Wild Romance

Chapter 16 Looking for Past Life Wei Xiaofan

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"Where did the two ghosts, Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin, go? I gave you so much money, but you are not here to accompany me! I have a question to ask you, what should I do to make the half-immortal ghost return to his place as soon as possible?" On a half-immortal body? You are not here, I really want to return to my injured body now, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to become a real ghost, I want to live in the world, to protect my brother Wei Xiaofan I can’t go back to the happy family in my previous life, so I can’t go back to my relatives in the previous life! But my younger brother in this world is still alive, and my body is still alive, and I still have the possibility If there is a chance to return to Wei Xiaofan's side! As long as there is a [-]% chance, I will strive to return to my present life."

Wei Xiaoping kept thinking about how to get his ghost back to his body as soon as possible!

At this moment, Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin walked in.

"Brother Luo, you came in? I just wanted to ask you something, it would be great if you came in!" Wei Xiaoping said a little excitedly.

"We're right outside the door. We don't want to interfere with your review of your past life, so we want to wait for you outside. What? Did you find out that you and your brother Wei Xiaofan were brothers in the previous life?"

"I found out my family in my previous life. In my previous life, I had two parents and three brothers and sisters. I found out that from the time I was one year old to 13 years old, I was the oldest in the family. There was also a younger sister and a younger brother. My younger sister is Wei Xiaofang, my younger brother is Wei Xiaoxiang, my previous name is the same as my current one, but I don’t know that I have another younger brother named Wei Xiaofan?”

"Did your younger brother change his name later?"

"I don't know, I haven't watched anything after the age of 13!"

"Maybe your younger brother changed his name later, or your parents gave birth to another child after you were 13 years old. It's not necessarily true. I think you really want to know if you and Wei Xiaofan were blood brothers in the previous life. You should read your Past life experience! How old are the parents in the previous life you just saw?"

"There should be more than 30 to 40 years old."

"It is very likely that your parents gave birth to a younger brother after you were 13 years old. If you really want to know whether you and Wei Xiaofan were blood brothers in the previous life, you'd better read your previous life resume. Even if you don't read it, at least Take a look!"

"Brother Luo, what you said makes sense!" Wei Xiaoping said, "Brother Luo, can you teach me what to do so that I can quickly read my past life history?"

"Why are you in such a hurry to finish watching? The fee you paid is enough to allow you to watch it for a long time!"

"I checked it just now, and it will take about a month to read my resume in my previous life. Didn't you say that my body is not dead yet? Since my body is not dead, if my body comes back to life one day, Will my ghost just fly back to my body, so I won't have the chance to read my resume?"

"Yes, you can choose a longer period of time to watch, and then click the medium-speed button, so that the magic mirror will help you rotate the picture a little faster. But you must pay attention, and don't let go of anything that makes you suspicious. screen."

"So this magic ball has this function? Which one is it?"

"There is a button on the right side of the magic ball, you press it once, and the rotating picture on the magic mirror will speed up one level forward, and every time you press it, it will speed up one level forward, and so on, how fast you want, Just press it a few times."

According to what Luo Zhifu said, Wei Xiaoping looked to the right of the magic ball, and sure enough there was a small cube like a slightly protruding finger on the table.

"Is it this one?"

"Yes, it's this one, just press it lightly to see." Luo Zhifu said.

Wei Xiaoping lightly pressed the small square with his index finger, and the button of the small square retracted for a while, then bounced up again.

Then he looked at the magic mirror on the wall, and he saw that the picture turned faster.

Seeing that the magic mirror on the wall rotated faster, Wei Xiaoping continued to lightly press it a second time.

The picture in the magic mirror increases by one level, speeding up the rotation.

"By the way, just press like this. If you want to see the faster screen, you can press down one by one."

"Okay, I see, thank you Brother Luo!" Wei Xiaoping said happily.

As Wei Xiaoping spoke, he continued to press at the speed he wanted to watch, and then focused on watching the rotating screen.

Suddenly, Wei Xiaoping saw a somewhat familiar scene.

In this picture, Wei Xiaoping saw himself and a somewhat familiar face.

Wei Xiaoping saw himself sitting at a table with a man with a familiar face.

Wei Xiaoping immediately pressed the button to stop the moving screen.

He looked carefully, and in this picture was a bright white room with [-] small rectangular tables inside. Then, there were two wrong people on each table, and they were all of the same age. boy girl.Some are male and female at the same table, and some are two boys at the same table.

Wei Xiaoping from the previous life shared a table with that somewhat familiar face.

"Who is this person? It's a bit like his younger brother Wei Xiaoxiang. But Wei Xiaoxiang is not as big and mature as this person! Why are there so many people in there?" Wei Xiaoping thought to himself.

Wei Xiaoping clicked the button again to make the screen continue to move.This time, in order to see clearly, he slowed down the rotating picture.

When the moving picture slowed down, the people in the room began to move.

In the magic mirror, the people in Wei Xiaoping's previous life turned around, just like everyday people's activities, all movements are coherent.

At this time, in the magic mirror, with the rotation of the picture, there was a noisy sound in that room, it was noisy!

This noisy sound is the voice of people talking.

Of the boys and girls in the room, some were talking together in two or three, and some were talking in groups of four or five.It seems that each of them is researching their own topic.

Wei Xiaoping paid attention to himself and the boy in the magic mirror.

I saw myself and the boy in the previous life buried their heads under the table, as if they were looking at something magical.

That way, it seems that what they are looking at cannot be seen by others and must be kept secret.

On their respective desktops, there are several books and some pens.

Moreover, these books are all open, with densely packed notes filled with words.

What are they doing?Wei Xiaoping thought to himself, why didn't I talk to that familiar person in the previous life?As soon as they talk, as long as I hear them calling each other's names, I know if that familiar face is Xiaofan.

Wei Xiaoping was thinking while watching, he was waiting for himself in the magic mirror to talk to that familiar face.

After a few minutes, a woman in her 40s and [-]s suddenly walked in from outside the room.

This woman's hair reaches her ears, her face is handsome, and there are two transparent round frames on her eyes!

He was holding a book in his hand, and something that looked exactly the same at both ends.

All of a sudden, everyone in the room fell silent and stood up immediately.All turned toward the woman standing at one end of the room.

Only Wei Xiaoping and that familiar face didn't stand up yet, as if they didn't know this woman came in, and they didn't notice that everyone stood up.

On the back wall where the woman was standing hung a large black wooden board.

"Class!" the woman shouted to all the boys and girls in front of her and below.

The room was as quiet as hearing hair fall to the floor.

"Class!" Seeing that no one made a sound, the woman shouted again.

At this time, Wei Xiaoping and the boy at the same table hurriedly stood up!

There was still a slight mirror in the room, and the atmosphere became a little tense.

"Who is on duty today?" the woman shouted!

All of a sudden, many boys and girls looked at Wei Xiaoping and that familiar face.

Wei Xiaoping and the familiar face in the magic mirror seemed to realize something, and the two immediately shouted:

"Stand up! Hello teacher!"

So all the people shouted together: "Hello, teacher!"

The woman remained silent, stood on it, walked left and right, then returned to where she was standing just now, and said:

"Are there any other students who didn't stand up?"

All the people below immediately looked around to see if anyone was still sitting.

Seeing that everyone stood up, the woman who was called a teacher by everyone said:

"Hello, students! Except for Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan, all the other students sit down!"

So everyone sat down, only Wei Xiaoping and the boy named Wei Xiaofan who was called the female teacher were still standing!

Seeing themselves and Wei Xiaofan standing alone, they felt so embarrassed!

The two felt that there were many eyes watching them from behind!In these eyes looking at him, Wei Xiaoping felt that there were ridicule, contempt, schadenfreude, indifference...

Wei Xiaoping in the private room was excited: So in his previous life, there really was a person named Wei Xiaofan who stayed with him.

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