Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1614 It is better to escape

"Wang Daoyou, what are you doing?"

As soon as everyone rushed out, they found that Wang Changsheng did not follow, but stood in place.

"You guys go first, I will stop Lin Jiuyuan with Zhu Daoyou!"

Wang Changsheng said.

With that said, Wang Changsheng also rushed directly towards Lin Jiuyuan.

"This Wang Changsheng is too bad!"

The monks in the middle stage of the venerable were furious when they saw Wang Changsheng rushing directly at Lin Jiuyuan.

Zhu Daoyou stayed to stop Lin Jiuyuan because the cultivation bases of the two were almost the same, only a small difference. As long as everyone left here first, Zhu Daoyou had the ability to leave alone.

And what about Wang Changsheng?

However, in the initial stage of Venerable Cai, even if he has a little bit of background, he can't join in the fun!

What's more, among the disciples of the Supreme Sect, who doesn't have a solid background?

"If I knew I shouldn't have taken him with me, I would have made trouble!"

Said the venerable mid-level monk who threw out the compass.

Before entering Xianmang Xingyu, if they hadn't been told by their parents, it would be impossible for them to take Wang Changsheng with them, because with Wang Changsheng, the captured Xianmang would be given to Wang Changsheng.

For Hu Zun's sake, they were willing to give Wang Changsheng a share, and it was a good sale.

Their request to Wang Changsheng is very simple, they don't need Wang Changsheng's help, as long as Wang Changsheng doesn't hold back.

But, now this is a hindrance!

"Leave him alone!"

A monk in the mid-term realm of the Venerable said with a gloomy expression: "He is looking for death himself, and it has nothing to do with us!"

"Let's go out first, otherwise, Zhu Daoyou will waste the opportunity he left behind to fight for us!"

"it is good!"

The remaining few monks in the realm of venerables all nodded.

Several venerables left directly, and it didn't take long before they disappeared around the battlefield.

"You go!"

Zhu Daoyou, who was in the later stage of the Venerable, saw that Wang Changsheng didn't leave, but he shot Lin Jiuyuan instead. Isn't this courting death?If Wang Changsheng died, he would definitely offend Hu Zun.

The mountain rangers are very united, because there is no conflict of interest, and everyone has a good relationship. The monks in the later stages of the venerable think that they will definitely be able to become mountain rangers in the future. If Wang Changsheng dies, Hu Zun will definitely attack.

Even if it is not really going to make things difficult for him, it is obviously unwise to offend a peak lord!

What's more, if there is no drag, he will have a way to leave safely after resisting Lin Jiuyuan, at most, he will lose some of his hole cards.


Because of Wang Changsheng, Zhu Daoyou was distracted, and was directly hit by a flaming knife, and a mouthful of blood spewed out instantly, showing an indignant expression.

If Wang Changsheng hadn't distracted him, he definitely wouldn't have been hit so quickly.


Seeing Wang Changsheng rushing towards Lin Jiuyuan, the first reaction of Zhu Daoyou in the later stage of the Venerable Master was to run.

Originally, he was confident that he would be able to get out of the body, but now that he is seriously injured, it is very difficult to get out of the body, the best choice is to leave first.

As for Wang Changsheng...

Zhu Daoyou can't control so much anymore, it's all Wang Changsheng asked for, and has nothing to do with him.

Being able to stay and stop Lin Jiuyuan is already taking care of the few people in the same company. If Wang Changsheng also leaves, he can leave now.

"It's really bad luck!"

Zhu Daoyou said cursingly in his heart.

After being hacked away by Lin Jiuyuan, he gave Wang Changsheng a vicious look, and with the power of the flame knife, he directly withdrew from the battle circle, turned and fled.

Lin Jiuyuan was obviously ready to kill. The identity of the mountain patroller was no longer useful, and he was not Lin Jiuyuan's opponent. Safe escape was the best choice.

On the contrary, Wang Changsheng was stunned when he saw Lin Jiuyuan fleeing, and then showed a helpless expression.

"It's still too low to be trusted by others..."

Wang Changsheng sighed in his heart.

Just after the fight, Wang Changsheng knew that Lin Jiuyuan's strength was extraordinary, and Zhu Daoyou was definitely not Lin Jiuyuan's opponent. If Lin Jiuyuan sacrificed his trump card in spite of everything, Zhu Daoyou might be killed instantly if he didn't guard against it.

That's why Wang Changsheng thought of coming back to help Fellow Daoist Zhu, and then the two of them would leave together.

Even, Wang Changsheng felt that if possible, the two of them could win Lin Jiuyuan together.

Even Wang Changsheng himself didn't expect that he stayed to help, but Zhu Daoyou, who was in the later stage of the Venerable Master, turned around and ran away? !

Isn't this cheating yourself? !

Wang Changsheng didn't even need to think about it, and he knew the reason, it was because Wang Changsheng's cultivation was too weak, the Venerable's initial stage, in the entire Nine Heavens Realm, was regarded as a master, but in this fairy world, he was the most powerful. The existence of the base.

Even if Wang Changsheng showed a profound background, which monk of the Supreme Sect has no background?

With all the cards out of the hole, the final battle is still their own hard power.

This is why Zhu Daoyou turned around and ran away, because he didn't believe in Wang Changsheng's strength.

If Wang Changsheng had the cultivation base of the Venerable's peak state, or at least the cultivation base of the Venerable's later stage, then maybe Fellow Daoist Zhu would not run away.

Seeing Zhu Daoyou leaving, Lin Jiuyuan didn't continue to chase after thinking about it.

Because of Zhu Daoyou's obstruction, many mountain patrol monks have left,

Therefore, the news that he killed the descendants of the mountain ranger will definitely be spread, but Lin Jiuyuan didn't take it too seriously. After all, he killed only the descendants of the mountain ranger, not the real mountain ranger.

When Lin Jiuyuan made his move, these issues had already been considered clearly.

"Now, your companion has escaped!"

Lin Jiuyuan looked at Wang Changsheng who was not far away, and said with a smile: "You want to help him, now, who will help you?"

Lin Jiuyuan was puzzled. Wang Changsheng didn't hide his cultivation, and he could tell at a glance that he was in the early stage of the Venerable, and he had broken through not long ago. In the previous fight, Wang Changsheng's burst of strength was indeed good, but compared with his own peak of the Venerable When you get up, the gap is a bit big.

Lin Jiuyuan didn't understand where did Wang Changsheng get his courage?

"It's better to escape!"

Wang Changsheng said coldly.

As he said that, Wang Changsheng shook his head, made a "click" sound, shook his hands, and assumed a fighting posture!

It is true that Wang Changsheng stayed to help Fellow Daoist Zhu, but why wasn't he playing Lin Jiuyuan's idea?

It's just that Zhu Daoyou didn't expect that he would run away directly.

However, running away is not a bad thing for Wang Changsheng, because Wang Changsheng has the heart to suppress Lin Jiuyuan, and now that Fellow Daoist Zhu has run away, he just happens to be able to play to his heart's content.

Wang Changsheng didn't want to be watched by other monks when he sacrificed himself to the underworld.

"bring it on!"

Wang Changsheng looked at Lin Jiuyuan with a burning look in his eyes.

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