spray wine on the other party!

"Wang Daoyou, I'm really sorry, I was just intimidated by your price!" Jian Pingfan said truthfully.

"No problem!"

Wang Changsheng said calmly.

Anyway, he had been prepared for a long time, and the drink that Jian Pingfan sprayed out did not spray on Wang Changsheng.

"Wang Daoyou..." Jian Pingfan sorted out his emotions, and then said, "This price is outrageous!"

"Tianjian Mountain sold the Jianmu in your hand to enter Taoism, and it only took eight thousand immortal lights..."

"Now, Daoyou Wang, you are asking for 1 immortal awns. There is no need to go back and report this price. I can reject you directly!"

Jian Pingfan directly expressed his attitude.

If Wang Changsheng's fairy lights were within hundreds or thousands of ranges, Jian Pingfan could make the decision on the spot, and it would be a good relationship. If the deal reached three or four thousand fairy lights, Jian Pingfan would have to go back and report.

As for the 1 immortal awns, under the circumstances that Tianjian Mountain has already obtained Jianmu's entry into Taoism, this transaction is impossible to succeed.

Wang Changsheng didn't answer, but drank a glass of wine, and then slowly filled it up for himself.

Xianmang must be obtained. Even if the deal with Tianjian Mountain fails today, Wang Changsheng will think of his way as soon as possible to get Xianmang together.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng did not speak, Jian Pingfan also remained silent. As far as the price Wang Changsheng called out, Tianjian Mountain would definitely not accept it.

Because Jian Pingfan knows that with the aptitude of those strong men in Tianjian Mountain, it will not take much time to fully digest the contents of the jade slips. Whether the content of Jianmu Taoism will be spread or not has little to do with Tianjian Mountain up.

Because by that time, Tianjian Mountain has already walked in front of all the supreme great religions.

"Friends of Sword Dao..."

After Wang Changsheng thought for a while, he said, "When I gave you the jade slips last time, I forgot some inner cylinders and didn't burn them in. Now I remember..."

After some thought, Wang Changsheng still felt that it was necessary to facilitate the deal with Tianjian Mountain. For this reason, even if he kept a hand before exposing himself, it didn't matter at all, because the cooperation with Tianjian Mountain, at least up to now, is still relatively weak. Successful.

What's more, Wang Changsheng didn't dare to take the risk of contacting other supreme teachings.

The more supreme masters who know Wang Changsheng's identity, the more dangerous Wang Changsheng is. He has not yet become a mountain patroller, and Wang Changsheng lacks an identity to protect him.

Jian Pingfan: "..."

The wine glass that Jian Pingfan held was directly hanging in the air, and he looked at Wang Changsheng calmly.

Jian Pingfan's reaction was not as angry as Wang Changsheng thought, but very calm.

During the transaction with Wang Changsheng, Jian Pingfan knew this result, because the opportunity of Jianmu's entry into Taoism was always in Wang Changsheng's hands, how many opportunities he got, didn't he let Wang Changsheng have the final say?

Tianjianshan knew about such a thing, and the reason why it didn't bother Wang Changsheng was because what Wang Changsheng presented was indeed helpful to the strong men of Tianjianshan.

However, Jian Pingfan did not expect that Wang Changsheng would use such a thing to plot against Tianjian Mountain again for the sake of Xianmang? !

"Fellow Daoist Wang, I advise you not to do this..."

Jian Pingfan said: "The current situation is that you have obtained Xianmang, and the strong people in Tianjian Mountain have gained, and everyone is happy!"

"As long as the content you sell to other Supreme Masters is the same as the content you sell to Tianjian Mountain, no one will trouble you!"

Jian Pingfan was vaguely suggesting and advising Wang Changsheng.

Anyway, when Jianmu entered Taoism, how many opportunities Wang Changsheng got, only Wang Changsheng himself knows, and the opportunity to sell Jianmu to enter Taoism next is the same as that of Tianjian Mountain, and no one will say anything.

Tianjianshan would also pretend to be stupid, and would not trouble Wang Changsheng with this kind of problem.

Jian Pingfan mentioning Wang Changsheng in this way is because Wang Changsheng can be regarded as a person who can be friends with, at least, not worse than his Jian Pingfan, otherwise, Jian Pingfan would not mention Wang Changsheng.

"I know!"

Wang Changsheng said: "But, my friend needs Xianmang!"

"Xianmang can be captured slowly..." Jian Pingfan continued: "But, there is only one life!"

Jian Pingfan knew that Wang Changsheng had the blood of the Shangyang royal family, and also knew that Li Fusheng also had the blood of the Shangyang royal family, but if he really offended Tianjian Mountain to death, even the Li family of the royal family would not be able to keep the two of them.

Unless, Wang Changsheng and Li Fusheng stayed at Li's house and did not come out.

"In exchange for Xianmang, it is also to improve your cultivation and save your life!" Wang Changsheng said affirmatively.

Now that he has made a decision to offend Tianjian Mountain, Wang Changsheng will not consider other things. However, Wang Changsheng is still very grateful for Jian Pingfan's point.

"I'll help you deal with it!"

Jian Pingfan said: "As for whether this matter can be accomplished, I don't know!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Afterwards, Jian Pingfan didn't stay any longer, and left Xianmang Xingyu directly.

The matter is of great importance, not only the opportunity for Jianmu to enter Taoism that Tianjianshan wants, but also Tianjianshan's attitude towards Wang Changsheng. To be honest, Jian Pingfan does not want to be an enemy of Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, Jian Pingfan plans to go back to Tianjian Mountain in person. With Jian Pingfan's status, he is enough to attend the high-level meeting of Tianjian Mountain.

After Jian Pingfan left, Wang Changsheng did not relax. Whether this matter is successful or not depends on Tianjian Mountain. However, Wang Changsheng cannot wait for Tianjian Mountain forever.

Wang Changsheng was also thinking in his mind, if Tianjianshan rejected his deal, he would have to find another Supreme Master to deal with, for the sake of Xianmang, Wang Changsheng couldn't care less about other things.

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