Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1666 I Have a Plan

The speed of the three was extremely fast, but there were still many monks who were not thrown away by the three. After all, there were quite a few strong people at the peak of the Venerable. No matter how fast Wang Changsheng and the three were, the gap could not be too big.

Therefore, there are quite a few monks following the three of them, all of whom are powerful at the peak of the Venerable, and the few monks who follow the closest are as fast as a streamer, and they are the monks of Liu Guangtian!

"How are they so fast?"

Liu Guangtian, a cultivator at the peak of Venerable Realm, looked at the backs of Wang Changsheng and the three of them, and said cursingly, "I can understand Li Fusheng's speed, after all, he belongs to the Shangyang royal family!"

"The speed of Huofeng's real body is not inferior to our Liuguang, but why are the other two so fast?"

Wang Changsheng's speed is fast, and it can be justified, because Wang Changsheng's cultivation base is not weak, and he is a strong man at the peak of the Venerable, but what about the fat man?

The fat man's figure, when he ran away, was like a round ball, and his cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Venerable, so why was his speed the fastest?

"Old King, what should we do next?"

Li Fusheng asked via voice transmission.

Before Wang Changsheng could answer, Fatty said via voice transmission: "What else can I do? Run for your life first!"

Fatty believed that saving one's life was the most important thing, no matter what thoughts one had, with Eight Hundred Venerables behind him, even if the three of them were desperate, they were not opponents, and had to run for their lives to protect themselves.

Let's talk about it first!

"Don't listen to Fatty!" Wang Changsheng immediately said, "I have a plan!"

Speaking of this, Wang Changsheng also had a sneer on his face.

Don't look at the [-] venerables chasing after him, but Wang Changsheng doesn't pay much attention to none of them including Jian Ping's kind of arrogance.

Wang Changsheng's cultivation had already reached the peak of the Venerable, and with his knowledge of longevity skills and Huang Quan, Wang Changsheng was sure to kill any monk who was at the peak of the Venerable.

It's just because there are [-] venerables behind him, and the combined power is definitely not something Wang Changsheng can compete with, so he can only temporarily avoid the edge!

As for Wang Changsheng's plan...

"I have been trapped in the city for so many years..." Wang Changsheng said with a sneer, "This revenge must be avenged!"

Wang Changsheng is not a gentleman, he even has a dark belly. Being trapped in the city by these monks for so many years, if he doesn't take revenge, it is completely out of Wang Changsheng's character.

"what's the plan?"

Li Fusheng immediately asked.

Wang Changsheng said via voice transmission: "They go together, we are definitely not opponents, but... we can trap and kill!"


Fatty immediately said via voice transmission: "Stop joking, okay, there are eight hundred venerables following behind, how do you trap and kill them?"

It wasn't that the fat man didn't have confidence, but that the fat man felt that with the speed of the three of them, they could definitely escape, so why did he still have to fight these people to death?

Li Fusheng did not express any opinions. Out of trust in Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng felt that this plan was feasible, and Li Fusheng was willing to give it a go!

Immediately afterwards, Wang Changsheng explained his plan.

In fact, this plan is very simple, and there is no need for any tricks, because the eight hundred venerables following behind are definitely not fools, and tricks don't work at all.

Instead, he ran for his life while attacking and killing the approaching monks.

The speed of the three is extremely fast, and there are only dozens of monks who can not be thrown away by the three of them. As long as they seize the opportunity, the three of the dozens of monks will definitely have a chance to strike.

"Not reliable!"

As soon as Wang Changsheng finished speaking, the fat man immediately said: "Old Wang, think about it clearly, there are as many as eight hundred venerables behind you, not eighty, let alone eight..."

Li Fusheng also said at this time: "Actually, it's not impossible..."

Fatty opposed Wang Changsheng's plan, but Li Fusheng felt that Wang Changsheng's plan was feasible.

This plan is very simple, it is not a plan at all, it is just adapting to the situation, as long as there is a chance to kill the monk, the three of them will attack together, even if it is a strong person at the peak of the Venerable, it is impossible to stop the three of them from joining forces.

"There is a chance!"

Wang Changsheng replied.

"Crazy, both of you are crazy..." Fatty said at this time through voice transmission: "You are going crazy, I will not accompany you, I will run for my life first, if you can survive, I will come to you again !"

"If you are dead... don't worry, I will come to this Xingyu to burn some paper for you during the holidays!"

Li Fusheng: "..."

Wang Changsheng: "..."

The two looked at each other with half smiles on their faces.

"Fatty..." Li Fusheng immediately said via voice transmission: "Just now you didn't understand what Old Wang meant, but you dared to attack hundreds of monks. Why are you being cowardly now?"

When Li Fusheng and Wang Changsheng turned around and ran away, Fatty was really ready to do something, but now?The fat man was only concerned with running for his life, and he didn't care whether the plan would succeed or not.

"I was cowardly, what's wrong?" Fatty said immediately, "Is it wrong to be cowardly?"

Cowardly, that's right, the fat man has come here for so many years, and the dog is king!

Seeing Fatty's resolute attitude, Wang Changsheng frowned. Because of this plan, Fatty can play a very important role. The devouring property of the Taotie method can quickly kill the captured monks.

"Fatty..." After some thought, Wang Changsheng said, "Do you know Xianmang?"

"I know!" Fatty said angrily when he heard Xianmang, "If Lao Li didn't want to get that Xianmang back then, we wouldn't have come to this point!"

The whole incident of Li Fusheng and Fatty being in danger, in the final analysis, was all because of Xianmang.

What's more, it was precisely because of that time that the fat man could be regarded as a real cheater.

"It's all Lao Li's fault!" said the fat man.

"You can't blame Lao Li..." Wang Changsheng immediately said: "If you have experienced the pleasure of cultivation brought by the fairy light, you will definitely be infatuated with that feeling!"

The fat man turned his head, looked at Wang Changsheng with a strange expression, and said, "I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence..."

"What do you mean?" Wang Changsheng didn't quite understand what Fatty meant.

drive?What to drive?carriage?

"Hometown dialect!" said the fat man.

Hearing that Fatty said it was his hometown dialect, Wang Changsheng didn't ask any more questions. After all, he had known Fatty for so long, and Wang Changsheng also knew that Fatty would pop out some incomprehensible words from time to time, which Fatty called him his hometown dialect.

"Old Wang..." The fat man paused and said, "Is that fairy glow really as magical as you said?"


Wang Changsheng nodded and said: "For the Venerable, Xianmang is simply a great tonic for cultivation!"

"The ability to cultivate to the peak of the Venerable so quickly is entirely due to the power of Xianmang!"

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