Wild Romance

Chapter 160

Wei Xiaoping heard Li Chaoqian finished speaking, and listened carefully to the discussions of the officials, he thought: I was willing to let Yang Shengtian do three tricks at that time, but I didn't expect that I would be so traumatized, and I didn't consider that if I was hurt and The consequences of failing to fight the enemy!Fortunately, after he was injured, his master Xuanzhe Zhenren assisted the lieutenant Huang Xianlin to defeat the enemy, otherwise he would have committed a felony!Now that I think about it, if I look at the overall situation, it is indeed too selfish for me to agree to let my brother hit me three times without fighting back for my own benefit and to turn my brother back to me!

Wei Xiaoping continued to think, when he and Yang Shengtian were fighting on the top of Twin Peaks, he told Wei Xiaofan not to fight back with three moves, only he knew, who spread the matter to the palace?How could this Li Chaoqian know?

"Go back to His Majesty the King, I'm here today because of this matter!" Wei Xiaoping said.

After hearing Wei Xiaoping's reason for returning to the palace without invitation, Huang Jingrui thought to himself, Wei Xiaoping is Wei Xiaoping, and he does things openly and aboveboard!

"Oh! Very good, very good! The lonely king likes General Wei's open and upright mind the most! General Wei Ai, please stand up and speak!" Huang Jingrui said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Wei Xiaoping stood up, thought for a while, and continued: "In this battle at the foot of the Twin Peaks, the enemy general's name is Yang Shengtian, but his real name is Wei Xiaofan. !"

As soon as Wei Xiaoping's words came out, all the ministers present were shocked immediately. The ministers looked at each other and started discussing one after another!

"Did I hear you right! General Wei also has a long-lost twin brother?"

"When General Wei first came in, I never heard him say that he has a twin brother!"

"Since he's a twin brother, doesn't he look a lot like General Wei?"

"General Wei said that the enemy general is his twin brother. Since he is a biological brother, why did he stab him seriously?"

"That's right, since he is a real brother, why did the younger brother stab the elder brother seriously? It almost killed the elder brother?"

"...It's not like the two brothers are playing some flesh and blood scheme..."

Zhang Xiaoyan was always worried that Wei Xiaofan's stabbing of Wei Xiaoping would be exposed in the palace, and it would be a big deal for the king to know about it, but now Wei Xiaoping said it himself, which surprised Zhang Xiaoyan!After being surprised, my heart also began to calm down, and I thought to myself, since brother Xiaoping voluntarily told the matter, anyway, everyone will know in the future, it's just a matter of time!

Zhang Lingpu was also surprised when Wei Xiaoping voluntarily said that he was stabbed by his younger brother Wei Xiaofan and the enemy general Wei Xiaofan. After being surprised, he also admired Wei Xiaoping's uprightness!

Li Chaoqian originally wanted to make a fuss about the fact that Wei Xiaoping deliberately let the enemy general make three moves and he was stabbed. Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaoping said that the enemy general who stabbed him was his younger brother, and this younger brother turned out to be the enemy general!This made Li Chaoqian secretly happy: Wei Xiaoping has added another crime!

"Your Majesty, I have something to say!" Li Chaoqian said to editor Huang Jingrui

"Sir Li, please speak!" King Huang Jingrui said.

"General Wei has concealed that he has a younger brother in the six years since he joined the army, and this younger brother has become a general in Shi Huiguo. Everyone knows that it takes many years to rise from a soldier to a general, and in so much time In the village, it is necessary to lead troops to fight frequently, accumulate meritorious service, and have rich experience to become a general. Wei Xiaoping’s younger brother, Wei Xiaofan, achieved the position of general at such a young age. From this, it can be seen that Wei Xiaofan has been a soldier in Shi Huiguo for a long time. At least he has been in the army much longer than General Wei Xiaoping, and since Wei Xiaoping joined our army, he has not mentioned a word about Wei Xiaofan's service in Shihui country. It's been a long time!" Li Chaoqian said.

As soon as Li Chao's words fell, the ministers began to discuss again.

"Master Li's words are very reasonable! Unexpectedly, General Wei, who usually seems to have a sense of justice, would have lied to the king that his younger brother had been a general in the enemy country for so long, and also deceived everyone for so long. It is really hateful! "

"Our Qingfeng Kingdom has been established for decades, and there has never been a case of a courtier defrauding the king. This is the first time for Wei Xiaoping!"

"General Wei said that he and his younger brother have been separated for ten years. General Wei is 26 years old this year. When he and his younger brother were separated, the brothers should be fifteen or sixteen years old. The two brothers started dating Xuan Zhe when they were five years old. They went up to the mountains to practice martial arts and Taoism, and they were separated when they were fifteen or sixteen years old. From this, it can be seen that when Wei Xiaofan separated, the two brothers had already practiced with Master Xuanzhe for more than ten years, and had already learned a lot of martial arts and Taoism from Xuanzhe. Alas! It’s simply cultivating talents for the enemy country to attack us!”

"However, this Wei Xiaofan can't even beat the deputy general Huang Xianlin, so how can he defeat General Wei Xiaoping? General Wei Xiaoping is much better than the deputy general Huang Xianlin in all aspects, but he can defeat Wei Xiaofan. From this, it can be seen that Wei Xiaoping couldn't bear to beat him. Brother defeated! This is disregarding the overall situation!"

"Yeah, how can such a person be qualified to be a general?"

"Everyone, let's listen to what General Wei has said first, and let's talk about it!"


Zhang Xiaoyan saw that the ministers were discussing a lot, and thought to herself, these ministers didn't listen to the little brother's words, so they talked about brother Xiaoping's right and wrong like this, aren't they afraid that they might misunderstand others?Really!

Zhang Lingpu also thought that Zhang Xiaoyan had known Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan since she was a child, and knew a lot about Wei Xiaoping and the brothers, if the king really pursued the investigation and refused to report, Zhang Xiaoyan might also be implicated!What can I do?Zhang Xiaoyan and Wei Xiaoping were two childhood sweethearts since childhood, and Wei Xiaoping was appointed by the king as the deputy general when Wei Xiaoping first entered Qingfeng country to join the army. At the beginning, he thought that Wei Xiaoping was a good person in all aspects and had a bright future in the future. I hope that Zhang Xiaoyan and Wei Xiaoping can get along well, and develop into a married couple who grow old together, so that after a hundred years in the future, I can go west with peace of mind. I didn't expect it to become like this: the king just asked Zhang Xiaoyan for his sin this morning, Now it's Wei Xiaoping's turn to be questioned by the king. I don't know if Wei Xiaoping can explain clearly this time and whether he will be given a lighter punishment by the king or not?

"Your Majesty, I have something to say." Zhang Lingpu walked to the middle of the aisle, knelt down to Huang Jingrui and said.

Seeing that someone wanted to speak, Huang Jingrui immediately asked all the officials to be silent, and said, "General Zhang, please speak up if you have something to say!"

"Your Majesty, please let General Wei finish his speech, and then you can decide whether to convict General Wei, and how to decide the law! After all, General Wei Xiaoping has just started to speak. I don't think everyone can understand before listening to General Wei's speech." The whole process!" Zhang Lingpu said

"General Zhang is right! Wei Xiaoping, explain this matter briefly and clearly so that everyone can see what is going on!" Huang Jingrui said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Wei Xiaoping said.

Therefore, Wei Xiaoping began to talk about himself and Wei Xiaofan since they were five years old to follow Master Xuanzhe to practice on the mountain, and briefly talked about the battle of Twin Peaks and Wei Xiaofan's reunion a few days ago!

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