At this moment, in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, not to mention the crowds, but there is not much difference. You can see groups of monks from a distance, most of them are in the middle stage of the Venerable, and there are also many in the early stage of the Venerable.

Of course, there are also some strong ones who are at the peak of the Venerable.

The purpose of these people coming to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu is very simple. It is to find Li Fusheng and Fatty. Li Fusheng and Fatty have caused such a big commotion in Xianmang Starfield. Definitely a big improvement.

The matter between Li Fusheng and the fat man was not just because the fat man swallowed the monk in one gulp, but whether the innate lineage joined hands with the monster clan, this is the key to the whole matter.

However, after searching for so long in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, he almost turned over the entire Xianmang Xingyu, and still did not see Li Fusheng and Fatty.

As everyone knows, at this moment Li Fusheng and Fatty are interspersed among these monks, and from time to time they even go up to strike up a conversation with other monks from the supreme religion.

"Fellow Daoist, do you want pills?"

Seeing another group of monks, Li Fusheng immediately went up to greet him, and said, "I have all kinds of elixir here, for healing, for filling, and for special effects..."

Another team of monks, a total of three people, two late-stage venerables, one at the peak of the venerable, when they saw Li Fusheng coming back from the mountain, they immediately showed a look of vigilance, and turned to see Li Fusheng selling pills to themselves, be on guard The color fades slightly.

The main reason is that they also saw clearly that Li Fusheng's cultivation was only in the mid-term realm of the Venerable. In their eyes, he was no different from an ant, and he did not pose any threat at all.

As for the fat man who was following Li Fusheng, he was only in the early stage of the Venerable, and he was even less threatening.

"Need not!"

The leading cultivator of the Venerable Peak Realm said: "We come from the Tao of Pills, do you think we need to buy your elixir?"

The monk at the peak of the Venerable showed a look of disdain.

Alchemy Dao's art of refining alchemy is very famous in the entire Nine Heavens Realm. In addition to Dan Qi Dao, although there are some alchemy masters, the resources and system of Dan Qi Dao are definitely the most mature of.

For the three monks of the Dao of Pills, Li Fusheng is just a monk in the middle stage of the Venerable, so what good medicine can he come up with?

Li Fusheng also smiled awkwardly, then turned and left with the fat man.

Of course, in the eyes of the three monks of the alchemy way, Li Fusheng and Fatty just left in despair, selling pills to the monks of the way of alchemy?Isn't this challenging their Dan Qi Dao profession with your own face?

Watching the three alchemy masters walking away, the fat man asked Li Fusheng through voice transmission at this time: "Old Li, aren't you afraid of revealing your identity if you make such a publicity?"

Li Fusheng glanced at the fat man with an inexplicable look on his face, and in the end he sighed quietly.

"Fatty, I think you are really far behind that bitch Wang Changsheng..."

Li Fusheng continued to say through voice transmission: "If Lao Wang is here, he must understand why I did this..."

Li Fusheng suddenly felt that he missed Wang Changsheng a little bit. Of course, Li Fusheng's miss was only because of Wang Changsheng's appetite for him.

As for the fat man...

Li Fusheng felt that Fatty's cultivation aptitude was good, and he also practiced the Taotie method. He was indeed very powerful, and his current strength was no worse than his own. However, Fatty's calculations were not at the same level as Wang Changsheng's.


Is Li Fusheng afraid of being exposed?Of course I'm afraid!

However, now that Li Fusheng has hidden his Shangyang bloodline, it will not be exposed at all. After killing the Venerable mid-stage monk, no one knew the aura of the two of them.

The two of them were originally in the Immortal Mang Xingyu, and they didn't have any acquaintances. If these monks really got together, they would definitely be exposed if they didn't know anyone.

And now?

Using this method, Li Fusheng has met many monks face to face, and at least he has become acquainted with each other. Not to mention anything else, when the time comes to gather together, the two of them don't have to worry about being exposed.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Li Fusheng can completely conceal the aura of his Shangyang lineage, which Li Fusheng has done very well.

Li Fusheng didn't explain too much to Fatty. Li Fusheng is also a very proud person. Over the years, Wang Changsheng is the only friend he has made sincerity. As for Fatty...

Li Fusheng just didn't guard against fat people now, he didn't really accept fat people at all.

The two of them are walking together, and they are just traveling through the Nine Heavens Realm together.

"Practice the art of concealment well, and pay attention to concealing your breath at all times!" Li Fusheng said through voice transmission.

The fat man nodded.

When Li Fusheng passed the technique of concealment to Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng had mastered it completely within a short time, but what about Fatty?It took so long, but it was just getting started, and it couldn't stand the prying eyes of other strong men.

From this point, it can be seen that Wang Changsheng's understanding is higher than Fatty's, and Fatty's ability to grow to this level is only because of the Taotie method.

Li Fusheng's guess was not wrong at all. When more and more monks gathered in the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu, the entire Xianmang Xingyu was overturned, and Li Fusheng and Fatty were not found.

In the end, the monks who came to the southwest corner of Xianmang Xingyu all gathered together.

"We should have left..."

The fat man said to Li Fusheng via voice transmission.

Fatty didn't understand, these strong men came for the two of them, obviously there were many opportunities to escape from the southwest corner, why didn't Li Fusheng leave?

Fatty directly asked his doubts. Fatty, who had received a good nine-year compulsory education, deeply understood that facing the situation before him, Gou was the best choice.

However, Li Fusheng actually said that wealth comes from danger?

The fat man was puzzled, did he encounter the plots in those books?In the end, Fatty still followed Li Fusheng and did not leave the southwest corner. Instead, he followed when everyone gathered.

"Three fellow Taoists who have seen the Dao of Pill Artifacts!"

After Li Fusheng approached, he immediately cupped his fists and saluted the three monks.

Afterwards, Li Fusheng said to another group of monks: "Fellow Taoists of Zhou Tiangong, long time no see!"

"It turned out to be a Taoist friend of the Vicious Sect..."

"I've met fellow daoist Liu Guangtian, the last time I said goodbye, the speed of fellow daoist really opened my eyes!"


Li Fusheng seemed to be acquainted, and when he saw the monks around him, he kept saying hello.

Under such a situation, the monks who were greeted by Li Fusheng nodded and smiled when they saw Li Fusheng was so polite, even if the deal was not completed at the beginning.

The monks who can enter Xianmang Xingyu are all from the supreme religion, even if they don't know each other, they still have to give face when they nod their acquaintances.

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