Wild Romance

Chapter 64 The Invincible Prison Ghost

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Wei Xiaoping kicked a group of prison ghosts away just now, another group surrounded them, and was pushed down by the prison ghosts behind, and the prison ghosts leaning in front were pushed down before they had time to get close to Wei Xiaoping and the others. on the water.

Wei Xiaoping kicked the prison ghosts approaching, thinking, these prison ghosts don’t know pain, no matter what you hit them, they are not afraid, and in order to escape from this Heihe Prison, even if they die, they will not step back.

And as more and more prison ghosts drift towards this side, it becomes more and more difficult for me and the humorous dog to deal with it. If this continues, it will definitely delay the time for my soul to return to my body!You have to think of a better way to open the way.

"Boss Ma, there are more and more prison ghosts coming from behind, and these prison ghosts don't know pain, let alone die. No matter what we fight, it is difficult to repel them and let them open the way! You see, we have been fighting for so long , it only moved less than half a mile, and the width of the Heihe Prison is almost a hundred miles long. At this speed, when will it take us to reach the shore? We have to think of another way to get them out of the way! "

Boss Ma said: "General Wei, what you said is indeed true, but I can't think of any way right now!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Generally, prisons have a department to supervise, but for this Heihe Prison, is there any underworld department sent by Lord Yan to supervise?"

Ma Laodao: "That's really not the case. Because all the evil spirits imprisoned here are life-imprisoned evil spirits, and Lord Yama has cast a sealing spell on all the banks of Heihe Prison. I heard that this sealing spell is only for Lord Yan. You can only lift the ban by yourself, no matter what kind of evil spirit it is, it can’t break the spell, so there is no need for a faction to supervise it! That would be a waste of ghost power resources.”

Wei Xiaoping said: "It's impossible that only Lord Hades knows about this banning curse, right? There are so many prison ghosts in Heihe Prison. From the past, it is estimated that there are at least several million ghosts, right? Is it possible that every time a new ghost is released, there will be a lot of ghosts?" Was it Lord Yan who escorted him and lifted the ban himself?"

"General Wei, what you said is also very reasonable! There are so many prison ghosts, it is impossible for Lord Yan to escort them here! Besides, Lord Yan himself is very busy every day, why do he have so much time to personally escort new ghosts in? There must be special escort staff here. It seems that I misheard the information before! Since there is a special ghost officer to escort the new criminal, then the ghost officer who escorted here will definitely unlock the banning spell!"

"Also, every time a new ghost prisoner is escorted, there is a special place to let them in, right? If there is a special place for bringing new ghost prisoners in, there must be a prison officer guarding that place."

While beating the new prison ghost, Niu Dahua also said: "Yes, there must be! Then should we go to the prison officer? As long as we find the prison officer, the prison officer will definitely unblock the spell."

"By such a long river, what are you looking for?" Boss Ma said.

"Isn't it easy? Let's catch a prison ghost and come over and ask, won't we know?" Wei Xiaoping said.

"Yes! Then choose a prison ghost to catch and ask!"

So, Wei Xiaoping jumped towards the prison ghosts surrounding him again, grabbed a prison ghost at random, then held the captured prison ghost in his left hand, kicked his feet sideways around, and jumped onto the quilt of Boss Ma. , and then asked with the captured prison ghost: "Let me ask you, where is the prison officer of Heihe Prison on duty?"

The prison ghost who was being carried stared straight at Wei Xiaoping with eyes with black circles, and did not move, only a pair of dry white teeth shaking up and down, and said incessantly: "Take me out, take me out... …

"Let me ask you something, where is the Heihe Prison officer on duty?"

The captured prison ghost was still the same, motionless, only a pair of dry white teeth repeated: Take me out, take me out!

Wei Xiaoping asked again and again, seeing that the prison ghost was still dumbfounded and repeating the same nonsense, he threw the prison ghost far away.

Wei Xiaoping continued to kick away a group of prison ghosts that surrounded him again, and caught another prison ghost. While kicking the prison ghosts that were about to surround him, he asked the prison ghost in his hand: "Tell me quickly, the prison ghosts here Where is the officer on duty? Where is the place where you were punished to come in?"

The prison ghost caught by Wei Xiaoping was still the same as the one caught before, the eyes of the two ghosts were dull, and the ghost kept chanting: I was wronged, I want to redress my grievances!Repeated this sentence over and over again.

Wei Xiaoping asked several times in a row, but what he got was the same sentence that the prison ghost said repeatedly.

Wei Xiaoping had no choice but to throw the prison ghost into the distance again.He continued to catch a few prison ghosts and came over to ask, these prison ghosts still had the same dull eyes as the previous two, but the content of the repeated words was different.

Seeing that he asked a few prison ghosts and got almost the same answer, Wei Xiaoping carefully observed another group of prison ghosts who surrounded him, only to find that although these prison ghosts could step on the waves of black water to attack them Floating, but with the same expression and dull eyes, only repeating a single sentence.

"Boss Ma, Niu Dahua, no, you can't find out if you ask like this! You have been in the underworld for so long, don't you know anything about how to get through this Heihe Prison?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

"Since we returned from Luo Wenguang's yang world to the underworld, we have never been to other places in the underworld. We only occasionally heard Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin talk about some things in Heihe Prison!" Boss Ma Said.

Niu Dahua said: "General Wei, you are a general in the underworld, can your skills in the underworld also be used to stop these ghosts in the underworld?"

"That's right, General Wei, if you can be a general in Yangjian, your combat skills should be above the tens of thousands of troops in the army, right? Try to use your Yangjian skills to stop these prison ghosts!" Boss Ma also echoed. said.

Hearing what the Nether Dog said, Wei Xiaoping immediately came to his senses, and thought to himself, that's right, why did I forget the magic and fairy art I learned when I was in the world?When he was in Yangjian, he and his younger brother Wei Xiaofan practiced martial arts and Taoism together with Taoist Xuanzhe since they were young, learning immortal skills and various magics. It took more than ten years to learn almost all the skills of Taoist Xuanzhe.

Wei Xiaoping still remembers that when he and his younger brother Wei Xiaofan were three to four years old, one day, when the two brothers went to work in the field with their parents Wei Tianhong and Wei Xiuzhu, the parents were working in the field and the two brothers were working in the field. play with one end.

When a Taoist leader passed by, for some reason, the Taoist leader stared at the two brothers for about a quarter of an hour, then went to his parents and chatted with Wei Tianhong and Wei Xiuzhu.

The priest chatted with Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan's parents for about two quarters of an hour. Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan saw their parents bowing and kneeling to the Taoist priest, and then the Taoist priest hurriedly helped the kneeling parents up. Then he turned and walked towards himself and Wei Xiaofan.

The Taoist priest walked up to himself and Wei Xiaofan, looked at Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan kindly with his eyes, then stroked Wei Xiaoping's head with his hand, and then stroked Wei Xiaofan's head.Then he turned around, took out a sword from his back, and threw it into the air three or four feet above the ground.

I saw the sword that was thrown into the air by the Taoist leader over there, stopped in the air for a moment, the Taoist leader jumped on the sword and stood there, and then the sword supported the Taoist leader and flew slowly into the air.

Wei Tianhong and Wei Xiuzhu immediately ran over, one by one, pushed Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan to the ground, and said: "Son, quickly kneel down and thank Taoist Xuanzhe!" Then the four members of the family knelt in the direction where Daoist Changfei was walking until The Taoist priest's figure disappeared on a high mountain in the sky, Wei Tianhong Wei

Then Zhu stood up and pulled Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan up.

In the second year, it was Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan's birthday, and the two brothers had a birthday meal. Wei Tianhong and Wei Xiuzhu took Wei Xiaoping and the two brothers to the field where they met the Taoist priest, and then went to a small mountain not far from the field. walk on foot.

When they reached the foot of the hill, they saw that the priest they met last year was already there waiting for them.

In a burst of heart-piercing cries, Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan were pulled by Taoist Xuanzhe to his side, jumped onto a sword that was stopped at a height of three or four feet, and flew into the distance go.

After about three or four hours, they flew to a high mountain that was as lofty as a cloud and shrouded in mist.

In the middle of the mountain, there are about three to four hundred houses made of blue bricks and green tiles. Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan were arranged by Taoist Xuanzhe to live in a house of about ten or twenty square meters.

Since then, I have been living a life of super hard and unusual martial arts practice every day...

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