Wild Romance

Chapter 70 Killing the Wolf, Lion, Beast and Ghost Again

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Wei Xiaoping calmly looked at the wolf, lion, beast and ghost running towards him, and saw that the wolf, lion, beast and ghost was running towards him very fast. Before it ran over, it was about [-] meters away from Wei Xiaoping. Lai Mi Changyuan, as soon as he started to move, he arrived in front of Wei Xiaoping in the blink of an eye, and his eyes shone with a blue light. The extremely fierce light from his eyes seemed to hate Wei Xiaoping very much.

When it was running towards him, Wei Xiaoping had already grasped the Demon Slaying Sword, fixedly fixed his eyes on the wolf, lion, beast and ghost running towards him, and wanted to observe the wolf, lion, beast and ghost, and see if there was any weakness in this wolf, lion, beast and ghost.

The wolf, lion, beast, and ghost that ran up to Wei Xiaoping stopped for a while, then leaped vigorously on the black waves, opened its huge mouth, revealing ice-white and slightly shiny hacksaw-like teeth, stretched out two The sharp front paws that looked like several small sickles came towards Wei Xiaoping's claws.

When the wolf, lion, and ghost was about to jump, Wei Xiaoping suddenly squatted down, held the Demon Slaying Sword tightly with both hands, and then stabbed towards the belly of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost, and then held the Demon Slaying Sword The posture of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost is fixed, so that the belly of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost is slashed by the tip of the sword.

The wolf, lion, beast, and ghost that had already jumped to only one or two meters away from Wei Xiaoping thought that he would be able to catch Wei Xiaoping, but unexpectedly, Wei Xiaoping suddenly changed his posture and stabbed at it, intending to cut its belly. , it was too late to stop or change the direction of the force that was attacking Wei Xiaoping.

The huge inertial force made the body of the wolf and lion continue to swipe towards the tip of Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword.

Only a soft "hiss" sounded, the belly of this wolf, lion, beast, and ghost was slashed backwards from the chest between the front legs by the tip of Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword, all the way to the back of the belly. A long slit was cut in the entire stomach, and a lot of black liquid sprayed out, and the dead body fragments of some prison ghosts that had been eaten by it also fell out.

The wolf and lion beast whose belly was sliced ​​open by Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword let out a muffled roar, and fell heavily into the Black Water River, and was soon submerged by the waves of the Black Water.

After Wei Xiaoping killed the wolf, lion, beast and ghost, the other two also arrived.

When the wolf, lion, beast and ghost that had just died was about to attack Wei Xiaoping, the two of them heard it not far away, so they also ran over, thinking that the three of them would attack Wei Xiaoping together. But they didn't expect that Wei Xiaoping killed the other end before they arrived.

These two ran to the side that had just been killed floating on the water, and one of them turned over the side that had just been killed with its mouth, and then kept licking the side that had just been killed by Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword with its tongue. The wound of this wolf, lion, beast and ghost.

And the other end raised its head and looked around carefully and slowly, as if looking for the other end.

When the wolf, lion, beast and ghost looking around saw the ghost dog Ma Boda and Niu Dahua running towards here, it immediately raised its feet and ran towards the direction Ma Boda and Niu Dahua were running.

And this wolf, lion and beast ghost, which was licking the dead beast ghost with its tongue, continued to lick.And knowing that Wei Xiaoping standing in front of it is the murderer of its companion, it didn't even look at Wei Xiaoping, but just licked the dead wolf, lion, beast and ghost.

Wei Xiaoping watched it busy licking the dead beast ghost, and thought to himself, could this dead wolf, lion, beast ghost be its child?Or its husband?

Just when Wei Xiaoping was thinking about the relationship between the dead wolf-lion beast ghost and the wolf-lion beast ghost licking it, the wolf-lion beast ghost he killed kept licking it with its tongue on the other side. Suddenly, he woke up, and after a while, he would stand up.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaoping was taken aback. It turned out that the wolf, lion, and ghost licked the wound of the dead wolf, lion, and ghost with its tongue in order to revive it!Unexpectedly, the tongue of this wolf, lion, beast and ghost has such a function of healing the wounds of the same kind!

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, quickly stop the wolf, lion, beast and ghost running towards you, and don't let it get close to the one you killed!" Wei Xiaoping immediately turned to the two ghost dogs in the distance when he saw this. shouted.

After Wei Xiaoping yelled, he immediately raised his Demon Slayer Sword Soul, and slashed towards the wolf lion beast that he had just licked with his tongue.

The wolf, lion, and ghost that was licked with its tongue just now saw Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword Soul attacking them, so he immediately pushed the wolf, lion, and ghost with his mouth, and then he immediately Jumping away, dodging the Demon Slaying Sword Soul from Wei Xiaoping.

Seeing that the two wolves, lions, and ghosts avoided his Demon Slayer Sword Soul, Wei Xiaoping immediately jumped in front of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost that jumped away just now, and raised the Demon Slayer Sword Soul to strike at it.

I don't want to wait for Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword Soul to attack, this wolf, lion, beast and ghost jumped towards Wei Xiaoping first.And when Wei Xiaoping was still one meter away, he opened his huge mouth and bit him.

Seeing that he was about to be bitten by this wolf, lion, and ghost, Wei Xiaoping couldn't do it if he wanted to stab or chop it with the Demon Slayer Sword Soul, because it was a bit long and the wolf, lion, and ghost was too close. Convenience, he had no choice but to squeeze his left fist, aimed at the face of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost that was rushing towards him.

There was only a whining cry, and the body of the wolf, lion, beast, and ghost, like a huge doll full of rags, was thrown back dozens of meters by Wei Xiaoping's fist.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Xiaoping took advantage of the newly dead and revived wolf, lion, beast and ghost before it fully recovered its strength, jumped towards it, swung the Demon Slaying Sword Soul, and aimed at the resurrected wolf and lion The beast ghost's waist split down.

I saw a flash of light blue sword light, followed by a scream, the resurrected wolf, lion, beast ghost was split in half by Wei Xiaoping's Demon Slaying Sword Soul, and then a thick The black liquid flowed out from the two beast ghost corpses like a fountain, and soon dyed the black river water around the corpses even blacker.

Immediately afterwards, Wei Xiaoping jumped to the side of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost that had been split in half, raised his foot, aimed at the part connected to the head, and kicked the neck. Flying to a place tens of feet away, it fell into the water of Heihe Prison.

Then, Wei Xiaoping kicked the other piece away in the opposite direction to the one that fell just now, and it also flew several tens of feet away before falling into the river.

Why did Wei Xiaoping kick the body of the wolf, lion, beast and ghost that had been chopped into two pieces with his feet?It turned out that he just saw another wolf, lion and ghost, licked the injured wolf, lion and ghost with its tongue, and it could actually revive the dead wolf, lion and beast ghost!Wei Xiaoping thought, since your tongue has the function of saving lives and healing the wounded of your own kind, then I will split your corpses into two and then separate them to see what else you can do to save your own kind.

The wolf, lion, beast and ghost flew tens of meters away after being punched by Wei Xiaoping. After falling into the river, it was swept up by the waves and submerged in the water.When it came out of the water, it happened to see Wei Xiaoping kicking away the last corpse of the same kind.

Seeing this scene, the wolf, lion, beast and ghost knew that the same kind that had just been rescued had been killed and dismembered by Wei Xiaoping, and that it could not be saved anymore, so it sat down in the river all at once, with its head facing the sky, feeling incomparable. Whining loudly sadly...

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