Wild Romance

Chapter 4 Wei Xiaoping's "Death"

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While transporting the Nine Heavens God Gang, Wei Xiaoping used his psychopathy to capture Yang Shengtian's psychological thoughts.

In the process of capturing Yang Shengtian's psychological thoughts, he discovered that Yang Shengtian had seen through the weakness of the Nine Heavens God Gang, and knew that Yang Shengtian wanted to put him to death.

It was also discovered that in Yang Shengtian's body, there is often a voice that teaches Yang Shengtian to speak and guides Yang Shengtian's will, and it seems that the owner of the voice can control Yang Shengtian's will, and Yang Shengtian will do whatever he tells Yang Shengtian to do.

And the reason why Yang Shengtian knew the flaws and weaknesses of the Nine Heavens Divine Gang was because the voice in Yang Shengtian's body told him.

Wei Xiaoping was thinking, it turns out that the will of his younger brother Wei Xiaofan (namely Yang Shengtian) was controlled by a demon. No wonder since I recognized him again, I found that his thinking and personality have changed so much that he doesn’t even recognize his own brother. !Even my biological parents have forgotten, and I don't even know my last name, which is such a big gap from before when he disappeared!It's so far behind when I was still with myself.He said his name was Yang Shengtian, probably the person who controlled his demons taught him to say so? !

What has happened to my brother since we were separated for so many years?

In whose hands did it fall?

In this world, who has the magic to control the will of others?How many people are there who can master the magic of controlling the will of others?

My brother's whereabouts are unknown back then, was he taken away by these people?Is my brother brainwashed by these people?

What's more, how can the person who controls the younger brother's will be able to control it?During the period when my brother was separated from my parents and me, what kind of hardships did he go through to become like this?

"What should I do?" The thoughts in Wei Xiaoping's mind kept churning, "My brother now knows the flaws of my Nine Heavens God Gang, as long as he stabs through the flaws of my Nine Heavens God Gang, and he wants me to die , I will be seriously injured even if I don’t die!”

"And I promised my brother that in the three moves, no matter what moves he makes or hits, I will not fight back. If I now go back on my word and refuse to hit him in order to avoid getting hurt, or if I fight back against him, then Not only did I break my promise, others made fun of me, but from then on, in my own gang and in the arena, I became a dishonest person, and I may never get my brother's change of heart or forgive me!"

"Judging from my younger brother's psychological and thought information captured by telepathy, my younger brother's mental will is blurred because he is controlled by others. The person who controls him must kill me, so he also must My brother came to kill me."

"But why didn't that person come to me by himself? Instead, he killed me by controlling my brother's will? What exactly is he trying to do?"

Da Huang and Xiao Hei, not far from Wei Xiaoping and Yang Shengtian, were yelling and biting each other for their masters.

Da Huang and Xiao Heidou bit each other and spitting flames at each other, while turning back to look at his master Wei Xiaoping.

At this time, Rhubarb saw Yang Shengtian aiming at Wei Xiaoping's back with a golden halberd, preparing to stab the Nine Heavens God Gang behind Wei Xiaoping.

Rhubarb roared loudly, pointed at Xiao Hei and spit out a string of fire dragons fiercely, forcing Xiao Hei to back up, and then galloped towards the middle of the distance between Yang Shengtian and Wei Xiaoping.

Before the rhubarb flew over, Yang Shengtian had already aimed at the Nine Heavens God Gang on Wei Xiaoping's back and stabbed fiercely.

Just as the hallucinatory voice in Yang Shengtian's head said, the way to crack the Nine Heavens God Gang is to stab it with a sharp artifact!The sharp part of Yang Shengtian's golden halberd just touched the Nine Heavens God's Gang, and the Nine Heavens God's Gang was instantly like a piece of hard tempered glass. After one part was destroyed, all the parts involved were shattered at once.

With a loud "bang", a lightning-like mysterious light flashed out of nowhere around Wei Xiaoping. The strong light from the mysterious light stimulated the two monsters and Yang Shengtian, making them have to squint their eyes for a while, and at the same time gasped. The waves pushed towards the surroundings like an overwhelming force, causing the two monsters and Yang Shengtian to take a few steps back.

Wei Xiaoping, who was destroyed by Yang Shengtian, stood in the air with blank eyes and still maintained his original posture.

The great power of the Nine Heavens Divine Gang that was destroyed just now had a slight influence on him.

When he first learned the Nine Heavens God Gang, he knew the shortcomings of the Nine Heavens God Gang and the solution method from his master, but he didn't imagine what it would be like when the Nine Heavens God Gang was destroyed.

Now that he saw it, he didn't expect that when the Nine Heavens Divine Gang was destroyed, it would emit such a huge power.

Wei Xiaoping, who had lost the protection of the Nine Heavens Divine Gang, was still thinking rapidly about how to allow him to accept Yang Shengtian's last move and keep himself from getting hurt, so that when his younger brother kept his promise and recognized him, he suddenly felt that something was behind him. Something bumped.

At the same time, he saw an unusually sharp weapon passing through his chest, followed by a bone-piercing pain attacking his whole body, and his body froze all of a sudden.

Although it was expected to be stabbed by Yang Shengtian's golden halberd, he was still surprised and unbelievable by Yang Shengtian's actions.

He turned around and stared at Yang Shengtian closely with painful and surprised eyes.

After Yang Shengtian pierced Wei Xiaoping's chest with the golden halberd, he saw that Wei Xiaoping was in pain, and he began to feel some pleasure, but soon this pleasure disappeared, followed by feeling a little confused, as for Why this feeling changed so quickly, he didn't know himself.

After seeing his master being stabbed by Yang Shengtian, Rhubarb rushed over and howled at Wei Xiaoping. That kind of howling was very sad and heartbreaking.Rhubarb howled at Wei Xiaoping for a while, and looked at Yang Shengtian for a while, as if it was telling something to Yang Shengtian on behalf of Wei Xiaoping.

While clutching his chest in pain, Wei Xiaoping looked at Rhubarb weakly, and tried to hint at Rhubarb with his eyes, shaking his head from time to time.

Seeing Wei Xiaoping shaking his head and hinting at him, Rhubarb howled loudly, showing sadness and helplessness in Rhubarb's howling!

After a while, Wei Xiaoping was severely injured, his physical strength and mental power gradually disappeared, and finally he couldn't hold on anymore, and fell down slowly, falling from the sky.

Seeing this, Rhubarb spread its wide wings and flew down at a speed faster than that of Wei Xiaoping's body, facing the direction of Wei Xiaoping's fall with its wide back , gently supported Wei Xiaoping, and then flew towards the Qingyun Mountain standing in the east, which is more than 1000 miles away from here.

Wei Xiaoping, who was lying on Rhubarb's broad back, fell into a coma very quickly because of his serious injuries and bleeding.

Then in a coma, he entered a dark and gloomy world.

In this dark and gloomy world, there are towering ancient trees, lofty mountains, trickling rivers, surging rivers, and bustling people drifting back and forth in the air, or dragging their white robes on the ground without seeing their footsteps. , they are all in the air like him...,

In short, in this dark and gloomy world, everything in the human world exists in this gloomy and gloomy world, but there is no sun.

Without the sun, there is no sunshine, so the colors of all things in this dark and gloomy world, because there is no sunlight and the weather is gloomy, so all the scenery and all the creatures look like a black and white painting. The picture is the same, lifeless.

Even a little gloomy, it is very frightening and timid.

In this dark and gloomy world, Wei Xiaoping found his body drifting lightly like a feather.

He was amazed at the lightness of his body.

"What could be like this?" Wei Xiaoping looked at his body in surprise, only to see that his body was hanging in the air, wearing a white robe, which was very clean. Intact, with no trace of blood on the chest or back, his hair was scattered on his shoulders, his arms were drooping, his limbs were stiff, and he was drifting in the air expressionlessly.

"My own body is so big, why would it suddenly lose gravity? What would become so light and unimpeded like a feather without gravity, without any power, and drift around? And like a feather in the air, drifting aimlessly?"

"What kind of world is this? Why do I have no impression of this world? Why is this world colorless? It gives people a lifeless feeling? All the flowers and trees look like they are going to wither, only the wind blows When I saw them swaying, I knew they were still alive! All the animals and people looked listless as if they were sick?"

Wei Xiaoping's body slowly drifted aimlessly.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Wei Xiaoping's body floated in front of a tall and magnificent classical building complex.

I saw that the building was composed of twenty or thirty small houses.

The entire building complex is surrounded by a wall that is three to four feet high. Only on the front is a gate that is about four feet high and two feet wide, with a picture of a monster engraved on the left and right.

There are three-headed strange dogs guarding the left and right sides of the gate.

The door was open like a horoscope, and many hissing people shuttled back and forth, in a hurry, as if they were in a hurry!

Wei Xiaoping looked at the top of the gate, and saw a few large characters written horizontally on the top of the gate: All things pass through the inquiry office.

Wei Xiaoping couldn't understand the meaning of these seven characters, so he drifted over, pulled a person who was coming out of it, and asked where this place was and what these seven characters meant.

The person said, this is the place to inquire about all kinds of creatures in this world and the experiences of each creature's past and future lives!It is the place where the Underworld is in charge.

Wei Xiaoping said, all kinds of creatures?Is it everything in this world?

The person said, flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, insects, people, including all living things, they have registered what they have experienced in their previous lives, or why is it called the All Things Traveling Inquiry Office?

Wei Xiaoping asked, what does time travel mean?What is the use of querying this?

The person said, time travel means that your life ends at a certain time, space and place, with or without reason, and then switch to another time, space and place to start a new life!

As for the usefulness of this query, I'm not too sure. I've heard people say that this cross-travel query office is under the jurisdiction of Lord Yama.

It is said that the reason why Lord Yama recorded the past and present lives of all things in the world is to record how many good and bad things they have done in their lives.

Then use these good and bad things to calculate the percentages of their good and evil, so as to know whether they belong to good people or bad people, so as to judge where they should travel or reincarnate next time when they travel or reincarnate.

People or other living beings who have done too many evils may be severely sentenced by the Lord of the Underworld, and they will never be reborn or time-traveled.

After hearing this, Wei Xiaoping lowered his head and thought for a while, and seemed to understand what was going on, but there still seemed to be something he didn't understand.I was about to raise my head to continue asking that person, but saw that the person had drifted far away, so I had to give up.

Wei Xiaoping continued to think, since everyone who comes here to inquire about their past and present experiences is a person whose life is over, and I myself drifted here without knowing it, is my life already over? ?

Does that mean that he is now a dead person?

Since it is said that you can only come here to inquire about your past and present lives after your life is over, and I don’t know whether my life is over yet, why don’t I go in and see if I can inquire about my past and present lives?Doesn't this prove that his life is over?

Wei Xiaoping thought about it, so he drifted in...

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