Wild Romance

Chapter 12 The Past Life of the Magic Mirror

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After watching Wei Xiaoping enter Li Jinluan's office, Luo Zhifu said to Yang Zhijin, "Xiao Yang, guess how much we earned this time?"

Yang Zhijin smiled and said, "Eighteen thousand, right?"

Luo Zhifu asked with a slightly surprised expression: "Did you overhear my conversation with Li Jinluan?"

Yang Zhijin said in surprise: "Eavesdrop on you? I've been talking to General Wei about the Nether Dog here, and I've never left him! What's the matter?"

"Then how do you know we made eighteen thousand?"

"Hahaha, nonsense, you usually like Sizi and Bazi more, because you are superstitious about these two numbers, so if you say the total price is [-], I also want us to make more money, so I'm just talking nonsense It's eighteen thousand, I didn't expect to guess it right."

"That's true! Well, Wei Xiaoping didn't bargain with us for the two charges. His family in Yangjian must be very rich. If I had known, I would have raised the price at the guard's place!"

"Yeah, usually we are very accurate in judging people, why did we miss Wei Xiaoping today! But this is okay, after all, we didn't put in much effort. Brother Luo. Let's stick to the old way, you get [-] , I just need the eight thousand!" Yang Zhijin said.

At this moment, Wei Xiaoping finished signing the IOU and walked out.

When he walked to the door and turned the corner, he seemed to hear Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin discussing matters related to him.

Wei Xiaoping floated away slowly, listened carefully, and sure enough he was discussing something about him.

Wei Xiaoping heard the last sentence Yang Zhijin said, "Yeah, usually we are very accurate in judging people, why did Wei Xiaoping miss him today! But this is okay, after all, we didn't put in much effort. Brother Luo. Let’s stick to the old way, you get [-], and I want the [-].”

Wei Xiaoping thought, so they are talking about how little money they make from me?Don't you need to pay to come here for consultation?Or they didn't need to pay so much money, but they overcharged me?

well!Wei Xiaoping sighed in his heart, the two of them have such a good attitude all the way, but they didn't expect their hearts to be so dirty.I really know ghosts, face but not heart!

"General Wei, have you written the IOU?" Luo Zhifu asked.

"It's finished, can you check my past life now?" Wei Xiaoping said.

"Let's go, the consultation room is just ahead. That Li Jinluan didn't make things difficult for you or say anything?"

Wei Xiaoping thought, you have already made an agreement with him, why should he make things difficult for me?You want to know if Li Jinluan has revealed your or your secrets!

"What can he embarrass me for? For my... matter, you can discuss it yourself! What embarrassment is there!"

Wei Xiaoping, Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin walked towards a huge room.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a half-person-high round column made of precious trees standing in the middle of the door. The side of the column was embossed with patterns of floating clouds and dragons, and the top of the column was inlaid with a clear mirror like a mirror.

Luo Zhifu walked up to the pillar and said, "General Wei, let's register first."

Wei Xiaoping asked questioningly: "Registration? Isn't it registered at the place where the IOU is written? Besides, there is no paper and pen here. What registration?"

Luo Zhifu said: "Writing the IOU is just for registering and paying the fee. Registering here is to prove that you have come in for consultation. Our rule here is that once you inquire, you will pay once. It is not that you pay once and you will always check for free in the future."

"Oh. Understood! It means that you can only inquire once if you pay the fee once, and the registration here is the evidence to prove that I have already inquired, is that so?"

"Exactly! We are a large unit here, and generally large units do things in more detail!" Luo Zhifu said.

"Then there is no pen and paper here, so what is the registration method?" Wei Xiaoping walked to the column and said.

Luo Zhifu said: "What kind of pen and paper do you use, just put your palm on this magic mirror."

"Magic recording mirror? What is it?"

"This magic mirror is a kind of palm print mirror specially used to record people. This mirror is a magical mirror with magic. As long as you put your palm on the mirror, the magic will be automatically activated in the mirror, and the The fingerprints and palm prints on your palm are clearly recorded and numbered automatically. If someone comes to consult and says that he has paid the money but has not checked yet, just put his palm on the mirror again , the mirror will automatically show his palm prints and serial number left before. This way you won’t be afraid of his repudiation!”

"Oh, so it is like this," Wei Xiaoping said, and put his hand on the magic mirror as requested by Luo Zhifu, and then quietly waited for the mirror to automatically activate the magic.

Wei Xiaoping felt very curious, his eyes fixed on the magic mirror under his palm.

After a while, some colored phantom lights began to shoot out from the mirror, and then the colored phantom lights became more and more intense, and the colored phantom lights would automatically rotate.

With the rotation of the colorful fantasy light, many small beams of light swayed continuously from the mirror.

As the colorful fantasy light kept shaking, Wei Xiaoping's hand on the magic mirror kept shaking for a while.

Wei Xiaoping looked at his hand resting on the magic mirror, only to see a layer of blush in his palm.

Luo Zhifu said: "Do you see the blush in your palm? It proves that your body is not completely dead, and you still have some red blood on your body, but it is usually invisible. Only the ghost dog can smell it. Only a kind of magic mirror can be illuminated.

Wei Xiaoping said curiously: "After being photographed by this magic mirror, I did see some blush on my palm. Brother Luo, Brother Yang, do you have any?"

"We are real ghosts, of course we don't, we'll show you later!" Luo Zhifu said.

"Okay, the Magic Recording Mirror has recorded your palm prints, you can take your hands off." Luo Zhifu said: "Yang Zhijin and I put the top on it for you to see! Look at our hands after putting them on , is it very different from yours?"

As Luo Zhifu said, he put his right hand on the magic mirror.

After a while, the magic mirror began to shoot out some fantasy colors like the one Wei Xiaoping put on...

Immediately afterwards, the colored phantom light became more and more intense, and the colored phantom light would automatically rotate.

With the rotation of the colorful fantasy light, many small beams of light swayed continuously from the mirror.

Then Luo Zhifu's hand started to vibrate, and after a while, his palm looked as black and white as before, without any blush.

Then Luo Zhifu put his hand down and asked Yang Zhijin to let go.The situation was indeed the same as that of Luo Zhifu.

"Now you believe that your soul body is different from ours?" Luo Zhifu said.

Wei Xiaoping nodded, and said, "I never thought there would be such a thing in the underworld to check and register souls! Where did you get it?"

Luo Zhifu said: "It floated by itself. In its previous life, it was created by humans in a certain space world. It was used to record people's faces or fingerprints. Later, because of a long time, it was used. When the owner comes back with a new one, the owner treats it as garbage and sells it to a dealer who collects second-hand goods. Then the dealer who collects second-hand goods sells it to a manufacturer. The manufacturer sorts and disassembles its body parts, and then puts these After the parts are separated and melted, they are used to make other products. Then it dies, and then the soul floats to us. According to its condition, we arrange it here to continue to do its work in the previous life!"

"It's amazing, this kind of machine made by humans also has a soul!" Wei Xiaoping said in amazement.

Luo Zhifu said: "Everything in this world, whether it is moving or not, has its own soul, but the types are different, and their functions and contributions to this world are also different. But no matter what objects or animals or plants, as long as they die, all their souls or ghosts will be under the jurisdiction of the underworld!"

"Well, so, your place is called the Myriad Things Crossing Consulting Office, which manages all the worlds of the Yang World, whether they are from the human world, the animal world, or the plant world or what objects. Anyway, their souls or souls after death are under your management and arrangement. !” Wei Xiaoping said.

Yang Zhijin said: "Exactly, what else is called the 'Everything Travels Consulting Office'?!"

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