Wild Romance

Chapter 121 Discuss to Find Wei Xiaofan

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Master Xuanzhe told Xuanwu and Zhang Xiaoyan about the expression he saw when he fought Wei Xiaofan on the battlefield and the scene where he was taken away by the soul-destroyer.

"It seems that the one who took Wei Xiaofan away back then must have been the soul-destroyer? If this soul-destroyer really took Wei Xiaofan away, it would prove that this soul-destroyer had already trained as a soul-destroyer ten years ago. This kind of soul-stirring technique appeared ten years ago, and we didn’t even know about it. In the past ten years, no one in the Wild Continent has ever heard of it. It can be seen that this soul-stirring technique is really hidden! You know, the entire Wild Continent There are dozens of gangs, eight or nine countries, each gang and each country, in order to one day annex other gangs or countries, spies are sent to other gang countries to test the military situation every day. He has appeared for more than ten years, and in these ten years, he has not revealed his feet, which shows that he is cunning and scheming, hiding like a needle falling into the sea!" said Xuanwu Daoist.

Master Xuanzhe sighed and said: "Yes, this is exactly what I am most worried about. This person not only knows the art of soul-hunting, but also the invisibility method, so when he appeared and punched me, I couldn't see him. , only saw Wei Xiaofan being unconscious and being carried away by something, disappearing into the air. Moreover, the soul-destroyer was holding Wei Xiaofan, and he could fly away without a trace. It can be seen from this that his flying spell and Lightness skills are far superior to you and me! If he really hides intentionally, we really can't do anything about him!"

Daoist Xuan Wu said: "Senior brother, it is impossible for this soul master to hide for a long time. Didn't you say that when he flew away with Wei Xiaofan in his arms, he left you a word? He said that he would borrow Wei Xiaofan for a while, and wait for someday." After he becomes famous, will he return Wei Xiaofan himself to you? Since he wants to become famous, he must want to do something big. Since he wants to do something big, he can't hide for too long, so he will come out frequently!"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "Uncle Xuanwu is right, since this soul-absorbing man wants to do great things, he will definitely come out and walk around, but we have never seen him in person, and we don't know what he looks like, so it is more troublesome to find him." Uncle Xuanzhe, now that Senior Brother Xiaofan is still alive, and that he is Shi Huiguo’s general now, if we want to find Senior Brother Xiaofan, we should start with Shi Huiguo!”

Master Xuan Zhe said: "Yes! Junior Brother, you are right. Since we still don't know what the soul-destroyer looks like, if we are looking for Wei Xiaofan, we will start with Shi Huiguo! As for the soul-destroyer, I will Go up the mountain and ask the master to see if there is any clue. The master is older than us, and he mentioned the soul-stirring technique to us before. I think the master should have a better understanding of this soul-stirring technique, where did it come from! "

When Zhang Xiaoyan heard that he wanted to find Wei Xiaofan, he immediately said: "Master, you can leave it to me to go to Shi Huiguo to find Wei Xiaofan. But, you need to send one or two people with me!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Nephew Zhang Xiaoyan, you are the general of Qingfeng Kingdom, you must abide by the military regulations in everything you do, and now several gang countries are coveting the environment where Qingfeng Kingdom is located. Our Qingfeng Kingdom has been destroyed, and we have taken the territory of Qingfeng Kingdom as our own! Although there is no danger now, if they suddenly attack one day, we will suffer a loss if we are too late to prepare for the battle. As far as I know, just like before The sudden attack of Shi Hui Nation this time, if it wasn’t because the spies had notified us in advance, and we couldn’t prepare in advance, we might be in a passive position, and it would be our Qingfeng Nation who suffered!”

Zhang Xiaoyan heard this, and said, "It's a pity that I wasn't present at the battle at the foot of the Twin Mountains. If I had been there, Brother Xiaofan would not have assassinated Brother Xiaoping!" After Zhang Xiaoyan finished speaking, she looked at Dahuang with dissatisfaction.

When Da Huang heard Zhang Xiaoyan's words, he quickly lowered his head and looked at the ground, as if he felt very guilty.

Seeing that Da Huang was like a child being scolded by adults, Master Xuanwu lowered his head, touched Da Huang's waist and said, "Zhang Xiaoyan, don't talk about Da Huang. If we were Da Huang, we might be like Da Huang! What's more , Xiaoping and Xiaofan have loved each other so much since they were young. Xiaoping has been missing for so many years, Xiaoping suddenly saw Xiaofan's appearance, so naturally he loves Xiaofan even more, and Xiaofan has become an enemy general again, coming to attack him Guoguo, this made Xiaoping feel sad, and felt that his younger brother was very sorry for the country where he was born and raised! I think, during the fight between Xiaoping and Xiaofan, he must have persuaded Xiaofan to leave Shihuiguo and return to his side, in order to let Xiao Fan listened to his own advice and returned to his side, so Xiao Ping agreed to Xiao Fan's request and asked him to hit Wei Xiaoping three times without fighting back! Xiao Ping made a promise not to fight back, so he was stabbed by Xiao Fan to such a serious injury!"

"Yeah! Junior brother, you are right, it should be like this! Besides, Xiaofan is controlled by the soul-storing man with the soul-stealing technique, Xiaofan can't help himself, and he has forgotten his childhood memories!" Master Xuanzhe stroked stroking his beard, nodding and saying

Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Uncle Xuan Wu is right, why didn't I think of this! But no matter what, I still blame Da Huang, because no matter what, Da Huang should dissuade Xiao Fan and brother Xiaoping when Da Huang sees Xiao Fan making a fight with brother Xiao Ping. Rhubarb, do you think I'm right?"

Da Huang looked at Zhang Xiaoyan and nodded heavily.

Zhang Xiaoyan said again: "Then Master Xuanzhe, next, what arrangements are we going to make to find Brother Xiaofan?"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Next, as for seeing Wei Xiaofan on the battlefield benefiting the country's enemy generals, everyone should try not to spread it, and let others know! If it spreads, spread it to the king, for fear that it will cause trouble for the king and the palace. Others here are guessing wildly."

Zhang Xiaoyan responded immediately: "That's right, why didn't I think of this, two seniors, I will keep it a secret. But besides us and General Huang Xianlin, who else knows about this?"

Master Xuanwu also stroked his beard, and said, "This apprentice of mine is also very secretive about this matter. He probably knew about this matter last month, and he didn't tell me when he came back. I only found out about it today. Something. I think, at present, only the few of us and Huang Xianlin know about it!?"

Master Xuan Zhe said: "According to Huang Xianlin, after they won the battle last month, Wei Xiaofan came to the city gate to meet Huang Xianlin for an appointment as soon as they fought at the city gate of Shuangzi Mountain. At that time, three generals all saw Wei Xiaofan's appearance , also feel that Wei Xiaofan and Wei Xiaoping look exactly the same. Therefore, after Huang Xianlin came out, there are three generals who know about it. Brother, when Huang Xianlin comes back later, you tell him, tell the three generals not to reveal this matter. "

Master Xuan Wu said: "Yes, there is no need to wait for him to come back, I will tell him about this on the way!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "Brother, there is no need to be in such a hurry. It is estimated that Huang Xianlin's nephew will arrive at the barracks soon! When the time comes, you can go directly to the barracks to find him!"

Zhang Xiaoyan also said: "That's right, Master Xuanwu, if you go out now, how do you know where he has returned? Or wait for him here, let's discuss together, what is the next step to find Senior Brother Wei Xiaofan!"

Master Xuan Wu said: "It's better to keep the fact that Wei Xiaofan is an enemy general a secret. It's better to do it as soon as possible. I'll go out first!"

Master Xuanzhe said: "That's fine, Junior Brother, then after you find Huang Xianlin, come back as soon as possible!"

Watching Master Xuanwu walk out, Zhang Xiaoyan said: "Uncle, is it true that Senior Brother Xiaoping will not wake up until ten days later? If everyone infused him with more qi, would he be able to recover faster? ?”

Master Xuanzhe said: "It should be like this. But Wei Xiaoping was injured just today, so he can't inject too much qi into his body, otherwise the new wounds in his body won't be able to bear it. When Da Huang just brought him back, I was sewing on him. After the wound was healed, I gave him an infusion of true energy by the way. When I took his pulse just now, I felt that his body suddenly increased a lot. Maybe it was not there. Your Master Xuanwu also gave him an infusion, so Xiaoping now There is a lot of true energy in the body, if you lose it again, it may have a counterproductive effect and make the wound heal slowly!"

Rhubarb next to him heard this, and quickly walked up to Master Xuanzhe, bumped into Master Xuanzhe with his mouth, then squeezed Xiaoping's hand again, pretending to inject vitality into Xiaoping, then raised his head and growled a few times.

Upon seeing this, Master Xuanzhe said in surprise, "Dahuang, have you lost your true energy to Xiaoping?"

Rhubarb nodded!

Master Xuanzhe said: "No wonder when I was feeling Xiaoping's pulse, I felt that the Qi of Zhenyuan in his body was rolling abnormally. It turns out that you also injected the Qi of Zhenyuan into him."

Immediately Master Xuanzhe checked Xiaoping's face again, only to see that Xiaoping's face had changed a lot from what he saw when he came back just now, and it looked more rosy than before.Looking at his Tiantu acupoint, I saw that Xiaoping's Tiantu acupoint was beating gently.

Seeing this, Master Xuanzhe's face became extremely serious, and he said to himself: "It's so strange, it's so amazing..."

Zhang Xiaoyan saw Master Xuanzhe read these two sentences back and forth suddenly with an unusually serious face, thinking that there was something wrong with Rhubarb’s input of vitality into Xiaoping, Zhang Xiaoyan gave Rhubarb a stern look, then looked at Wei Xiaoping again immediately, and asked Master Xuanzhe the truth : "Master, what happened to Xiaoping? Is there something wrong?"

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