Wild Romance

Chapter 102 No Mother's Remains in the Grave

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Chapter [-] There is no mother in the mother's grave

When Yang Shengtian heard that Huang Xianlin and Wei Xiaoping were so familiar, he stopped attacking. He wanted to know more about whether he and Wei Xiaoping were twin brothers.

"General Yang, why did you stop suddenly?" Huang Xianlin asked

"General Huang, can you tell me more about Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan?"

Seeing what Yang Shengtian said, Huang Xianlin thought, maybe what I just said made Yang Shengtian interested in whether he and General Wei Xiaoping were real twin brothers, and made him want to hear more about him and General Wei Xiaoping from me. thing while suspending grips with me?If this is the case, then I will tell him about General Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan in as much detail as possible. This will not only help him understand what happened when he was a child, but also delay the time for him to fight against me, and delay him. I found that my corps was surrounded by our army.

After Yang Shengtian woke up from a serious illness at the age of 15, his master said that his mother committed suicide because she saw him awake for a long time and thought he was dead, and his father ran away because of his mother's suicide, and his whereabouts are unknown.

At that time, Yang Shengtian believed what the master said, but as time went by, every year on the festival to commemorate relatives, he saw other people going to the mountain to pay homage to his deceased relatives. Worship your own mother.

In response to his questioning and request, his master kept saying that it was an irresponsible behavior for a mother like him to commit suicide without knowing whether her son was dead or not, and it was not worthy of his worship.

When Yang Shengtian heard what the master said, he felt that what the master said seemed to be right, so he gave up. Later, he thought, no matter what, after all, my mother was the one who gave birth to me and raised me until I was 15 years old. It is difficult to repay the kindness alone. What's more, my mother committed suicide because she was too sad to see him awake for a long time. In this way, my mother died for me, and I owe it to my mother, so I should worship her all the more!

So, Yang Shengtian told his master about his idea; the master hesitated for a while to what he said, and said, you are very reasonable, as a master, I didn't think of this, so I said, wait On the day of commemorating relatives' festival next year, I will personally bring his book to worship my mother's grave.

After the second year, the master took him to pay homage to his mother's tomb. Yang Shengtian saw that although the tomb was covered with weeds, the soil on the tomb did not look like the soil that had been buried for many years!At the beginning Yang Shengtian was a little skeptical about this mother's grave, whether it had been buried for a year.

Later, Yang Shengtian became more and more skeptical about his mother's death. One day, when his master was away visiting friends, he sneaked to his mother's grave with tools. After offering sacrifices, he dug up the grave .After the tomb was dug up, Yang Shengtian was greatly surprised by the scene ahead. The coffin in the tomb was empty except for some women's clothes!

From then on, Yang Shengtian began to have serious doubts about his own life experience and his mother's tomb, but he didn't want to ask the master what was going on with his mother's tomb, because the master was a very eccentric person. He is the one who saves himself, feeds himself, teaches himself martial arts, and teaches him how to practice immortality. After all, the master is his benefactor. What's more, the master may have his own difficulties in doing so.

In this way, although Yang Shengtian always had doubts about his life experience, he didn't dare to ask his master for an answer. In this way, his life experience was always hanging in his heart.

When we fought against Wei Xiaoping today, what Wei Xiaoping said also aroused his doubts. After all, what Wei Xiaoping said was not unreasonable when reasoned. personally?The most important thing is that Wei Xiaoping was able to tell about a black mole the size of a finger on his right shoulder, an arc-shaped birthmark on his back, and the fact that this arc-shaped birthmark can automatically transform into an emergency in an emergency. The matter of a magic bow, and their looks are so imaginative!And he is the same age as Wei Xiaoping, and Huang Xianlin said that Wei Xiaoping's younger brother, Wei Xiaofan, suddenly disappeared when he was 15 years old, and his master said that he was seriously ill at the age of 15 and would not wake up until he was about to turn 16. It was just being rescued, etc., all of these are too coincidental, so coincidental that people can't believe it's true.More importantly, in order to convince himself that it was his younger brother Wei Xiaofan, Wei Xiaoping actually kept his promise to beat him three times without fighting back. In the end, when he was pierced through the chest by his own golden halberd, he didn't even show an angry expression towards him. ...

Now, Huang Xianlin said this to him again, which naturally aroused his strong desire to know about his life experience.Yang Shengtian thought, first listen to what Huang Xianlin said about Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan, and then judge the chances of whether he and Wei Xiaoping are twin brothers.If I and Wei Xiaoping were really brothers, twin brothers, then my brother was killed today, what a cruel thing, what a violation of morality and heaven, that would make me unforgettable and sad for the rest of my life ...

Huang Xianlin was about to continue to tell Yang Shengtian about Wei Xiaoping and Wei Xiaofan before the age of 15, when he suddenly saw that Yang Shengtian's face showed a painful expression, and he began to shake his head slowly, and then he shook his head more and more violently. The expression of pain on the face becomes more and more obvious.

At this time, Yang Shengtian's mount, the little black monster, ran over, howled softly at Yang Shengtian, and licked Yang Shengtian's face and the back of his hand with his tongue.

It turned out that the old voice in Yang Shengtian's mind began to speak to Yang Shengtian again with a reproachful voice in Yang Shengtian's mind.

"Yang Shengtian, why didn't you kill the enemy general in front of you quickly? You even chatted with the enemy? Are you a general? Are you deceived by the other party? Why don't you kill him quickly, and then go See how your soldiers are fighting against the enemy?" said the old voice in Yang Shengtian's mind.

Yang Shengtian's face became more and more distorted, showing unbearable pain.

After a while, he grabbed the helmet with both hands and said: "Let me listen again, I want to hear, my life experience, what is, what is going on!"

The old voice said in Yang Shengtian's mind again: "Don't you know your life experience? Why are you suddenly entangled in this matter today? Hurry up and kill the enemy generals, and then go to see how the soldiers are fighting! You must first win the battle! You soldiers have trained so loyally for many years, and if they are all defeated, then your blood and sweat for many years will be in vain!"

When Yan Shengtian heard this, it seemed as if he suddenly realized something, the pain in the ninja's head, he ran forward and looked down at the place where the two armies were fighting.

After Yang Shengtian saw it, he immediately said: "I'll kill you right now, don't bother me!"

After Yang Shengtian finished speaking, he jumped on the monster Xiao Hei, stared at Huang Xianlin for a while, and then flew towards the place where the two armies were fighting.

Huang Xianlin was a little scared by Yang Shengtian's appearance just now, what is this Yang Shengtian?Who is he talking to?What suddenly became like this?What method did this person who talked to Yang Shengtian out of thin air use to command and control Yang Shengtian's will from a distance?

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