Longevity Tianque

Chapter 1579 I am at your feet

The strength of the Great Masters is almost the same, except for the one-word title Great Master, the difference is not too big.

When Zhizun and the others discovered the breath in the crack, the rest of the great masters also almost discovered the breath.

As for the monk in the crack, is it Wang Changsheng?

At this time, Yan Yanshi hid in the crack and restrained all his aura. Apart from Wang Changsheng, all the great lords could not have imagined that there would be other monks who would do this.


Hearing Zhizun and Lin Zun's words, Gao Yuan was taken aback immediately. Didn't what these two great lords said meant that Wang Changsheng was still in the wooden city?

If Wang Changsheng is really still in the crack, then the monks of the Three Immortals Sect have neglected their duties, because they almost turned the entire wooden city upside down, and they didn't find Wang Changsheng.

Following the gazes of several great lords, Gao Yuan also found a crack behind the house not far away.

"Could it be in that crack?"

Gao Yuan was also surprised.

Because when everyone searched for nothing for the first time, Gao Yuan paid special attention to the cracks in the wooden city when they searched again. After spending a lot of time, Gao Yuan searched all the cracks, but still did not find Wang Changsheng.

You know, Gao Yuan went in and looked for every crack in the ancient tree.

Several Great Seniors looked at each other, their figures flickered and appeared outside the crack.

They all felt a vague aura hiding in the cracks. If it weren't for the detection of the Venerable's consciousness, even monks at the peak of the Venerable would not be able to detect this aura.

This alone can also explain Wang Changsheng's extraordinary concealment skills.

It's really good enough to be able to hide so perfectly after missing two full realms.

Several great venerables stood outside the crack and did not speak directly. Through conscious exploration, they were all feeling the mystery of Wang Changsheng.

"Yes, a genius!"

Zhizun said.

Even the elders of the Li family showed a satisfied expression.


Because Wang Changsheng has the true blood of the Li family's ancestral blood!

Wang Changsheng is only at the pinnacle of the young master, relying on his own ability to play around with a group of great seniors, such ability and ability, even the current young master of the Li family, cannot be so outstanding.

Of course, Wang Changsheng was weaker in strength. The Li family always believed that if Wang Changsheng possessed the cultivation base of the Venerable's peak state and comprehended more mysteries of heaven and earth, maybe they would not be able to find Wang Changsheng either.

With such an excellent clansman, the elders of the Li family have already made up their minds, and they will definitely take Wang Changsheng back. Even if all the seniors present block him, the elders of the Li family will not give up.

Wang Changsheng's actions can be regarded as saving face for the Li family in Shangyang.

"Let him out!"

Lin Zun said at this time: "This little guy is indeed a bit capable, and I already have the idea of ​​accepting apprentices!"

"Then don't even think about it!"

Zhizun immediately opened his mouth and said, while speaking, intentionally or unintentionally looking at the elders of the Li family, the meaning was obvious.

Don't try to recruit disciples. Wang Changsheng is a member of the Li family in Shangyang, and he has the true blood of the Li family's ancestral blood. With Wang Changsheng being so outstanding, it is impossible for the Li family in Shangyang to give up Wang Changsheng.

This is also where Zhizun feels a little headache.

If Wang Changsheng had nothing to do with the Li family in Shangyang, all he had to do now was to capture Wang Changsheng, directly suppress him, and force out information about Jianmu.

However, Wang Changsheng has the true blood of the ancestral blood of the Li family in Shangyang, and the elder of the Li family in Shangyang is here at this moment.

"We will put pressure on the Shangyang Li family together later, even if the Shangyang Li family can take Wang Changsheng away, we still have to leave information about Jianmu!"

Zhi Zun said to Chen Zun and the others via voice transmission.

Chen Zun and the others didn't answer Zhi Zun, but they definitely agreed with Zhi Zun's proposal. If they didn't join forces, they wouldn't be sure of winning against the old Li family.

"Uncle Clan, is Wang Changsheng in this crack?" Gao Yuan asked standing beside Zhizun.

Gao Yuan was also puzzled. Since the crack was on the third floor and the terrain was not high, Gao Yuan passed by it many times, and one of them Gao Yuan entered the crack to search for it.

Gao Yuan still remembers this crack, because the crack is very small, it took a lot of effort for Gao Yuan to squeeze in.

This crack has been verified, and there is no Wang Changsheng at all.


Zhizun nodded and said, "Go and invite him out!"

Zhi Zun smiled and said: "It is indeed very well hidden, without the cultivation of the Great Senior, it is difficult to find his existence!"

Gao Yuan nodded.

Zhi Zun's words can be regarded as completely shirking responsibility for Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan guessed that Wang Changsheng came to Mucheng, and it has been confirmed, but in Mucheng, the monks of the Three Immortals could not find Wang Changsheng at all, because Wang Changsheng hid too well, without the cultivation of the Great Master, he would not be able to find him at all.

Therefore, in this incident, Gao Yuan is not only not at fault, but also made great contributions!

As for Gao Yuan intercepting and killing Wang Changsheng, it can be completely wiped out.


Because Wang Changsheng has already stood on the opposite side of the great venerables, compared with Jian Mu's matter, Gao Yuan's snatching of Wang Changsheng's Taoist artifact is really too small.

If Gao Yuan was to be held accountable, wouldn't it be a more ruthless version of Gao Yuan if these great dignitary snatched the news about Jian Mu from Wang Changsheng now?


This time, Gao Yuan didn't continue to squeeze the crack, but waved his big hand, and a sharp attack rushed out instantly, landing directly on the crack.

The crack that seemed very crowded when one person passed through it was directly broken by Gao Yuan, revealing a huge hole.

Walking directly into the crack, Gao Yuan looked at the crack again!


Gao Yuan looked around for a week, even the top of his head, but there was no sign of Wang Changsheng at all, nor was there any breath of Wang Changsheng.

"I'm at your feet..."

Just when Gao Yuan was puzzled, he heard a voice of resentment.


Gao Yuan was taken aback immediately, mainly because in Gao Yuan's sight, there was no one at all, not even a breath, and a voice came out suddenly, Gao Yuan was indeed frightened.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yuan retreated directly to the entrance of the cave, and saw a figure crawling out from where he had just stood.

Looking at the monks with scars on their faces, Gao Yuan was a little confused.

"Is there really someone hiding in this crack?"

This is Gao Yuan's first reaction.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Yuan's reaction was that the monk who crawled out from where he was just standing was not Wang Changsheng!

Gao Yuan has met Wang Changsheng many times. Regardless of his looks, although Wang Changsheng is not handsome, he is not so ugly that he has such a long scar on his face? !

There is also Wang Changsheng's aura, which is very strange, not the Wang Changsheng that Gao Yuan knew at all.

"Who are you?"

Gao Yuan looked at the monk with the scar on his face and asked.

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