Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1609 Capture the Immortal Mang

Although Wang Changsheng only broke through to the early stage of the Venerable, but with Wang Changsheng's background, even in the face of the peak of the Venerable, he still has the ability to save his life. As long as Wang Changsheng is given enough time and opportunity to gather the great seal of mountains and rivers, it will be difficult for the peak of the Venerable. For the strong, Wang Changsheng also has the ability to kill with one blow.

A group of eight people, except for Wang Changsheng, three of them are in the early stage of the Venerable, three are in the middle stage of the Venerable, and the last one is in the late stage of the Venerable.

Even if it is the initial stage of the three venerables, it has been a long time since they broke through to this stage. In terms of realm comprehension, they are stronger than Wang Changsheng.

Therefore, from the perspective of superficial strength and cultivation, Wang Changsheng is the weakest among the eight members.

But strength...

As long as that venerable doesn't have a strong hole card in the late stage, Wang Changsheng is definitely the strongest among the eight.

"Friend Wang Dao..."

The monks in the late stage of the Venerable Master, after entering the formation, saw that all the elders had disappeared, and immediately said to Wang Changsheng: "We have entered the Xingyu, and we may encounter the fairy light at any time!"

"When the time comes, no matter if you meet Xianmang or other monks from the supreme religion, you don't need to take action. You just need to hide behind us and don't cause trouble!"

"If we gain something, you must have a share!"

After finishing speaking, the late-stage cultivator looked at Wang Changsheng with burning eyes.

The other monks in the Venerable Realm didn't make any sense. Obviously, before the Venerable's later stage opened his mouth, several people had already passed the sound transmission.

The reason for making such a decision is that Wang Changsheng is definitely not as powerful as a few others just after breaking through to the realm of the venerable. The monks who have just broken through to the early stage of the venerable are definitely stronger in this starry universe that captures the celestial light. the weakest.

Of course, the biggest reason is because of Zun Hu!

Before entering, they all got the voice transmission from their parents, and they had to take care of Wang Changsheng, otherwise, they wouldn't give Wang Changsheng a share of the fairy lights they had worked so hard to get.

"it is good!"

Wang Changsheng nodded.

Wang Changsheng didn't have any objection to this, no matter how many people look down on him, or give Hu Zun face, anyway, as long as he doesn't work hard, he can still get benefits, why not do it?

Only the benefits in your hands are your own gains. As for the contempt of others, what does it matter?

In the world of cultivation, strength is the most important thing, and survival is even more important. Wang Changsheng doesn't care about face.

Seeing that Wang Changsheng agreed, several people secretly praised Wang Changsheng for being sensible, so that they would be much more relaxed.

Immediately afterwards, a group of eight people began to cross among the stars.

The area of ​​this blocked star universe is very large, even surpassing the land of the first world. The birth of fairy light also appears randomly, and no one knows where the fairy light will be born.

Therefore, a large part of the factor in catching the fairy light is luck.

Wang Changsheng also did not hide his ignorance at all. Regarding the issue of Xianmang, he questioned the other seven people, because the second uncle had never been to this place, not to mention how the Xianmang was born, but how to capture the Xianmang. The second uncle also said Not sure.

With Hu Zun Dazun's peak cultivation base, he really doesn't like this kind of place.

"This is quite simple. After the celestial light appears, it can be directly suppressed and preserved with the heaven and earth, and when it is safe, it can directly absorb the celestial light to enhance its strength!"

A venerable in the middle stage explained: "The only troublesome thing is that it only takes three breaths from the birth of the fairy light to its disappearance, which is not easy to capture!"


Wang Changsheng also nodded.

Three breathing times are indeed too short. After discovering the birth of Xianmang, they need to go to suppress immediately. Although three breathing times are not short for monks in the realm of the venerable, they are definitely not a long time.

Once the fairy light is not suppressed within three breathing times, the fairy light will dissipate into the stars, like twinkling stars.

"Xian Mang!"

Just as the Venerable mid-stage cultivator was still explaining to Wang Changsheng, another mid-stage cultivator of the Venerable exclaimed.

Wang Changsheng looked in the direction that the man was pointing at, and immediately saw a bright white light flashing past. The few people did not move, because the distance was too far, even if they rushed over at the fastest speed, they could only watch helplessly. With the fairy light dissipating.

"Exactly three breaths!"

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

From the birth of this celestial glow to the final dissipation, no more, no less, exactly three breaths.

As far as the eye can see, Xianmang disappeared in a flash. It was not that several people did not grasp the opportunity, but that the time was too short. In such a short time, even if they could arrive, it was not enough to suppress Xianmang.


The late-stage cultivator of the Venerable said, "Fellow Daoist Wang, follow me!"

Apparently, this is not the first time for the monks in the realm of the venerable to enter this star universe. They have already cooperated with each other tacitly. Spread out immediately.

Wang Changsheng, on the other hand, followed the Venerable's late-stage cultivator's arrangements and followed him all the time.

"In this way, it can radiate a wider area!" Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

For this arrangement, Wang Changsheng still quite agrees. If several people stay together, even if Xianmang appears, several people rush over together, there is a possibility of failure.

But now with this arrangement, it takes at least six breaths to rush to another monk's side, that is to say, within the range radiated by everyone, as long as there is a fairy light appearing, it will definitely be captured by several people.

Immortal awns are looked down upon by great lords, and not used by young venerables. For the strong in the realm of venerables, they are very precious cultivation resources. Directly absorbing immortal awns can increase the comprehension of the heaven, earth, and Taoism.

Moreover, only in this blocked area can there be the birth of Xianmang.

Fortunately, the area blocked by Xingyu is very large, not smaller than a world of heaven. After entering Xingyu for three full months, he did not meet other monks.

"The harvest is a bit small..."

Wang Changsheng said in his heart.

Out of the pursuit of strength, Wang Changsheng definitely hoped that he could get Xianmang, and the more the better.

However, during these three months, a group of eight people captured three celestial glows, even if one person shared one, it was not enough to distribute, and Wang Changsheng definitely did not have a share.

Moreover, according to what the monks in the late stage of the Venerable said, being able to harvest the three immortal glows in such a short period of time is considered a very lucky harvest.

If you counted the one that was too late to catch at the beginning, the group of eight people had seen four fairy lights.

Knowing these circumstances, Wang Changsheng also understood that it is not easy to capture a lot of fairy lights.

Wang Changsheng wanted to separate from the seven of them!

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