Wild Romance

Chapter 6 The Three Strange Dogs Are Human Reincarnations

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Wei Xiaoping followed the two gatekeeper ghosts into the guard room on the right side of the gate. As soon as he reached the gate, he saw two square-shaped office boards with photos and names carved on bamboo wood hanging on the gate.Then, under the two bamboo and wood engraved job boards, hung the job boards of the two ghost dogs outside the door.The two ghost dog job boards are made of different materials from the two bamboo and wood boards above. The two ghost dog job boards are each made of a piece of black and white paper, and they are also square in shape. Also painted on the ancient lace.

The name of the incumbent is engraved on the top of the sign, written in ancient fonts, the position and level of the current position is marked below the name, and the entry time is marked below the name, and the time is based on the date of the lunar calendar in the underworld.

Although the color of the sign is black and white because there is no sunlight in this space, it also looks very delicate because of the ancient lace engraved around it.

Wei Xiaoping carefully looked at the names and images on the job boards, and finally realized what they were called.

Two ghosts, the older one is Luo Zhifu, the other is Yang Zhijin.

But there are six names written on the two ghost dog job boards. The names of the two strange dogs, from right to left, are Ma Boss (male), Ma Lao Er (male), Ma Lao San (male) ); on the right are Niu Dahua (female), Niu Erhua (female), Niu Sanhua (female).Wei Xiaoping found it very strange to see six funny names on the bottom of the two strange dogs.

After entering the guard room with Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin, Wei Xiaoping looked around the room.

I saw that the guard room was about ten or twenty square meters. On the top of the wall, from left to right, there were eccentric photos of officials at all levels in the center of the underworld, all of which were marked with gender and position. The photos of the heads of departments at all levels in the registry of all things crossing are also marked with gender and position.Further down, there are photos of Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin who are the gatekeepers.Then, under the photos of Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin, there are the heads of the two ghost dogs with these three dog heads outside the door.

Wei Xiaoping thought, the lowest position here must belong to the two ghost dogs, but what he didn't understand was that the strange dog with three heads belonged to domestic animals, why it was also put in the guard room Come and line up with the ghosts of people, and they are marked with strange names.

Before Luo Zhifu took out the ghost paper, Wei Xiaoping carefully watched the images of the two ghost dogs under the wall.I saw that the six heads of the two strange dogs were all different in length, that is to say, the lengths of the six heads were somewhat different.

The three dogs on the left have different shapes and lengths on their heads, but each dog has scars of different sizes on their heads; the three dogs on the right also have different shapes on their heads, but each dog has different degrees of baldness on their heads There are traces of hair loss, and it looks like the hair will never grow.

The ghost of Yang Zhijin standing aside saw Wei Xiaoping staring at the heads of the two ghost dogs in a daze, and asked:

Do you find it strange that these two ghost dogs belong to domestic animals, but their job titles are arranged in the office, side by side with our human ghosts?

Wei Xiaoping said, not only this, I also feel strange that they have two dog bodies, but have six dog heads and six names.

Yang Zhijin said, hahaha, in fact, these two ghost dogs, oh no, they are six ghost dogs that were reincarnated from our human ghosts!

Wei Xiaoping was startled when he heard this, and said: Six people reincarnated into six dogs?And the three heads grow on the same dog?

Yang Zhijin said, enough to surprise you, right?There are even more surprises to come.

Brother Yang, if you don't think I'm wordy, please tell me, I'm so curious! —— Wei Xiaoping asked Yang Zhijin.

Yang Zhijin said: The ghost dog on the left has three dog heads, which are three male dog heads, and the ghost dog on the right has three female dog heads! —— Yang Zhijin said.

Wei Xiaoping said, I kind of guessed this, because the nature of the names written on their job boards are different.

Yang Zhijin went on to say that they were not only three men and three women, but also members of a big family before they were reincarnated and handed down.The three men are brothers, and the three women are sisters-in-law!

Wei Xiaoping was even more surprised, and said, this is beyond the expectations of ordinary people, no matter who they are, no matter how good their guessing skills are, they can't guess that they are such a relationship!Brother Yang, why did the members of their family reincarnate and travel together?And men and women have also become strange dogs?

Yang Zhijin said that the reason why they became like this was the punishment of Lord Yan to them!

Wei Xiaoping asked: Lord Hades punished them?What is the cause?It's bad enough to punish them for reincarnation and become dogs, let alone put the three of them on the body of a dog!It's too inconvenient to move like this!

Yang Zhijin said, yes, this kind of punishment is a bit heavy. Except for the mouth, the three of them share all other body organs. It's really embarrassing and inconvenient, hahaha!

Hearing Yang Zhijin's words, Wei Xiaoping seemed to think of something, and smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Luo Zhifu took out the ghost paper and handed it to Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping took the ghost paper and looked at it, only to see some black and white lights on the paper, without a single word, and said:

Brother Luo, what is written on this IOU?Is there a sample for demonstration?

Luo Zhifu said in surprise, you are a general of the Yangjian army, and you can't even write such a simple IOU?It seems that the general is also a rich man in Yangjian. He usually buys things and has never credited other people's accounts, or has never owed money to others in Yangjian, right? !If we had known that you were so rich, we should have raised the consulting price and charged you more.

As Luo Zhifu said, he walked to a safe-like cabinet, squatted down, inserted something like a key into a small hole on the cabinet, twisted it, and the cabinet opened.

Seeing that Luo Zhifu misunderstood him so much, Wei Xiaoping smiled awkwardly.

Wei Xiaoping looked over Luo Zhifu's shoulder, and saw that the cabinet was full of various currencies and IOUs. The currency and IOUs were stacked separately, each about one or two meters high.

Luo Zhifu took out a ready-made IOU as a sample from the IOU stacker, and handed it to Wei Xiaoping.

Wei Xiaoping took it, looked at the template and began to write.

After finishing writing, sign your name and stamp your entire palm, and hand it over to Luo Zhifu.

Luo Zhifu looked at it and passed it to Yang Zhijin.

Yang Zhijin took the IOU, checked the data, nodded, put it in the cabinet, closed the door, and locked it.

Besides, when Luo Zhifu found out that Wei Xiaoping, as a general in Yangjian, could not write IOUs just now, he thought that Wei Xiaoping’s family in Yangjian must be very rich, and he regretted not raising the consultation price more and charging Wei Xiaoping more for consulting information. .

Later I thought, since Wei Xiaoping could not be charged more, it would be nice to know such a rich general in Yangjian.Maybe I need to ask him for help in the future!

So Luo Zhifu said to Wei Xiaoping, let’s go, General Wei, let’s take you to look up the information about your past life and present life experience. The information about human ghosts is a bit far from here. Let’s talk about what you want to know while walking Bar.

Wei Xiaoping immediately saluted Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin and said, sorry for the trouble, thank you!

So the three of them walked out of the guard room.

After leaving the guard room, Luo Zhifu said to the two ghost dogs outside the door, we will take General Wei Xiaoping to look up his information, the six of you are here to guard the door, if there is anything to bark loudly, we will come over when we hear .

The two ghost dogs barked loudly a few times, and then kept barking softly at Luo Zhifu and the others for a while, with pleading and shy expressions on the dogs' faces!

Luo Zhifu laughed loudly, and said, we won't take the scandals of your past life and present life as gossip, don't worry, you just have to keep an eye on the door!

As Luo Zhifu said, he led the way ahead, and Wei Xiaoping and Yang Zhijin followed behind him.

Luo Zhifu said: General Wei, just now I heard Yang Zhijin talk about the past and present of the Nether Dog, did you find it not satisfying?Why don't we talk about some things about the ghost dog's past and present life while walking!Although the family affairs of the ghost dog's previous life and present life are not good things, and the reasoning should not be told to others, their family affairs have a certain role in learning lessons for the world.

So, Luo Zhifu, Yang Zhijin and Wei Xiaoping walked towards the source of the human travel inquiry, while chatting about the family affairs of the ghost dog's past life and present life.

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