Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1622 Killing Lin Jiuyuan

In cultivation, in addition to wealth and law, character and aptitude are very important. Other than that, it is time-honored. Some killing techniques require thousands of years of comprehension before they have some clues.

Wang Changsheng has been pursuing great strength all the way along the way. Because of the many things he has experienced, his character is not too bad, but compared with monks of the same rank, the worst thing about Wang Changsheng is time!

The polishing of time is very important!

Just like the art of the sword edge, Wang Changsheng's comprehension of the way of the sword is definitely not much worse than that of Venerable Jingyu, and even the strength that has erupted can be compared with Venerable Jingyu.

However, in terms of the power of the sword peak technique, the sword edge technique cultivated by Wang Changsheng is several levels behind Venerable Jingyu.

Because in addition to the comprehension of the way of the sword, the art of the sword edge also needs time to cultivate.

If Wang Changsheng's sword edge technique can be cultivated for tens of thousands of years, when the sword peak touches, I am afraid that the great venerable will have to avoid it!


After Huang Quan's suppression and impact, a roar sounded, and the treasure protecting Lin Jiuyuan collapsed immediately.

At this time, Wang Changsheng saw that the treasure that protected Lin Jiuyuan was a jade pendant.

Of course, it was definitely not an ordinary jade pendant, because an ordinary jade pendant could not bear the power of the Great Master at all, not to mention, this jade pendant was most likely infused with the power of the Great Master.

"no, do not want!"

Lin Jiuyuan looked at the jade pendant broken, and was terrified, and roared and wailed continuously from his mouth.

Lin Jiuyuan was really desperate. That was the power that could stop the Grand Master's attack. He was scattered by the bloody river alone. Didn't it mean that when Wang Changsheng sacrificed to the bloody river, he could compete with the Grand Master?

This is Lin Jiuyuan's misunderstanding. Huang Quan's power is indeed powerful, and he has the ability to obliterate the Great Senior, but the first and most important point is to suppress the opponent.

Even if it is not suppression, the other party must be involved in the underworld in order to be wiped out forever.

It is good that Huang Quan can threaten the Great Senior, but Wang Changsheng does not have the ability to suppress the Great Senior, and even if the Great Senior is involved in Huang Quan, the Great Senior can escape from the trap.

In the face of the Great Senior, a more likely situation would be that Wang Changsheng had already died in the hands of the Great Senior without even knowing where the other party was, without even having a chance to react.


Relentless, Huang Quan washed away, but in just a few breaths, Lin Jiuyuan was directly obliterated by Huang Quan, leaving no traces.

To be honest, Wang Changsheng still covets Lin Jiuyuan's hole cards very much. If he can snatch one or two of them, he can also become his own hole cards. However, Lin Jiuyuan is too powerful. If he didn't rely on Huang Quan, Wang Changsheng would not be Lin Jiuyuan's opponent at all.

Therefore, Huang Quan was allowed to wipe out everything about Lin Jiuyuan, not even Lin Jiuyuan's magical artifacts left behind.

With a wave of his big hand, Huang Quan turned into a Langcang sword, shot from between Wang Changsheng's eyebrows, and instantly submerged into Wang Changsheng's dantian Xingyu.

After checking, and without leaving any traces of himself, Wang Changsheng directly looked for a direction and broke through the air.

Lin Jiuyuan was beheaded here just now. It is definitely not a place to stay for a long time. For Wang Changsheng, the most important thing now is to leave this place and find a place to hide and heal his injuries.

Sure enough, not long after Wang Changsheng left, three monks at the peak of the venerable appeared at the place where Lin Jiuyuan was beheaded.

"This is it..."

One of the monks at the peak of the Venerable Master frowned and said, "Young Master's aura has disappeared in this place..."


The other two monks who were at the peak of the Venerable also showed doubts.

These three monks in the peak realm of the Venerable are naturally the strong men sent by the Evil Fire Sect to rescue Lin Jiuyuan when they felt that Lin Jiuyuan was in danger. Three and a half strong men who stepped into the Great Master.

The three of them teamed up in Xianmang Xingyu, not to mention being invincible, at least there is absolutely no problem in keeping Lin Jiuyuan.

This is also the reason why the three monks at the peak of the venerable state found that Lin Jiuyuan's aura had disappeared. It was not the reason for worrying too much, because among the immortal stars, the one with the highest cultivation level was only the strong man who had stepped half a foot into the lord. By.

What's more, they know that Lin Jiuyuan has the life-saving means left by the strong in the sect. Could it be that these venerables in Xianmang Xingyu can wipe out the backhands left by the great venerable?

"Keep looking!"

One of the venerables said: "The young master must have encountered danger, otherwise, he would not have inspired that treasure!"

"The reason why there is no aura of the young master is that the young master is probably injured, and now he is hiding to heal his wounds!"


The other two strong men at the peak of the venerable realm nodded. Immediately afterwards, the three of them began to search nearby. However, after half an hour, the three of them gathered together, all showing solemn expressions.

Because they didn't find any trace of Lin Jiuyuan leaving.

Even if Lin Jiuyuan was seriously injured after the battle, he should have left the unique traces of the Evil Fire Sect, otherwise there would be no rescue at all.

As everyone knows, Lin Jiuyuan has been obliterated by Huang Quan, leaving no traces. Even the battlefield has been cleaned up by Wang Changsheng. As long as the Great Master does not come in person, there will never be any discovery.

And here is Xianmang Xingyu, which is very special, and the Dazun can't get in at all, which is why Wang Changsheng is so determined to kill Lin Jiuyuan.

If you kill someone, you won't be discovered by the Evil Fire Cult!

After some discussion, the three masters at the peak of the venerable decided to search separately. They would leave Xianmang Xingyu only after they found Lin Jiuyuan. Otherwise, if they just walked out like this, they might be slapped to death by the elder .

What the three venerables didn't know was that at this moment, outside of Xianmang Xingyu, a hidden great venerable had a huge emotional fluctuation.

"who is it?"

The great venerable's body flickered with power, but he disappeared in an instant, but a cold and stern voice came out of his mouth: "No matter who you are, the evil fire sect will kill you!"

As he said that, the Great Master looked at the broken jade slip in his hand and knew that Lin Jiuyuan had died in Xianmang Xingyu.

He didn't even want to wait for the three disciples of the sect, because it was definitely not easy to kill Lin Jiuyuan. Although the three disciples of the sect were not bad in cultivation, they might not be opponents of the other party.

Dazun can't enter Xianmang Xingyu, it's useless to stay here, it's better to go back first, gather the powerhouses of the Evil Fire Cult, and deduce the whole story, so that there is a possibility of finding the murderer.

The departure of the Great Master of the Evil Fire Cult alarmed many hidden Masters around. They all sent their junior disciples to Xianmang Xingyu to capture Xianmang. Showing a flickering look.

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