Wild Romance

Chapter 26 Wei Xiaofan's feelings

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The next day was Saturday, early in the morning, Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan got up early, packed the clothes and quilts on the bed in a hurry, brushed their teeth and washed their faces, didn’t eat breakfast, packed their simple luggage, and picked up some fruit. People go out.

Because Wei Xiaofan had to go back to the school dormitory to sleep at night, in order to allow Wei Xiaofan to play more at home, Wei Xiaoping suggested going home early.

Originally, Wei Xiaoping planned to ask Wei Xiaofan to stay at his house for one night, and then return to school on Sunday afternoon, so that he could stay at home for a little longer, but Wei Xiaofan said that he was not used to staying overnight at other people's houses, so he had to. If Wei Xiaofan could spend more time at his house, he suggested going home early,

When the two arrived at the school gate, Wei Xiaoping, as if he had found gold, ran to the small shop at the school gate with a smile on his face and called home, saying that he would take Wei Xiaofan home with him later.

When Wei Xiaoping called, Wei Xiaofan was waiting beside him.Wei Xiaoping put the phone on speakerphone, so the phone was very loud.

I only heard Wei Xiaoping tell his mother that we will be home later.A woman's pleasant voice on the phone said:

'You and Wei Xiaofan come back quickly, your father and I are ready, your younger siblings are also waiting at home! '

'What have you prepared? ' Wei Xiaoping said loudly on purpose so that Wei Xiaofan could hear his voice!

'The food is ready, don't eat it at school, save your stomach and eat more when you go home!School meals are not as good as home! 'Wei Xiaoping's mother said.

Wei Xiaoping hung up the phone, turned to Wei Xiaofan and said:

'Let's go, my parents are ready, they are waiting for us to go back soon! '

After finishing speaking, he smiled again, that happy neck was even happier than a man bringing his girlfriend home for the first time!

Wei Xiaoping's home was about ten minutes away from the city, and the two of them went back by bus.

Along the way, Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan sat side by side on two stools, Wei Xiaofan sat near the window, and Wei Xiaoping sat on the side of the aisle.

Wei Xiaofan was holding a bag of fruit in his hand, about eight or nine catties.There are several fruits in the bag, including bananas, apples and grapes!

This bag of fruit almost cost Wei Xiaofan half a month's grocery shopping expenses!This is the most money Wei Xiaofan has spent in the two years since he came to Liangzhi Middle School to study!

The so-called dishes are that the school canteen cooks some cabbage, pumpkin, loofah, and other vegetarian dishes for students to eat every day for lunch and dinner in order to supplement nutrition for the students. Each dish is about half a bowl, but it takes Three or four cents!If it's Friday night, the canteen will cook an extra piece of rare fatty pork. It's considered an extra dish for the students on the weekend, and the fatty pork will cost an extra [-] cents!

In order to save money and lighten the burden on the family, Wei Xiaofan intentionally goes there at the latest three or four days a week when meals are served.

It was late, and the students had already bought out all the dishes, so I made excuses for myself, saying that the dishes had been sold out, there was no way!In this way, you can save money for a meal of food!Come to a spiritual victory method to comfort yourself!

Yesterday, breaking the two-year rule, when I went out to buy fruit with Wei Xiaoping, I didn’t even have enough money in my pocket to cover 20 days of grocery shopping. Know what to do with the food expenses in the future!However, fortunately, there are still rice and some chili sauce in that small cabinet, otherwise, I don't know what to do this month!

'Old Tong Wei Xiaofan, what are you thinking? ' Wei Xiaoping asked, looking at Wei Xiaofan who was looking out the window.

'I was thinking, if people were the grass and trees on the side of the road, it would be great! ' Wei Xiaofan said.

'Why do you say that?Do you feel any more? ' Wei Xiaoping asked after hearing what Wei Xiaofan said.

'Because these trees and flowers live their whole lives in one place from birth to withering!Moreover, the soil they are in provides nutrients, unlike human beings, who need to run around for survival, for reputation, and for various inexplicable reasons. Being real and hypocritical, I feel so tired! '

Seeing Wei Xiaofan say such negative words, Wei Xiaoping knew that he might be thinking about something sad and unhappy again.

Wei Xiaoping has known Wei Xiaofan for more than two years, and has been in the same dormitory and deskmate for almost two years, so he has a certain understanding of Wei Xiaofan's every move and what he wants.

Wei Xiaoping thought, the reason why Wei Xiaofan said this may be because after using the vegetable money to buy fruit to go to his house, he didn't know what to do with the vegetable money in the future!

Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan have been good friends for more than a year or two, and they know Wei Xiaofan's family situation.

Wei Xiaoping's family is in the city, his father Wei Yongqiang is in a small business, and his mother Wei Niping is a civil servant. Although the family situation is not considered good compared to other families in the city, it is considered to be below average. A little bit, but at least it is much better than the countryside at that time, so Wei Xiaoping's family situation is much better than that of Wei Xiaofan's.

Wei Xiaoping is the eldest son in the family, and he is growing up the fastest, so the family often gives Wei Xiaoping more food expenses and other pocket money to spend freely.

So Wei Xiaoping often has spare change.

As a good friend, Wei Xiaoping is very willing and hopes to help Wei Xiaofan a little with food expenses or other expenses. Pour the dishes into Wei Xiaofan's dishes, or pour Wei Xiaofan's dishes into your own dishes, and then the two of them eat together.But every time Wei Xiaofan puts the vegetables and his own meal in a lunch box, and then lies on the bed by himself, reading a book while eating; or sometimes when everyone else goes to cook after class, Wei Xiaofan is still reading in the classroom , When there was no one in the dining hall, he went to get his own lunch box.Then the chef in the canteen saw that he was late and the dishes were sold out, so he said:

'Why are you here now?The dishes are all sold out, I thought there was no one, or no one came, and I was about to pack up and rest, how would I know that you still haven't eaten?What to do?Just eat dry rice?Can you eat it, lad? '

'It's okay, master, read the book for a while, I'm late!I still have chili sauce, I can eat it, don't worry!Thank you for your concern! '

'Come earlier next time!Come here, there are also a la carte leaves and soup! 'The cooking master is a grandfather in his sixties, and he is very kind.As the cook said, he brought over a large flat-bottomed square aluminum vegetable plate, then took Wei Xiaofan's lunch box, tilted the plate, pointed the corner of the plate at the lunch box, and poured the remaining soup and vegetable leaves into Wei Xiaofan's lunch box inside.

In this way, Wei Xiaoping wanted to help Wei Xiaofan with food, but because Wei Xiaofan often did this, there were very few opportunities to help.

Usually, when buying homework notebooks or pens and inks, Wei Xiaoping would often buy some spare ones, and when he found that Wei Xiaofan had run out of pens and inks or homework notebooks, he would give Wei Xiaofan the extra pens and inks or homework notebooks he had bought.Wei Xiaofan only occasionally accepts gifts from Wei Xiaoping!

In this way, Wei Xiaoping wanted to find an opportunity to help Wei Xiaofan, but Wei Xiaofan was always reluctant to accept it!

This time Wei Xiaoping originally invited Wei Xiaofan to his house as a guest, and he really wanted Wei Xiaofan to sworn brotherhood with him.Logically speaking, he was asking Wei Xiaofan to help him, so he shouldn't ask Wei Xiaofan to buy gifts. If you don’t have your own source of income, you shouldn’t do this, not to mention that Wei Xiaofan’s family is not good, but in Wei Xiaofan’s psychology, and even in the general psychology of rural people, they think that country people must buy gifts when visiting relatives or friends in the city. Whether people like it or not, this is etiquette!

That's why Wei Xiaofan said just now: "'Because these trees and flowers, from birth to withering, spend their whole life in one place without moving! And the soil they are in provides nutrients to support them, Unlike human beings, in order to survive, for reputation, and for all kinds of inexplicable reasons, you need to run around here and there, being real and hypocritical, feeling so tired!'" said quite touching words.

Originally, when we were chatting in the dormitory yesterday, Wei Xiaoping wanted to buy things by himself, and then asked Wei Xiaofan to carry them for him when he went to his house, meaning to let his parents and younger siblings know that Wei Xiaofan bought the gifts, so that Wei Xiaofan I saved money, and I am happy because I can help Wei Xiaofan!But Wei Xiaofan insisted that he should buy it himself, saying it was a courtesy!Be real, not fake!

'Alas, Wei Xiaoping's old classmate Wei Xiaofan, why did you say such sad words?As an advanced animal, human beings are advanced animals with thoughts, ideals, goals and super creativity. What can compare with those flowers and trees?It can't be compared with other animals, you know?That will lower the personality of human beings themselves! 'Wei Xiaoping put his arm around Wei Xiaofan's shoulder and said.

'Oh, I'm negative again! Wei Xiaofan turned his head, forced a smile at Wei Xiaoping, and said, "Xiaoping, you are right. As the highest animal in nature, human beings are advanced animals with thoughts, ideals and super creativity. It is because human beings are such advanced animals that human beings can continuously evolve and create rich material wealth and spiritual wealth to improve their own lives and the lives of others, and make this world beautiful and lovely!Therefore, as a member of human beings, we must not be intimidated by the temporary bad environment in front of us. We must study hard, learn our skills well, and create conditions for the future to change ourselves and develop for the better! '

As Wei Xiaofan said, he turned his head to the outside of the bus window, against the sunlight coming in from the window, he looked at the golden sun that had risen one or two feet high to the east!

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