Wild Romance

Chapter 10 Killing the Wolf King

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At this time, Wei Xiaoping's soul and the ghosts of Luo Zhifu and Yang Zhijin came to the door of the human crossing investigation office.

Wei Xiaoping looked forward, and saw two large doors open, and two ghosts of soldiers in black and white armor and helmets stood upright on either side of the door.

The two soldier ghosts held a black and white spear in their hands, and stood upright beside the soldier just like the soldier.

The ghosts of the two soldiers saw that it was Luo Zhifu and the three of them coming. After the two soldiers greeted Luo Zhifu at the same time, they said, "Brother Luo, did you bring someone here again this time? This person will not be your relative or friend again." Right? Generally, the people who can be troubled by you to bring here are not relatives, but friends!"

Luo Zhifu walked over and flicked the helmets of the two soldiers with his fingers, and said, "Nonsense, you guys are cursing my relatives and friends in the world to die. Are you happy? How can there be so many relatives and friends here?" Here! If all the clients I bring here for consultation are my relatives and friends, then wouldn’t all my relatives and friends die? If all my relatives and friends die, then after the Ghost Festival, when I return to Yangjian, who will pay for it? Shall I offer incense and sacrifices?!"

Hearing what Luo Zhifu said, the two soldiers quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brother Luo, we didn't mean that. We meant that you are very affectionate to your relatives and friends, but..." The two soldiers scratched their heads, He looked very uncomfortable.

Luo Zhifu patted a soldier on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, I know what you mean, I'm just joking with you, don't worry! Just be more careful when you speak in the future. ——— I Let me ask you, who is on duty in the office of the Human Transmigration Advisory Office today?"

The two soldiers said: "Li Jinluan is on duty in the office today. Originally, Yang Xiaolan was on duty today, but Yang Xiaolan asked for leave temporarily, and Li Jinluan came to replace him."

Luo Zhifu said to the two soldiers: "Okay, I see, you guys are busy, we will go in."

So the three walked in, and as soon as they entered, Luo Zhifu said to Wei Xiaoping: "Okay, nay, it seems a bit troublesome!"

"What's the matter?" Wei Xiaoping asked.

Luo Zhifu said apologetically: "Because there is another fee for the inquiry. I am familiar with that Yang Xiaoluan here. If she is here, I can talk to you to see if I can waive your fee. But she is not on duty today. , so you may have to pay another fee."

Wei Xiaoping said: "How much do I have to pay? Also, is this place the same as the guard's place? Can I owe the money?"

Luo Zhifu said: "You can also write IOUs here, and the fee is not too much, but I don't know the exact amount. Wait a minute, I will ask you and help you bargain. Yang Zhijin, follow the instructions I just gave General Wei likes to hear the story about the Nether Dog, so I will ask Li Jinluan about the price and help General Wei bargain."

"Okay, Brother Luo, you can go!" Yang Zhijin said, "Come on, General Wei, let's find a place to sit."

Wei Xiaoping originally thought that after human beings traveled through the consultation office, he could go in and consult his past life and present life directly, but he didn't expect to pay another fee, so he had to say: "Okay, if this is the case, I will continue to listen to you. The story of the ghost dog. Can those two ghost dogs defeat the group of wolves?"

Yang Zhijin said: "When the wolves saw the two strange dogs coming in, they killed more than a dozen of their companions at once, and they were all stunned, not daring to continue chasing and killing the villagers.

The wolf king was very angry when he saw the two strange dogs killing so many accomplices at once, and yelled a few times.

All the remaining wolves walked towards the wolf king at once.

Two strange dogs came over and barked loudly at the wolf king and the wolves, and shook their heads in one direction while barking. They seemed to be telling the wolf king and the wolves to go away.

The wolf king also howled loudly at the two strange dogs, and howled even more fiercely, as if he was telling the strange dogs to get out, you are the ones who are going to get out, we are here to find food, and we don't care about you... That's it, the two After the strange dog and the wolf king confronted each other for a while, the two strange dogs suddenly jumped towards the wolf king at the same time, and the six dogs' heads were bitten off by the wolf king at the same time.

The wolf king saw the strange dog jumping towards him with its bloody mouth open, and looked at the jumping strange dog without fear. When the strange dog was about to approach and bite it, the wolf king suddenly fell down, Passed in the opposite direction from where the wolf king was coming, and stopped immediately after avoiding the attack of the strange dog.

Then he turned around and jumped up behind a strange dog that had just landed in the air.

When the wolf king was about to pounce on the strange dog that had just landed on the ground, another strange dog beside him immediately jumped up from the side and rushed towards the wolf king who was still in the air.

When the wolf king was about a foot away from the strange dog on the ground, another strange dog that jumped from the side just jumped at the wolf king, and the three dog heads bit tightly on the side of the wolf king at the same time.

The inertial force of the strange dog jumping over knocked the wolf king aside, and the wolf king and the strange dog fell to the ground at the same time, but the strange dog still clung to the side of the wolf king tightly.

When the wolf king and the strange dog landed on the ground at the same time, the three heads of the strange dog struggled to tear in different directions at the same time.The wolf king's side was torn apart by the three dog mouths of the strange dog, and a big blood-red hole was torn open on the side of the wolf king's body, and the intestines and liver in the wolf king's stomach flowed out all at once.

The strange dog threw the injured wolf king to the ground, and then howled loudly at the wolves.The wolves looked at the dying wolf king who was injured on the ground and was still twitching after being thrown on the ground by the strange dog, and then looked at the two strange dogs barking at them with their bloody mouths open, knowing that they might not be able to fight against the strange dog, and The wolf king was about to die, so he had to scatter and run to the mountains in despair. "

"The villagers saw that the wolf king was dead, and the wolves ran away. Those who were hiding at home still dared not come out, and those who climbed on the trees did not dare to come down. Those who were stunned by the sight of their eyes were still stunned. Among them, they didn’t dare to move, because they saw that the two strange dogs that were stained red with wolf blood hadn’t moved away, and people didn’t know if the strange dogs would also attack and bite people.”

"About a quarter of an hour later, the two strange dogs looked around at the villagers, and then walked towards the mountain. When they saw that the strange dogs were about to leave, the dog's owner, Luo Wenguang, ran out. Luo Wenguang ran to the side of the strange dogs , hugged a strange dog, and cried sadly, stroking the three heads of the strange dog while crying. The other strange dog also walked up to the owner and touched the back of Tian Luo Wenguang's hand with its mouth. "

"When the villagers saw that someone dared to go up and hug the strange dog, they cried loudly. They felt that the strange dog might not hurt them, so they all walked out of the house or climbed down from the tree. Some people went to count the injured The number of people and the number of deaths, some people went to clean up their livestock killed by wolves, and some people slowly walked towards the strange dog, looking at the strange dog anxiously as they walked, as if they were afraid that the strange dog would suddenly come to eat him, but I am grateful and curious about the strange dog again!"

"A strange dog saw a few people coming towards it, panting with three tongues out, wagging its tail rapidly, and making intimate whining sounds. The people who came saw the strange dog walking towards them quickly He wagged his tail and barked, knowing that the strange dog was not malicious towards them, although he was still frightened by the three heads of the strange dog on one body, he came over and approached the strange dog tentatively. Carefully touch the strange dog's body."

"When the strange dog saw that people dared to touch it, it licked people's hands friendly with its tongue, and smelled the smell of people with its nose, and kept wagging its tail. At this time, other people who walked towards the strange dog also Only dared to approach the strange dog and kept petting the strange dog. The strange dog saw people coming to pet them, and kept licking every hand that touched it with its tongue, while smelling people with its nose, whining There was a low whoosh, and tears were shed from every dog ​​head."

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