For the word "abyss", Wang Changsheng is very afraid!

Whether it is Huangquan or Jiuyou City, they are all things dragged out of the abyss by a strong man. It is mysterious and unpredictable. Until now, it is difficult for Wang Changsheng to guess the strength of that figure in Jiuyou City.

Anyway, from Jianmu's fear of Huang Quan, it can be seen that even a strong person at the Taoist level is unwilling to bear the karma brought by Huang Quan.

The purpose of the mountain rangers is to suppress the abyss and the monsters in the abyss. If you can become a mountain ranger, you can touch the abyss and see what the abyss is.

"You are not good enough!"

Hu Zun shook his head and said: "If you want to become a mountain patroller, you must at least have to be in the realm of a venerable."

"It has been hundreds of years that no one has become a new mountain ranger, even if it is only recognized by the headquarters!"

"The mountain ranger with the weakest strength is also the peak state of the venerable!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Wang Changsheng fell silent.

The worst mountain rangers are all at the peak of the venerable?

And what about Wang Changsheng?But only a little respect for the peak state!

Not to mention other conditions, just the threshold of realm, Wang Changsheng fell short of a big realm.

There is a huge difference between the young master's peak and the venerable's peak state.

The young master's peak is just stepping into the realm of honor, and some extremely talented monks, with the help of external factors such as the bloodline array, can directly become the young master's peak state when they break through from the Mahayana realm.

And what about the peak of the Venerable?

One step away from reaching the top level of cultivation in the Nine Heavens Realm, the gap between the two cannot be made up by other factors.

What's more, when you reach the realm of the venerable and become a mountain patroller, you only get the approval of the mountain patrol headquarters. If you want to return to the small world where you used to be, you need a mountain patrol order!

And to get the order to patrol the mountain is not based on strength, but on chance!

"So, the road to becoming a mountain ranger has been cut off?" Wang Changsheng said.

Not to mention the Mountain Patrol Order, even the requirements of the Mountain Patrol Headquarters are difficult to meet, and it is impossible to become a Mountain Patrol.


Hu Zun shook his head and said: "If you can get the approval of the Mountain Patrol Order, you can become a mountain patroller!"

"It's just that the Mountain Patrol Order was conceived by the heaven and the earth. Let alone being approved by the Mountain Patrol Order, you don't even know where the next Mountain Patrol Order will be!"

Wang Changsheng: "..."

The second uncle talked for a long time, but he didn't come up with any useful suggestions. Anyway, he ruled out the possibility of Wang Changsheng becoming a mountain patroller.

"Second Uncle, it's useless to say so much!"

Wang Changsheng said helplessly.


Hu Zun said: "With this mountain patrolling order, I have the qualification to recommend you as a mountain patroller!"

"As long as you are approved by the headquarters, the headquarters will give you a chance to be approved by the mountain patrol order!"

"The most important thing now is to achieve the cultivation of the Venerable!"

Hearing Hu Zun's words, Wang Changsheng didn't know what to say. Anyway, it seemed that the second uncle had already made arrangements for him, so he just followed suit.

"Second Uncle, what should I do now?" Wang Changsheng asked with a frown.

Hu Zun is only eligible for recommendation, and whether he can become a mountain ranger in the end depends on Wang Changsheng's own good fortune.

"Don't worry, I've already arranged it for you!"

Hu Zun said.

Sure enough, as Wang Changsheng guessed, Huzun had already arranged a path for Wang Changsheng, as long as he followed this path, Wang Changsheng still had a great chance of becoming a mountain patroller.

As long as he became a mountain patroller, Wang Changsheng would have the ability to travel through the Nine Heavens Realm. Even if he couldn't return to the former small world, he could at least return to the next three days.

What's more, after becoming a mountain ranger, the mountain ranger headquarters will give Wang Changsheng another chance!

The mountain rangers have been suppressing the abyssal monsters for so many years, and some mountain rangers have fallen, and even mountain rangers with mountain patrol orders have fallen. After the fall, the mountain patrol orders will not disappear, and will be taken back by the mountain ranger headquarters.

Every monk who becomes a mountain patroller can hook up with the mountain patrol orders left by those mountain patrollers.

"It's just..." Hu Zun said with a frown: "The headquarters has recovered more than a dozen mountain patrol orders, but only one has been successfully claimed by the new mountain patrol!"

To become a mountain patroller, you only need to have strong strength, be recognized by the mountain patrol headquarters, and Gen Zhengmiaohong is enough, but if you want to get a mountain patrol order, you still have to rely on personal chance.

"At least it's an opportunity!"

Wang Changsheng said.

If there is no chance, Wang Changsheng doesn't know where to work hard.

Next, Hu Zun exchanged many questions with Wang Changsheng. Hu Zun introduced to Wang Changsheng some information about the Nine Heavens Realm, and even some secrets. When he heard these secrets, Wang Changsheng was amazed again and again.

As for Wang Changsheng, he told Hu Zun about his experiences over the years. Of course, Wang Changsheng only talked about his own cultivation and the situations he encountered.

Regarding the matter of Huangquan and Jiuyou City, Wang Changsheng didn't tell his second uncle, because even Jianmu didn't want to provoke the cause and effect, even if he told his second uncle, it would be useless.

After all, the second uncle is only at the peak of Dazun, and there is still a big gap compared with Jianmu.

"Okay, you can stay here with peace of mind, this small courtyard belongs to me, as long as there is no consent from me, no one will step into this small courtyard!"

Hu Zun said: "The next thing, I have already arranged for you. According to my arrangement, you can quickly enter the realm of the venerable!"

"After you enter the realm of the venerable, I will use the recommendation qualification of the mountain patrol order to let you enter the ranks of mountain patrollers first!"

"As for whether you can get the approval of the Mountain Patrol Order in the end, that's up to you, and I can't help you either!"

"En!" Wang Changsheng nodded and said, "Second uncle, you can arrange for me to break through to the realm of the venerable, which is already the greatest help to me!"

Wang Changsheng has lived without a mountain for many years. From birth to now, he has no one to rely on. Therefore, even without the help of his second uncle, Wang Changsheng believes that he can find a way out by himself.

What's more, the second uncle is now helping him to break through to the realm of the venerable. Once he reaches the realm of the venerable, he will really have the power to protect himself in the Nine Heavens Realm.

With Wang Changsheng's background, as long as he breaks through to the Venerable's realm, even if it's just the Venerable's initial stage, he will have the power to protect himself when he meets a strong person in the Venerable's peak realm.

As for Your Majesty...

There are indeed quite a few great masters in the Nine Heavens Realm, but those great masters are all cultivating latently and rarely come out. It's just that Wang Changsheng just came out and encountered such a big event as the ruins of the three immortals, so he met many great masters .

Even in the war world, as long as the war is not particularly crazy, it is rare to see a strong man in a thousand years.

Many monks have practiced for a lifetime, but they have never seen a strong man in the realm of the Great Master.

Wang Changsheng was lucky, but he was also unlucky. He came to the Nine Heavens Realm within a short time, and met many great masters, and even saw many one-word titled great masters!

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