Wild Romance

Chapter 179 Ghost Dog Battle 4 Wolf Eagle

Chapter 170 Nine Nether Dogs and Four Wolf Eagles ([-])

Two wolf eagles approached Niu Dahua in the middle from front to back, raised their feathers while walking, wrinkled their mouths, and showed their fangs like the ghost dog Niu Dahua, looked at Niu Dahua, thinking to themselves, what is this monster? monster?There are three heads that are almost the same as mine!Is it a dog?It's not like that either!Except for the gray hair on the tail, waist and neck, its whole body is bare. It looks like a stone that has been washed by the rain for thousands of years, and it is smooth and hard, or it is as ugly as the corpse of a dead thing!The three mouths on the three heads opened at the same time, revealing a mouth full of fangs. They looked very fierce, but they dodged our attacks.

Thinking this way, the two wolf eagles let out "woooooooooooooo" to each other, jumped up at the same time, opened a pair of iron hook-like claws as big as a pot lid, and pounced on the Nether dog and bull flower in the middle.

Niu Dahua saw two monsters stretching out their sharp claws and rushed towards it at the same time. Its sharp three heads looked to the left and right. A monster flew over its head.

When jumping over the head of the wolf eagle on the left, Niu Dahua swept the head of the wolf eagle on the left with its chain-like tail.

When Niu Dahua's tail was sweeping towards the wolf eagle below, it originally wanted to hit the wolf eagle's head on the left with its tail, but because it jumped over too fast, its tail swept over the wolf eagle's head On the back, because Niu Dahua jumped over and flew a little high, the tail swept down, but only swept the feathers of the wolf eagle on the left, and missed the flesh on the back, only heard a "poof", countless pieces of feathers It flew up from the wolf eagle's back.

Niu Dahua flew two or three feet away from the head of the wolf eagle on the left, landed on the ground, turned around and looked to the right.

When the two wolf eagles flew towards Niu Dahua in the middle at the same time, they did not expect that when they were about to catch Niu Dahua, Niu Dahua suddenly flew to the left. Due to the high speed, it was too late to stop the body with its wings in the air, and the body flew forward The inertial force of the pounce made the two wolf eagles collide with each other, and the four claws grabbed each other. At the same time, the four wings flapped together. In an instant, both sides fell to the bottom at the same time.

Niu Dahua saw two monsters colliding with each other, and was about to fall and wanted to run towards the grass and small rocky hills, but suddenly a huge shadow blocked her, and at the same time something scratched her back, and she immediately felt a pain in her back. There was a tearing pain in the thigh.

Niu Dahua squatted down subconsciously, and looked up at the same time, seeing a monster flying over her head less than one meter away.

It turned out that another wolf eagle attacked Niu Dahua from behind.

The wolf eagle that attacked Niu Dahua was exactly the one that was looking for the horse boss with the other one.

It turned out that the wolf eagle that was attacking Niu Dahua separated from the one that was looking for Boss Ma together, and kept looking for it to the right. When they separated from that one, they both told each other that if anyone finds Boss Ma first, Just send out a call signal, asking the other party to hurry up and help kill the enemy together.After the separation, it kept looking to the right. Since it didn't receive the signal from the other one, it thought that Boss Ma must have run to the right, so it kept looking to the right, but it didn't expect to follow the other dog who was following Niu Dahua. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. When the two were rushing towards Niu Dahua, the wolf eagle that attacked Niu Dahua from behind happened to come this way. Just walking not far behind Niu Dahua, when seeing two of its kind bump into each other and Niu Dahua turned his head to look to the right, it immediately soared up, stretched out its sharp claws and flew towards Niu Dahua, before Niu Dahua didn't respond When it came over, its claws slashed across Niu Dahua's back. Unexpectedly, Niu Dahua was so sharp. When his back was caught by its claws, he immediately squatted down to the ground.

This sneak attacking wolf eagle originally wanted to grab its own claws into Niu Dahua's back, and as long as the confidant couldn't loosen his grip, the other party couldn't get rid of him. I didn't expect the other party to squat down so quickly. It can only scratch the opponent's skin.

After Niu Dahua squatted down, she saw that the one attacking her was another monster that was following Boss Ma. At the same time, she also felt something crawling downwards behind her, and asked about a familiar but not memorable smell. , the head on it turned to the back, wanting to see what was crawling on its back.

Niu Dahua saw that on her back, there were several bright red liquid like earthworms flowing down slowly from the place where the claws of the monster wolf eagle had scratched just now.

Seeing this scene, Niu Dahua was pleasantly surprised, and quickly thought in her heart, aren't these red streaks exactly my blood?Since I returned to the underworld from my previous life and worked as a watchdog for hundreds of years in the underworld's cross-travel consulting office, I have never seen the red blood on my body again, because there is no blood in the underworld to be a ghost. I haven't seen my own blood for hundreds of years, and I always feel that my body is like a phantom made of fog or smoke. I never thought that when I returned to the world with General Wei Xiaoping, my body would have blood again. This proved that my body I have changed back to my real body, that is, my body, like all the animals in the underworld, is a real body, a flesh and blood entity, not an illusory body like in the underworld.

Thinking of this, Niu Dahua became happy, and ran towards the grass and small rocky mountains not far in front.

The three wolf eagles saw that Niu Da was running forward, and saw that its back was bleeding, especially the blood from Niu Dahua, which made them ask, feeling very hungry, so the three wolf eagles flew up at the same time, quickly Fly to the top of Niu Dahua's head, and quickly descend to surround Niu Dahua from three directions.

Two of them blocked Niu Dahua's path one after the other, and the other hovered over Niu Dahua's head, making a sound of "wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow".

After the three wolf eagles surrounded Niu Dahua, they immediately rushed towards Niu Dahua from three directions at the same time.

Niu Dahua saw the enemy rushing towards him from the front, back, and the sky at the same time, and wanted to walk to the left and right, but the left and right sides of this road were full of wild vines with inverted dog thorns. If the wild vines are strung out, not only will the stringing be unsuccessful, but they may also suffer from the barb wounds, or even be stuck by these wild vines. At that time, they may become captives of these three monsters, or even be eaten by them.

Seeing that Xiang escaped from the encirclement of the three monsters, Niu Dahua had no choice but to fight hard.

At this moment, Niu Dahua heard the signal from Boss Ma that he had subdued the monster, so the three dogs opened their heads at the same time and barked loudly, calling Boss Ma to come over here, and said that he had been injured three times. Besieged by monsters.

After Niu Dahua barked, he immediately opened his huge mouth and rushed towards the monster wolf eagle on the left.

When Niu Dahua rushed over, his tail also stiffened rapidly, sweeping left and right like a steel whip.

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