Wild Romance

Chapter 196 Analyzing the Strength of Countries

Chapter 190 Six

Guided by his attendants, Wei Xiaoping came to Tianning Garden.

In a gazebo in Tianning Garden, King Huang Jingrui was sitting with his concubine at a table.

From a distance, Wei Xiaoping saw the king Huang Jingrui sitting beside the table, with three guards with knives standing on each side.

Huang Jingrui stood up when he saw Wei Xiaoping coming in.

"Greetings to His Majesty the King and the Princess." Wei Xiaoping bowed down and saluted

"General Xiaoping, come here, please sit here!" Huang Jingrui said, pointing to another table opposite them after Wei Xiaoping finished his salute.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Xiaoping said to Huang Jingrui after he finished writing, and then sat down.

Huang Jingrui waited for Wei Xiaoping to sit down before he sat down and said, "I know you must have not eaten at noon, so I set up something to eat first."

"Thank you king and queen!" Wei Xiaoping said a little restrainedly.

"Xiaoping, above the court, you and I are the relationship between monarch and minister. After leaving the court, you and I are friends. As friends, you are my guest when you come here. Guests must be respected, so you don't have to be polite. !"

"King, what can I do?! You are the king, the lord of a country, you should respect, or respect!"

"Okay, okay! While you are eating, the lonely king will talk to you about something!"

"Let's listen to what His Majesty has to say first!"

"Since this is the case, let the lonely king speak! Wei Xiaoping, didn't you say that your brother Wei Xiaofan appeared in Shihui Kingdom this morning?"

"Yes, but, Your Majesty..."

Before Wei Xiaoping could finish his sentence, Huang Jingrui said again: "Gu Wang intends to send you to spy on Shi Huiguo's military situation, and also find out the whereabouts of your brother Wei Xiaofan, how about it?"

Wei Xiaoping originally wanted to apply to Zhang Lingpu or Huang Jingrui to find out Wei Xiaofan's whereabouts, but he was afraid that Zhang Lingpu and the king would misunderstand him and would not go. Now that the king allowed him to go, he became a little suspicious.

Wei Xiaoping thought quickly, why did the king suddenly ask me to inquire about the military situation of Shi Huiguo?

Do you want to attack Shi Huiguo?

With the current strength of my Qingfeng country, it is not enough to go far to attack other countries and benefactor countries. On the contrary, it is often invaded by other countries. Although my Qingfeng country is often invaded by other countries, it is very difficult to conquer.

The reason why our country has not been captured by other countries until now is because our Qingfeng country is surrounded by the continuous Shuangzi Mountains, which makes our Qingfeng country easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is precisely because my Qingfeng country has such a dangerous mountain as a barrier, so other countries and gangs want to take my Qingfeng country as their own.

Although Shi Huiguo has only been established for less than 20 years, due to Yang Sancheng's good leadership, he has annexed dozens of small gangs in just a few years, rapidly expanding its land area and greatly improving its military strength.

Since Shi Huiguo often invaded other countries, Yang Sancheng has accumulated rich aggression after years of aggression. In addition to relying on the protection of the Shuangzifeng Mountains to make it difficult for the enemy to attack, our Qingfeng country is really far away from him to attack others. To be greatly improved.

"Your Majesty, isn't there a department in our Qingfeng country that specializes in spying on the military situation of other countries?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

When Huang Jingrui heard Wei Xiaoping's question, he felt a little unhappy, and said, "Xiaoping, why do you ask this question? Don't tell me you don't like this job very much?"

Xiaoping said: "Oh, Your Majesty, no, because before spying on the military situation of other countries, there was a special department to carry out it—OK, okay, Your Majesty, let me do it for spying on Shi Huiguo's military situation! When can you leave? ?”

Huang Jingrui said: "Okay, this is the good soldier of my Qingfeng country! If you have any requirements, just ask, and the lonely king will try to satisfy you."

Wei Xiaoping said: "Return to Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I can't think of it for the time being, what is needed, let's talk about it when I need it!"

Huang Jingrui said: "Okay! Xiaoping, do you know why I sent you to Shi Huiguo to spy on the military situation?"

Wei Xiaoping said: "Return to Your Majesty, Xiaoping doesn't know. Your Majesty, you are a person with extremely high wisdom. Ordinary people can't guess your thoughts!"

Huang Jingrui laughed and said, "Wei Xiaoping, I don't think I've seen you say such flattering words before, what's the matter today?

The lonely king said just now that above the court, you and I are the relationship between the monarch and the minister. After leaving the court, you and I are friends. So, there is no need for you to flatter the lonely king!

In fact, the reason why you are asked to spy on Shi Huiguo's military situation is, one, isn't your brother Wei Xiaofan being controlled in Shihuiguo now?

Isn't Wei Xiaofan and your twin?Generally, twin brothers, when they grow up, are almost the same no matter in appearance or wisdom.

Since you joined our army of Qingfeng Kingdom, with your wisdom, you were directly promoted to lieutenant general, and then promoted to general in the second year. Until today, you have been a general for several years in a row. You have won many victories, accumulated a lot of military exploits, and made great contributions to defending our Qingfeng country from other countries' aggression. This is enough to show that you are a super smart person!

Today in the court, I learned from your conversation that your twin brother Wei Xiaofan also served as a general in Shi Huiguo. We don't know how many years Wei Xiaofan was a general in Shihuiguo. You said that when he was 15 years old, Just being robbed by someone, counting it, he has been separated from you for more than ten years. It is estimated that during these ten years, he should have served as a soldier in Shihui Country for at least a few years.

In recent years, the military power and territory of Shi Hui Kingdom have rapidly expanded and expanded, occupying and annexing many gangs, and today I learned that your brother is a general in Shi Hui Kingdom, so the lonely king thinks that Shi Hui Kingdom has grown so rapidly in recent years, Wei Xiaofan It must have contributed a lot, because, Xiaoping, the lonely king has seen another you from you, and the other you is Wei Xiaofan.

Therefore, the lonely king wants you to go to Shihui country to find Wei Xiaofan. No matter what, you must bring him back to our Shihui country, and let him serve our Qingfeng country like you, and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy.We can't let him help other countries to attack our Qingfeng country, even if we can't invite him back, at least we can't let him become a tool for other countries to use!This is the most important thing!

Second, judging from the development trend of Shihui Nation in the past few years, it can be seen that Shihui Nation has huge ambitions. If no one strangles it, everyone may be annexed by Shihui Nation in the future.

On the Wild Continent, as we know, there are four kingdoms, namely our Qingfeng Kingdom, Manyi Kingdom, Shihui Kingdom, and Tiansong Kingdom. It is estimated that the strength ranking of the countries is that the Barbarian Kingdom is the most powerful, followed by Shihui Kingdom, followed by our Qingfeng Kingdom and In Tiansong Kingdom, we now know from Wei Zhong, who has just surrendered, that a kingdom of ten thousand beasts and monsters has emerged tens of thousands of miles away.

Although at present, we don't know what kind of strength this Ten Thousand Beasts and Monster Kingdom is, and whether it is as ambitious as the Shihui Kingdom, but from the fact that they come to the barbaric continent every year to plunder the people of various countries to become their citizens and soldiers, it can be seen that in the near future In the future, it is likely that its ambitions will not be small.

Judging from the current strength of all countries, only the barbarian country has the ability to equalize the military power of the Shihui country, but Zhao Jinghua, the king of the barbarian country, is obsessed with pleasure-seeking and does not care about state affairs, so it is not right to expect the barbarian country to suppress the Shihui country possible.

The strength of the Tiansong Kingdom is stronger than some big gangs, but it is far behind my Qingfeng Kingdom. Therefore, it will be a matter of time before the Tiansong Kingdom is annexed by Shi Huiguo.

Therefore, for the long-term stability of our Qingfeng country, we must have long-term plans. "

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