Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 98 Innocent Toothless

Chen Kee Roast Goose.

A total of 13 people ordered a 70-jin roast goose and some side dishes.

Everyone was drunk.

In the end, only Dunan was still eating and eating.

He even couldn't help picking up the old goose head that Lin Xiaonuan gnawed and took two bites, which attracted a burst of contemptuous looks.

"Lao Ye, we have a total of 13 people today. This means we are breaking up, uh—" Dunan burped, and continued:

"Maybe if we say goodbye today, it will be a matter of the year of the monkey if we want to meet again. So, Lao Ye, let's have a good time today."

"Huh? How do you want to have fun? Let me order you a goose butt?" Ye Chong smiled, a little drunk, and he drank a lot today.

"Lao Ye, let's be serious, don't interrupt," Dunan shook the head of the old goose in his hand, and sighed, "After today's meal, can we still eat meat and drink like this in the future? , but maybe, alas—"

Everyone couldn't help but sigh when they heard the words, and Sun Mengmeng's eyes turned red.

Ye Chong shook his head, took a sip of the tea in front of him, feeling a little sad.

At this time, Dunan continued to say:

"So, when we are together, we should help each other, right? This is a friendship that has been cultivated for many years."

Everyone nodded their heads.

Sun Mengmeng was sobbing softly.

Lin Xiaonuan bit her red lips lightly.

Gu Bingqian and Lin Xiaomei also looked at Ye Chong with melancholy eyes.

"Du, stop talking," Ye Chong sighed, "It makes everyone very sad."

"Lao Ye, don't evade the reality, how can you do it if you don't say anything?" Da Du put down the old goose's head and rubbed his belly, "I'm penniless now, and I'm going to the place full of flowers at the Martial Arts Academy in Modu I'm afraid that if you eat the meal today, you might starve to death tomorrow? As the saying goes, friendship is not just about talking..."

"Get out!" Ye Chong raised his mouth and gave Du Nan a sideways look, "I was wondering just now, there are so many people, and you are the only one who talks about affection, hehe, it really is an impure purpose that ruined today's Good atmosphere, you still want to ask me for money, right? No way!"


The scene burst into laughter.

Seeing Liu Xiaolei smiled coquettishly, stretched out her small hand and shook it in front of Ye Chong, and said with a smile, "Where's my red envelope? Get it quickly! Otherwise, hehehe..."

Unexpectedly, Gu Bingqian also joined in the fun: "Bring me the registration fee owed to me!"

"Isn't it just 3000 yuan?" Ye Chong puffed up his chest and waved his hands, "emmm, the phone is not working now, so I'll go to the teller machine to transfer it to you in the afternoon, what a joke."

"Hee hee, Ye Chong, you can't settle accounts like that," Gu Bingqian said with a rare playful smile:

"The 3000 yuan I lent you is an investment in you.

Now that you have earned income, you have to calculate the money according to the income.

I do the math.

The 8th place in the physical test, the bonus is 30.

The first place in the personal test results, the bonus is 1 million.

The team rewards 500 million evenly distributed, and you get 50.

There is also the Mutant Sea Demon Snake Gallbladder, the special reward is 100 million.

Added up, the total is 380 million.

Hee hee, Ye Chong, I don't take advantage of you, I only need half of the investment income, which is 190 million, please bring it? "

After finishing speaking, Gu Bingqian twisted her body, spread out a pair of small hands, and smiled like innocent, toothless flowers.


Everyone laughed.

Ye Chong looked at the three jade hands shaking in front of him, and was almost blindsided.


How could I know such a bunch of unreliable friends?

In the name of deep love and righteousness, they are asking for money naked!

It's better for Sun Mengmeng and the others. They are sincere and never cause trouble for others. "

After thinking about it, Ye Chong sighed.

"Captain, you see, the places where Mengmeng and I go are far away, and we don't have much money with us, so it's inconvenient to do anything." Gao Shuang rubbed his nose, "So, the captain has so much money, why don't you also sponsor us?" order?"

"Yes, captain," Sun Mengmeng wiped away her tears, stretched out her little hand, and said with a red-eyed smile, "Here's the money, captain."


Ye Chong was so hung up that he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.


The last good impression of the last few people has disappeared.

Lin Xiaonuan stood up and came to Ye Chong's side. First, he slapped each of his little hands, then he pulled Ye Chong's arm and pouted, "Go, you bad guys, don't bully our Ye Chong."


There was a sudden burst of laughter at the scene.

"Your Ye Chong?" Liu Xiaolei looked at Lin Xiaonuan and Ye Chong with a half-smile, "Then besides you two, who else is there in your family?"

"Of course it's my sister." Lin Xiaonuan puffed out her chest and looked at Liu Xiaolei provocatively.


There was another burst of laughter.

At this time, I saw Lin Xiaomei lowered her head, her face was already blushing, and she wished that someone would have the urge to embrace her.

I go!

Ye Chong let out a long breath, really embarrassed.

Dunan opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

He probably didn't expect it, why did things suddenly become like this?

Shouldn't you be the main character asking for money?

How did you get left out in the blink of an eye?

"By the way, have you read the news?" Gu Bingqian looked at everyone with a smile, "It is said that the mass production of the new mobile phone has begun, and it will not be long before we can use the new mobile phone again."

When talking about this, Gu Bingqian glanced at Ye Chong with a smile, and then said: "At that time, if someone owes us money, let him swipe his mobile phone to cash it on the spot, so as not to find various reasons to shirk it."


There was a loud laugh in the box.

"It's not just the mobile phone, it seems that various engines have also been improved," Tao Xiangru continued, "Maybe the plane will be able to fly to the sky again soon, and then we won't need to take the train to go to distant places, ha ha."

"Yeah," Ye Chong nodded, "It's really inconvenient without a mobile phone, and it's even more inconvenient to do anything if you can't fly."


Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

In the following time, everyone chatted around the topic of mobile phones.

Just like that, a table of ten or so people reminisced about the past and imagined the future. Before they knew it, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

"Captain, it's time." Gao Shuang stood up suddenly, looked at Ye Chong with a gloomy expression, "It's time to go, catch the train."

"Yes, Captain, I have made an appointment with those two classmates. Let's go together. They should be waiting for me." Sun Mengmeng stood up as she spoke, her eyes turned red.


Chen Ji's meal of roast goose made Ye Chong feel a lot heavier.

To be honest, he didn't want to have so many worries.

But this separation, without a doubt, left a touch of sadness in his heart.

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