Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1676 Li Zefeng

The other supreme monks who were stopped by the monks of the Hidden Sea, after seeing Wang Changsheng and the others suppress more than 300 monks, no one had the desire to continue chasing them.

Although there are more than 400 of them in number, more than 100 more than the previous batch, but in terms of overall strength, they are quite inferior. Even those 300 people were murdered by Wang Changsheng and the others. It is useless to go up, but it will be life-threatening.

After everyone dispersed, the matter of Wang Changsheng and the others spread throughout the entire Xianmang Xingyu.

The occurrence of such a big event was a huge shock to the entire Xianmang Xingyu.

In Xianmang Xingyu in the past, there were also monks fighting, but it was very rare for so many monks to die at once. After all, everyone came from the supreme religion, and they didn't see each other when they looked up. Even if they didn't know each other, there was at least one familiar face. .

The most important point is that no one is brave enough to kill so many monks of the Supreme Cult at once, and these monks of the Supreme Cult come from different Supreme Cults.

It is equivalent to the three of Wang Changsheng who offended dozens of supreme sects at once.

The only thing that is beneficial to the three of them is that although the incident this time is a big mess, not many monks know the true origin of the three of them.

Even if Li Fusheng and Fatty are traced, they can only be traced to the Qingshan Gate, because the three of them are all from the next three days!

On the contrary, Li Fusheng revealed the real body of Huofeng, and the Shangyang lineage would definitely be implicated.

After such a thing happened, many monks left Xianmang Xingyu directly and returned to the sect to report.

However, in just a few days, there were quite a few powerhouses of the supreme sect gathered outside Xianmang Xingyu, and outside the formation of Xianmang Xingyu, at least dozens of great venerables gathered.

"Open the formation, let's go in and capture those three directly!"

"No, after all, half of this formation is an innate formation. Unless all the supreme masters who participated in the formation at that time participated in it, it would be impossible to open it!"

"Chen old ghost, your apprentice died inside, are you not in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, I have thousands of apprentices, and it doesn't hurt to die, it only shows that his life is bad!"


The great masters standing outside Xianmang Xingyu all know each other, even if they are not familiar with each other, at least one face is familiar. All the supreme masters are the same, and they are all similar to the strongmen sent by the same event.

Just like the great lords who appeared outside Xianmang Xingyu this time, almost all of them are in the late stage of the great lord, and there are several monks in the middle stage of the great lord.

Originally, the death of a few disciples of the Supreme Sect was not a big deal for the Supreme Sect. The biggest reason why the Supreme Sect sent out the powerful late-stage masters was still related to the Shangyang lineage.

If you send a great master who is strong in the early stage, the right to speak is not enough, but once you send a one-word titled master, then in terms of the status of a one-word titled master, every word and deed represents the attitude of the supreme master.

Could it be that after the death of a few disciples, is it necessary to fight with Shangyang?

Dazun's late stage is the most suitable!


Just as the great lords were still arguing, a neighing sound appeared directly outside Xianmang Xingyu. With the sound of neighing, the expressions of the great lords present immediately changed.

They are not very familiar with such a voice, but they are definitely not unfamiliar.

The Shangyang lineage, the Li family of the royal family!

The fiery breath began to spread, and a fiery red figure with wings spread out was at least several thousand feet long. If it was in other places, such a huge figure could only be described as covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

But in Xingyu, such a body shape doesn't look like anything.

However, the aura emanating from this figure made all the monks present look ugly.

"It's him? Why is he here?"

"This old guy, what is he doing here?"

"Could it be... that member of the Li family in Xianmang Xingyu is his immediate family?"

"Are you kidding? With this name, even if it is a direct relative, it is not worth his hands..."

"This old guy, didn't he bury himself?"


Seeing the figure coming from Shangyang Li's family, the grand lord present became unnatural, cursing in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest expression on his face.

Especially when this monk from the Li family in Shangyang showed his figure and approached, the great masters present all saluted respectfully.

"I've seen Senior Li..."

"I've seen Senior Zefeng!"

"Senior Li, I haven't seen you for many years!"


The great elders present all greeted this Shangyang Li family monk with respectful expressions. Of course, only they knew what attitude they had in their hearts.

Even Hu Zun, who was hidden in the void, showed his figure when he saw this figure, and he clasped his fists and saluted.

All the elders present were very respectful to this man. Although the rest of the monks did not know the origin of this monk from the Shangyang Li family, they did not dare to make the slightest mistake and saluted respectfully.

Li Zefeng!

The Great Elder of the Li family in Shangyang!

Many venerables don't know that this name is normal, even some great venerables have never heard of this name, but for the great venerables of the Supreme Teaching, this name is not unfamiliar at all.

Thousands of years ago, the Great Elder of the Shangyang Li family was already in the realm of a one-word titled great venerable, and, with the power of the blood of the Shangyang Li family, even among the one-word titled great venerables, The most top existence.

Li Zefeng's reputation is not because he is the elder of the Li family in Shangyang, but because Li Zefeng had a direct descendant who died at the hands of the evil fire sect.

As a result, Li Zefeng broke into the Xiehuo Sect alone, and left calmly after beheading several great lords. Moreover, one of the beheaded lords of the Xiehuo Sect was also a one-word titled Dazun.

From then on, the Evil Fire Sect didn't want to provoke the Shangyang Li family anymore, and the natural restraint was very uncomfortable for the Evil Fire Sect.

However, according to everyone's understanding, the great elder of the Li family in Shangyang, his blood was about to dry up many years ago. There are many rumors of the supreme sect that he was a dark wound left by the evil fire sect alone.

After all, the Xiehuo Cult is the supreme religion, it is already good that Li Zefeng can leave alive...

Of course, this is just speculation!

Therefore, Li Zefeng buried himself, intending to become one of the heritage of the Li family in Shangyang.

However, now that Li Zefeng appeared here, all the monks present understood one thing. The rumors about Li Zefeng these years are all rumors!

Powerful and tyrannical, the power of the blood is surging, and there is no sign of exhaustion at all.

The other great masters sent by the supreme masters are at most powerful late stage masters, how can they compare with Li Zefeng?

Thousands of years ago, Li Zefeng was able to kill the existence of the one-word titled lord. Now thousands of years have passed, even if Li Zefeng has not improved, it is not comparable to the presence of these lords.

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