Wild Romance

Chapter 206 The Power of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom

Wei Zhong continued: "Every time when the Beast and Demon Kingdom sends members out to arrest people, the sent members must go to the escape prevention department to register. The registration items are not only to let the wolf eagle remember the appearance of the sent members, In addition to the serial number and smell, you also need to register where you are sent to arrest people, how many people you want to arrest, etc., which are very detailed."

Wei Xiaoping said: "So, the wolf hawks in the anti-escape department all remember the destinations of the members sent out to arrest people, so if some people don't go back or get lost, those who can't escape and the wolf hawks, If you want to find it, follow the data registered by the missing person, and you will be found soon."

Wei Zhong said: "Exactly! So, if they want to find me and these ten wolf sculptures, they will find them here soon. As for the kingdom of beasts and demons, will it be because I and these ten wolf sculptures are different? I’m not sure if we go back and start a war with our Qingfeng country, but I think it’s necessary to prepare for the battle in order to prevent them from coming to attack us. Even if they don’t come, these preparations can also be used to prevent other countries from attacking us .”

Zhang Lingpu heard this, and said: "Wei Zhong is right. No matter what, we are all prepared."

Wei Xiaoping said: "Brother Wei, what else do you know about the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom that you didn't tell us? In order to prepare for the possible attack of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom, it is necessary for us to learn more about the situation of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom. And the more you know, the better. This is what people often say, knowing the enemy and knowing yourself, is invincible.”

Zhang Lingpu also said: "Wei Zhong, if you can tell everyone as much as possible about everything you know about the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom, it will be very important for us to prevent possible attacks from the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Kingdom."

Wei Zhong felt a little apologetic, and said: "We are sorry to everyone, and to Qingfeng Country, because our arrival may cause an attack from the Beast and Monster Kingdom, and may cause a catastrophic war—how about letting me and my ten wolf eagles Go back, so that the disaster caused by the war between the two countries may be avoided!"

Wei Xiaoping saw that Wei Zhong spoke so apologetically, and immediately said: "Brother Wei Zhong, you don't have to say that, even if you hadn't come, Wanshou Yao Kingdom would have sent other people to Qingfeng Kingdom to arrest people. If this is the case, then Qingfeng Kingdom will stop it in the future. The Wanshou Yao Kingdom came to arrest my people from the Qingfeng Kingdom, and they will definitely turn against the Wanshou Yao Kingdom."

Zhang Lingpu also said: "Yes, Wei Zhong, you don't need to apologize anymore, the most important thing now is to tell you everything you know about the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom, even if you didn't experience it personally, it's okay to hear it, and try to explain it in detail Listen to everyone. Wei Xiaoping and Zhang Xiaoyan may come and leave if they have something to do, before they leave, we will try our best to discuss with them what precautions should be taken."

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Brother Xiaoping is right, Wanshou Yao Kingdom comes to various places on the wild land every year to arrest and rob people. I don't know how many gangs and countries have offended them. I don't know how many gangs and countries want them to be enemies. !Although no gang or country has turned against them yet, it will happen sooner or later!"

Seeing that everyone said that, Wei Zhong felt a lot of apology in his heart, and continued: "Everyone remember what I said earlier, in order to test how powerful the wolf eagle's sense of smell is, Zhang Tongming once killed more than 5 birds, beasts and humans. Was it about gathering in the mountain depression? At that time, I probably looked at it. Of the more than 5 poultry, beasts and humans, poultry and beasts accounted for almost nine-tenths, and these poultry and beasts were all individual Most of them are huge—"

"What kind of animals are these birds and beasts? Are they all subjected to Zhang Tongming's sorcery?" Zhang Xiaoyan asked.

Wei Zhong said: "Avian species include wolf eagles, giant eagles, wolf eagles, wolf ostriches, and other poultry species. Beast species include wolves, lions, giant magic apes, long-haired monster apes, ligers, wolves and leopards. Giant python golems and other species..."

"Brother Wei Zhong, you have seen as many as [-]. How much do you think you haven't seen?" Zhang Xiaoyan asked.

Wei Zhong continued: "Because more than 5 members have already filled the col, so I guess there should be many members who have not come out. A member has registered, and those who have registered will return to their jobs. If there are extra vacancies, those who have not registered will be asked to come in. In this way, it took two or three days to complete the registration. The registration was completed after two or three days. , This is what I heard from Beast Trainer, so I don’t know exactly how many members the Longevity Demon Kingdom has, but at least, there are no less than 5 members.”

Wei Xiaoping suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Brother Wei, the birds you mentioned just now include wolf eagles, giant eagles, wolf eagles, wolf ostriches, and other bird species. Thinking, if the Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom wants to send troops to attack us, they are so far away from us, they must send these giant birds to fly here, otherwise it is so far away, it would take me how many days to walk!"

Zhang Lingpu also thought of something, and asked: "Wei Zhong, if the Wanshou Yao Kingdom uses these wolf eagles, wolf eagles, and giant eagles to carry soldiers, the giant eagles, wolf eagles, wolf eagles, and wolf ostriches will probably be able to transport soldiers." How many soldiers or beasts of any other species?"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "That's right, my father's question is on point! The Wanshou Yao Kingdom is so far away from our Qingfeng Kingdom, and these giant wolf eagles and other bird species must be used to transport soldiers or other beasts."

Wei Zhong said: "General Zhang is right, because wolf eagles and giant eagles are very big and have super flying abilities, which are very helpful for long-distance transportation. They are all wolf eagles or giant eagles and wolf eagles. These huge wolf eagles, wolf eagles and giant eagles can carry four to five hundred catties at a time, and can fly more than three or four thousand miles a day."

Everyone was surprised when they heard that these wolf eagles, wolf eagles, and giant eagles can carry such a heavy load at a time, and they can travel three to four thousand miles in a day.

Zhang Lingpu asked again: "How many of these giant eagles and other giant bird species are there in the Kingdom of Beasts and Monsters?"

Wei Zhong said: "Because this species has strong mobility and can carry a lot of things, Zhang Tongming paid more attention to them. According to current estimates, there are at least 1 to [-]."

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "With such a huge group of flying species, if we send so many flying species to carry those beast species to attack our Qingfeng country at one time, it will be vulnerable to us!"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Yan'er is right, 1 giant flying objects can carry 2 animal species at one time, and if the giant flying objects are added, it becomes more than [-] soldiers. And our soldiers are all Ordinary soldiers, no one knows any fairy magic spells, and they have no experience in attacking beast-like enemies. So..."

Zhang Lingpu said: "At present, the only weapon we have that can compete with these flying birds such as wolf eagles and eagles is the explosive arrow invented by Xiaoping!"

Wei Zhong said: "Yes, this kind of fiery arrow is really powerful. When it is shot, besides the arrow can pierce the body, it is also equipped with an explosive device, and after the explosive explodes, the objects shot out can ignite the opponent's clothes and other things. The day before yesterday, if General Zhang's archers hadn't fired a fiery arrow that burned the feathers of my ten wolf eagles, the ten wolf eagles would not have been easily defeated by the soldiers. You know, wolf eagles can fly because of their feathers plump, flying..."

Hearing what Wei Zhong said here, Zhang Xiaoyan secretly laughed as she imagined that if the feathers of those wolf eagles were burned off by fire, no matter what they flapped their wings, they would not be able to fly.

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