Wild Romance

Chapter 168 Challenge

"General Zhang, did you see the boss of the ghost dog, what kind of attack did you knock down the weapons of the soldiers?" King Huang Jingrui asked. He felt that the speed of the boss's attack was incredible, and he wanted to see more. It was lively, but Boss Ma defeated [-] soldiers so quickly, and felt that it was not enough to see their swords, lights and swords, and the fierce fighting scenes that were comparable to each other.

"Back to the king, Boss Ma hit the soldiers' weapons with the chains around his tail and neck, knocking them off! Boss Ma's movements were so fast that he couldn't even see the shadows." Zhang Ling Spectrum said.

"Well!" The king replied while eating, "The lonely king thought that he was the only one who didn't see the shadow of Boss Ma's movements. It turned out that he couldn't even see the battle-tested General Zhang. It seems that Boss Ma is really powerful! "

"It's much stronger than I imagined! I may not be faster than it!" Zhang Lingpu said, he was telling the truth, since he joined the army in the Barbarian Kingdom, he has never seen such a fast person or beast .

"Even our great general praised the boss of the Nether Dog and Horse like this. It seems that these two Nether Dogs are indeed very powerful!"

The ministers also nodded, with a "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" sound from their mouths.


"Boss Ma dares to touch the soldiers' weapons with his tail? Is Boss Ma's tail made of iron?" Huang Jingrui felt very surprised, "Wei Xiaoping, Boss Ma's tail is not made of meat? How dare he touch weapons?" bump?"

"Back to the king, although the bodies of these two ghost dogs are now made of flesh, but because they have gone through untold hardships and tempered, the skin on their bodies is as tough as steel, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to cut or stab them! "

"It's so amazing? It's the first time I've heard of it!—Xiaoping, do you know? You were seriously injured this time, and the lonely king was very distressed, so as soon as you came back, the lonely king sent soldiers to guard your residence in case someone I took the opportunity to hurt you. Seeing that you have all recovered today, the lonely king is relieved! Thinking about it carefully, although you were seriously injured and almost died this time, you brought back these two combat powers from the underworld in your dream. The Nether Dog is equivalent to helping our country recruit two generals, helping you find two special assistants, not losing money, and even making money, I think, this is what the ancients often said is a blessing in disguise!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" Wei Xiaoping

At this time, Zhang Lingpu came over and asked: "Your Majesty, the first competition, the Nether dog and horse boss won! Do you want to continue the competition?"

"Of course, continue to compare. Just now Wei Xiaoping said that the skin and flesh of these two ghost dogs are as tough as steel, and ordinary weapons cannot cut or stab them. I want to see if it is true!"

"Since this is the case, how should we compete? The first time I was afraid that the ghost dog would be injured by the soldiers' weapons, so I let the two sides stop. Now that their skin and flesh are as tough as steel, do you want to change the rules?" Zhang Lingpu said. .

"General Zhang, you got the point. This time we will not only compete, but also compete with Boss Ma to see if it is really invulnerable. If it is really invulnerable, then we will have two generals." ! You told the soldiers participating in the competition to try their best to compete with Boss Ma!"

"Then do you want to add more soldiers? The twenty soldiers just now were defeated by Boss Ma in just an instant!"

"Add more soldiers! The more soldiers you add to the competition, the more you can see how powerful the ghost dog and horse boss is. The more you can show how powerful the horse boss is, the more you can show that Wei Xiaoping brought back two Thanks to the ghost dog! General Zhang, you can decide this! You are a general, so estimate how many soldiers this boss of the ghost dog can support at one time!" Huang Jingrui said.

"Yes! Well, I have to discuss this with Wei Xiaoping, because Wei Xiaoping brought them back, and Wei Xiaoping has been in touch with them for the longest time, so he knows their capabilities better, so Wei Xiaoping should know roughly how many soldiers will be involved in the competition. !” said Zhang Lingpu.

"En! Very good suggestion! General Zhang, you can directly ask Wei Xiaoping about this!" Huang Jingrui said.

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!" Zhang Lingpu said to Huang Jingrui, and then walked to Wei Xiaoping who was talking with Zhang Xiaoyan.

"Brother Xiaoping, the two ghost dogs you brought back are too powerful. Just now twenty soldiers besieged Ma Boss together, and Ma Boss defeated them in the blink of an eye. Now re-select soldiers to compete with Ma Boss. Boss, how many soldiers can you support at most?"

"This, I can't estimate it. After all, I haven't been with them for a long time, and I have experienced relatively few battlefields with them, so I don't know much about their fighting ability! I'll ask Boss Ma!" Wei Xiaoping Said.

"Boss Ma, according to the situation of the [-] soldiers who competed with you just now, how many soldiers do you think you need to add to be evenly matched with you? So that the king can understand how good your fighting skills are." Wei Xiaoping went to the competition. The ghost dog horse boss on the field came up to him, stroked the horse boss, and said to the horse boss in a special way of communication.

"General, I don't know too well. If all of them are like the twenty ones just now, I guess a hundred of them won't be big enough for me!" Boss Ma said in a low voice.

"Don't call me a general in the future, I'm not a general anymore! - Then I'll ask General Zhang to pick more than 100 people to come over and compete with you, okay?"

"Wait, master, what did you just say? You are not a general anymore?" Hearing Wei Xiaoping say that he is no longer a general, Boss Ma became vigilant. What's going on?The master is no longer a general?

"Just now in the palace, I was dismissed by the king, because last time I fought against the enemy, I did something wrong." Wei Xiaoping then briefly talked about the fact that he was stabbed by Wei Xiaofan and the event that the king dismissed him .

"What's going on like this? It's not fair for the king to do this, master! - No matter what, we are all your subordinates, and we will always obey your orders. As long as you want us to do anything, we will obey you!" Ma Boss After listening, he understood what was going on, looked at Wei Xiaoping tenderly, and said.

"Thank you, Boss Ma! What you said is a bit wrong! In our country, all people, whether ministers or generals, or ordinary people, must first obey the king, because the king is the master of a country and the leader The people of the whole country are the leaders who strive for a better life together, so no matter what the situation is, we have to obey the king first, and then think about ourselves, understand? So, don’t say such things in the future! Fortunately, you and I The only way to communicate is to use the special communication method given by Lord Yan, if you speak Mandarin, if you are heard by everyone and heard by the ministers, you will be condemned and even punished!" Wei Xiaoping said.

"However, master, you have led countless battles for the Qingfeng Kingdom and made countless military exploits. Now you just want to persuade Wei Xiaofan to come back to you and promise to let him hit you three times and never fight back. You are dismissed like this. Really. It's so unfair, I'll do it for you!" said Boss Ma.

"Okay, don't talk about this for now, now obey the king's order and show the king a show with the soldiers!" Wei Xiaoping said, stroking the three heads of Boss Ma.

Seeing Boss Ma reluctantly nodded, Wei Xiaoping walked towards Zhang Lingpu,

When Zhang Lingpu heard that Wei could pick a hundred soldiers like the one just now to compete with Boss Ma, he was a little surprised, and asked Zhang Xiaoyan to pick another hundred more soldiers.

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