Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 95 Doing it Yourself?

Not long after 19:00 the next night, the admission results of each school came out.

When Ye Chong heard the news and opened the Huaxia Martial Arts Academy's website, he was immediately taken aback.

His name was not included in the admission list.

Then, subconsciously, he checked Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, but of course it didn't have his name.

Now, Ye Chong was really in a hurry.

Soon, he hurriedly logged on to the website of the Ministry of Education.

But what he didn't expect was that the website was under maintenance.

Hemp egg!

Really anxious to die.

However, he quickly remembered that the Martial Arts Department seemed to have built a new website recently.

Ye Chong immediately logged in with a feeling of anxiety, and was a little dumbfounded.


The report was clearly the Huaxia Martial Arts Academy in Shanghai, how could it suddenly become the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy in Central Capital?

Are Modu and Zhongdeng the same thing? !

Hua Wu is also so different from Jiu Wu.

Ye Chong was stunned.

He soon landed on the official website of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

That's right!

His name is indeed on the admission list.

After confirming this information, he slumped on the chair like a deflated ball.

Damn it!

Simply sick!

This is obviously bullying, right? !

Ye Chong doesn't like drinking, but now he wants to drink very much, and he can't wait to get drunk.


Cursing is cursing, feeling uncomfortable is feeling uncomfortable, being unhappy is not being happy. In the face of the facts, the only correct choice is to accept the facts and even face the reality squarely.

What else?

Do it yourself?

After Ye Chong calmed down, he immediately noticed a detail.

The enrollment scale of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy has increased.

The number of people originally planned to be admitted was 4000, but now the number of people officially admitted is 5000, which is a full 1000 more people.

The 25% expansion of enrollment is not small.

Then, he looked at the official websites of Imperial Martial Arts Academy and Huaxia Martial Arts Academy, and found that the enrollment scale of these two schools has not changed, and both are still the original 3000 students.


So my score is so high, it exceeds the admission score of Huawu College by several points, why didn't I get admitted?

I was assigned randomly. "

Ye Chong's head was buzzing, and under the agitation, he just lay down on the bed frowning and closed his eyes.

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart, hoping that when he woke up the next day, he would be pleasantly surprised to find that his name appeared on the admission list of Huaxia Martial Arts Academy.

Bang bang bang!

There was a loud knock on the door.

Ye Chong was terribly annoyed, and just when he was about to swear the word "scroll", he heard Du Nan howling outside:

"Lao Ye, let me in! I don't want to live!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Chong immediately swallowed the word "roll" back into his stomach, got out of bed and opened the door, growling:

"Get in!"

After Dunan came in with his head poking around, he spread his hands and said:

"Old Ye, I'm really done. I didn't pass the Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy. What do you think I should do?"

"Isn't it true that those who have passed the qualification line and passed the trial can be admitted? Yangwu Academy is not a good school. Even if a school is randomly assigned, it may not be worse than it. You cry like a bird Ah you." Ye Chong glanced at the other party, "With your old man's score of 396, you still want to go to a good school in your dream?"

"No, how dare I expect a good school. I have never thought of famous schools like Imperial Martial Arts Academy, Huaxia Martial Arts Academy, and Kyushu Martial Arts Academy." Du Nan patted his stomach and let out a bang. With a loud voice, "Ma Ma Mia, I can't get into Yangwu Academy, as long as I can be allocated a good place, I don't care about the school."

"Then where are you?" Ye Chong frowned, "You look so angry, is it that bad?"

"Lao Ye, you don't know, you're really mad at me," Du Nan rubbed his stomach, and then said, "I've been assigned to the Martial Arts Academy in Modu, oh, what annoyance!"

"What?!" Ye Chong's face immediately changed upon hearing this.

The Martial Dao Academy of Modu is the second Martial Arts Academy in the area of ​​Modu, second only to Huaxia Martial Arts Academy.

If the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, Huaxia Martial Arts Academy, and Kyushu Martial Arts Academy are defined as super-first-class martial arts academies in terms of faculty strength and budget, then Modu Martial Arts Academy can be called a first-class martial arts academy.

The key point is that the location of the Martial Arts Academy in Shanghai is not bad. It is a super-large city that ranks among the top in the country. This is an unavoidable major bonus for candidates.

Dunan is still not good after getting cheap, this f*ck is purely here to show off.

"Lao Ye, I'm hopeless," Dunan shook his head and sighed:

"You know how much I want to go to a tough place to train myself if I don't stay in Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

As the saying goes, the sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, right?

But, I didn't expect that I would be assigned to such a place as the Devil's City. What a pity! "

"Hey," Ye Chong looked him up and down, "Okay, okay, hey..."

"Lao Ye, your smile is quite complicated." Dunan didn't know why, his body trembled, and he took half a step back, "By the way, how are you? You have such a high score, why don't you just go wherever you want?" .”

"Get out!" Ye Chong raised his right fist and put it in front of his eyes, "Get out! How fast, how fast! How far, how far!"

"Lao Ye," Du Nan rubbed his stomach, "what's wrong with you? Don't feel sorry for me."

"Get out!" Ye Chong swung his right fist in front of the opponent, and the air exploded suddenly.

Da da da!


Dunan didn't react slowly, twisted his big butt, turned around and went out, and shouted loudly around the door:

"Lao Ye, tomorrow I will have dinner with Xiao Hong, a cafeteria, braised pork, will you come?"

Ye Chong was terribly annoyed now, and ignored the other party, as if he had knocked over a five-flavored bottle in his heart.

He scored 882 points in the test, and Dunant scored 396 points in the test.

Both of them were admitted to the top ten martial arts academy.

An excellent school can be ranked No.3 in China.

An excellent school can be ranked No.4 in China.

Without comparison, there is no harm.

Ye Chong's heart is very cool now.

This is not because Dunan is lucky and makes him envious and jealous, but purely for himself.

No matter how I think about it, I can't get along with this anger.

882 points, no matter which martial arts academy you put in, it is definitely a very high score.

Generally speaking, anyone who can get such a high score in the test should be the object of competition from all parties, but it is good for him, and he will be kicked out directly.

Is it because of bad character, poor family, or some other reason?

If these things are not clear, it will inevitably cast a shadow on yourself.


Ye Chong logged into a relatively popular forum, but he didn't see much of the conference, so he frowned and stood up.

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