Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1636 Tianjian Mountain


Just as Wang Changsheng was about to step out of the restaurant, he heard a crisp voice. The voice sounded very nice and charming, but Wang Changsheng didn't think that the voice would be kind!

Looking back at the person who made the sound, it was a woman. Judging from her appearance, she should be a young woman, but from the woman's dressing and dressing, it can be seen that this woman is already married.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

The woman who spoke was sitting at the table. Wang Changsheng could only feel the initial state of the venerable. This woman's initial state of the venerable was forcibly pulled up by the strong and then cultivated with resources, and the foundation was not solid enough.

Wang Changsheng could suppress such a monk with a single slap.

However, Wang Changsheng didn't do anything, because it is forbidden to do anything in the city, and besides the woman, there are two monks sitting like guards.

The strength of the two guards is very strong, even in the entire Xianmang Xingyu, they are the top existences.

Venerable peak realm!

A woman at the early stage of the Venerable is protected by two strong men at the peak of the Venerable. It is conceivable that this woman's background is definitely not simple.

From this woman, Wang Changsheng felt a familiar aura, but Wang Changsheng could be sure that he had never seen this woman before.

"The breath of the monks of the Zhang family!"

Wang Changsheng said firmly in his heart.

The Zhang family is just a first-class family and cannot enter Xianmang Xingyu. Even if it is the auction square, it only appears in the form of an altar. If it is a monk of the Zhang family, it should not be eligible to enter Xianmang Xingyu.

"Introduce yourself..."

The woman stood up, looked at Wang Changsheng and said calmly, "Zhang Wan'er, from Tianjian Mountain!"

"Sky Sword Mountain?"

Hearing the name Tianjian Mountain, Wang Changsheng frowned immediately.

Originally, Wang Changsheng thought that this woman should be a monk of the Zhang family, but she just entered Xianmang Xingyu through the way of the Supreme Master, but now it seems that it is not...

Moreover, judging from the woman's self-reported family background, she didn't come here for the fairy light and magic weapon.

Tianjian Mountain, Wang Changsheng knew, was a supreme sect that dominated Xingyu, and most of the monks in Tianjian Mountain were sword cultivators, so Tianjian Mountain was also extremely powerful.

The strength of a sword cultivator is one point higher than that of ordinary monks at the same level.

As for the other news about Tianjian Mountain, Wang Changsheng is not very clear. After all, Wang Changsheng has been in the Nine Heavens Realm for too little time. If his second uncle hadn't brought him with him, Wang Changsheng would never have come into contact with these supreme teachings.

After all, Wang Changsheng's cultivation was nothing more than an ordinary monk.

"Zhang Daoyou, Mr. Wang asked himself that he didn't offend Tianjian Mountain. I don't know what Zhang Daoyou meant when he called Wang to stop?" Wang Changsheng asked.

The woman laughed when she heard Wang Changsheng's words, but the laughter was very cold.

It was so cold that Wang Changsheng felt a chill down his back.

"Although I come from Tianjian Mountain, my surname is Zhang!"

Zhang Wan'er said: "The Zhang family in Zhanjie is my family!"

"Are you from the Zhang family in the war world?" Wang Changsheng asked.

Zhang Wan'er nodded.

Seeing Zhang Wan'er nodding, Wang Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief. The woman who stopped him must have been full of malice, and since he didn't offend Tianjian Mountain, Zhang Wan'er came from the Zhang family, so it made sense.

Moreover, the aura that Wang Changsheng felt from Zhang Wan'er was also the aura of the Zhang family in the war world.

"Hands are not allowed here!" Wang Changsheng said directly.

"I know!" Zhang Wan'er said, "So, I have been waiting for you, and I didn't make a move..."

The so-called shot was of course not Zhang Waner's shot, but the guards of Zhang Waner's two venerable peak realms.

Wang Changsheng nodded. Now that Zhang Wan'er was confirmed to be from the Zhang family, there was nothing more to say. After Wang Changsheng came to the Nine Heavens Realm, he did not form a feud with several forces, and the Zhanjie Zhang family happened to be one of them.

After killing the young master of the Zhang family, there is no possibility of reconciliation for this enmity.

"The Zhanjie Zhang family is very annoying!"

Wang Changsheng said with some annoyance in his heart.

After coming to bring Xianmang Xingyu, Wang Changsheng wrapped himself in a black robe like his second uncle, and his aura was also concealed, but he didn't hide his cultivation. This method was of no use to the Zhang family.

The Zhang family's sensing ability is too strong, it has been hidden to this extent, and was discovered by the monks of the Zhang family.

Fortunately, Zhang Wan'er and Wang Changsheng only recognized each other's identities, and Zhang Wan'er did not reveal Wang Changsheng's origin.

Otherwise, things will get bigger.

What happened in the ruins of the Three Immortals back then caused too much commotion. Building a tree to enter the Tao is a very big matter for the entire Nine Heavens Realm. You must know that in the era of the Golden Core Avenue, no one can enter the Tao.

When Wang Changsheng entered Taoism, he sat under Jianmu's body and practiced. Now the supreme masters in the entire Nine Heavens Realm want to arrest Wang Changsheng and inquire about Jianmu's entry into Taoism.

Zhang Wan'er didn't tell Wang Changsheng's origin, which can be regarded as saving Wang Changsheng a big trouble.

For Zhang Wan'er's thoughts, Wang Changsheng could understand that it must be the Zhang family in the war world who wanted to know Jianmu's secret.

Among them, there must be the reason of Tianjian Mountain, but I don't know how far Tianjian Mountain has been involved.


Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

After thinking for a while, Wang Changsheng walked out of the restaurant, but he did not leave the city, and Zhang Waner also followed behind Wang Changsheng, step by step. As long as he was still in the city, Zhang Waner would not attack Wang Changsheng.

The city is very prosperous, and the people who are stationed here are all Supreme Masters. It is a matter of face, and the Supreme Master will not weaken their reputation.

There are many monks following Wang Changsheng, and none of them hide their figures, making it clear that Wang Changsheng is the meat on the cutting board, the only difference is who can benefit from Wang Changsheng.

Under such circumstances, Wang Changsheng was forced to dare not leave the city at all.

It is reasonable to take out ten quasi-dao artifacts to bid for so many monks to covet them.

"Unless there is a Venerable Peak Realm!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

If there is a Venerable at the peak state, Wang Changsheng, relying on his own background and strength, can at least protect himself in the fairy world, not to mention sweeping away. No matter how many enemies he encounters, Wang Changsheng can leave calmly.

"I originally thought that breaking through to the middle stage of the Venerable would be enough to protect myself, but I didn't expect..."

Wang Changsheng sighed.

It's sloppy!

Without knowing the situation clearly, he took out ten quasi-dao artifacts for auction, which caused so much trouble. However, without the immortal glow obtained from the auction of the ten quasi-dao artifacts, Wang Changsheng would not be able to break through to the respected level so quickly. The medium-term realm.

Drinking and pecking, you can't say profit or loss, it's just troublesome anyway.

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