Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 93 School Motto


Ye Chong's expression changed.

However, before he could open his mouth, Zhang Mingyang went on to say:

"It's a notice from the Ministry.

In order to improve the level of individualized teaching and professional training of the Martial Arts Academy, it was decided that candidates with a score of 800 or more must choose a school among Imperial Martial Arts Academy, Kyushu Martial Arts Academy, and Huaxia Martial Arts Academy to fill in the report.

General martial arts schools are not allowed to accept candidates with a score of 800 or above.

Hehe, Ye Chong, your score is 882 points, which has far exceeded this standard.

So, unfortunately, it seems that Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy will definitely not be able to keep you. "

"What?! There is such a saying?" Ye Chong was a little confused all of a sudden, "Isn't this too casual?"

"Oh, there's no way. It can't be said to be random. In special times, the policy changes every day, which is normal." Zhang Mingyang shook his head with a wry smile, and continued:

"I got inside information from the cutting edge.

It is said that the number of S3 monsters in the mutant sea beasts is increasing rapidly.

The ministry requires the three major martial arts schools to train a large number of martial artists who can compete with them as soon as possible at all costs.

In order to ensure the quality of students, it is reasonable to require that candidates with a score of 800 or above should not be retained in general martial arts colleges.

and so……

Hehe, maybe I should tell you——

congratulations! "

Ye Chong was still a little dazed when he left Zhang Mingyang's office.

It's a new era, and things are changing fast, which is normal.

But if it changes too quickly, it's a bit abnormal.

It can only be said that it is forced by the environment and there is no other way.

The most important thing is that people's plans cannot keep up with the changes, which is a bit unbearable.


Ye Chong gasped heavily, feeling a little depressed.

In any case, the path of Martial Arts Academy must be taken.

In his last life, after he obtained some martial arts information from a dark and deep website, he pondered and practiced it by himself.

Although there is progress, the effect is not good.

It also planted the hidden danger of vain foundation.

As a result, when he finally found a mountain with a bit of aura to practice, he was discovered by the hunting group and fell into trouble.

He knew very well that in this life, he must never follow that old path again.

Only by entering the martial arts academy, under the guidance of martial arts masters, and truly laying a solid foundation, can the road to the future be brightened.

Physique, vitality, and mental strength, the three complement each other and advance together. It is not impossible to become a true martial arts master.


Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head.

"The original plan to go to Yangwu Academy with the teammates of the 00 team and Dunan is no longer possible.

It's better to tell them earlier, so as not to be criticized by thousands of people. "

Da da da!

Ye Chong quickened his pace and went straight to the girls' dormitory building.

But unexpectedly, the old lady at the gate of the duty room would not let her in.

Although he was anxious in his heart, he couldn't help but heaved a long sigh and secretly laughed.

What the hell is this time, species all over the world are evolving from low to high, and even progressing towards a higher civilization. There are dangers and heavy responsibilities. In broad daylight, who would come here to do that when they have nothing to do?

Even if you want to do something shameful, you can't let people see you, right?

no way.

I used the phone in the duty room to call the dormitory, but no one answered the two dormitory calls in a row.

Ye Chong thought about it, so that's it.

In fact, it is useless to say.

So what if he knew where he was going?

I'm afraid that with their grades, they can only stay in a martial arts academy like Yangwu Academy, right?

As for the three major martial arts academies, just take a look and don't even think about it.

After Ye Chong returned to the dormitory, he immediately logged on to the website of the three major martial arts colleges.

The admission requirements of the Imperial Martial Arts Academy in the capital are as follows:

812. Admission requirements [-], with a total score of [-] points and above (including recommendation points, specialty points, etc.).

750. Admission requirements [-]. A one-star quasi-martial artist with a physical test score of [-] points or above (including recommendation points, specialty points, etc.).

730. Admission requirements [-]. A two-star quasi-martial artist with a physical test score of [-] points or above (including recommendation points, specialty points, etc.).

700. Admission requirements [-]. Three-star quasi-warrior with a physical test score of [-] points or above (including recommendation points, specialty points, etc. bonus points).

[-]. Admission requirements [-]. Four-star quasi-warrior culture course (comprehensive), actual combat, and trials are up to the standard.


Seeing this, Ye Chong was overjoyed.

According to his own grades, it is obvious that he can go to the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, which is of course a good thing.

However, he quickly frowned.

How come there are so many recommendation points and specialty points? What do you mean?

Soon, he looked it up on the Internet, and immediately remembered what Wang Bo said.

It turns out that with so many Taos, Emperor Martial Academy is really not a place he can go.

After directly giving up the Emperor Martial Academy, he immediately opened the website of the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

The admission requirements displayed on the homepage are as follows:

780. Admission requirements [-], with a total score of [-] points and above.

730. Admission requirements [-]. A one-star quasi-martial artist with a physical test score of [-] points and above.

710. Admission requirements [-]. A two-star quasi-martial artist with a physical test score of [-] points and above.

680. Admission requirements [-]. Three-star quasi-warrior with a physical test score of [-] points and above.

[-]. Admission requirements [-]. The four-star quasi-warrior culture course (comprehensive), actual combat and trials must meet the standards.

The admission standard of Nine Martial Academy is obviously lower than that of Emperor Martial Academy.

However, if those extra points are considered, it is hard to say what the situation is.

Ye Chong looked at the number of students enrolled again. Nine Martial Arts Academy has 4000 students, which is 1000 more than Emperor Martial Academy.

"Wang Bo said that the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy in Zhongdu is located in the central and western regions, and is close to those hidden martial arts sects and families, so it is likely that there are more teachers and disciples from different sects or families.

It is inevitable that there will be many factions, and things like fighting and fighting are absolutely indispensable.

But just like what he said, there are many teachers and students from martial arts sects, so that you can learn more about martial arts techniques and skills between different sects and families, and it is also a good way to broaden your horizons and increase your knowledge.

But the question is, I have learned a lot of martial arts information on that dark website, do I really need to quietly understand martial arts in such a chaotic environment? "

Ye Chong shook his head, and soon opened the third website.

Magic City, Huaxia Martial Arts Academy.

850. Admission requirements [-], with a total score of [-] points and above.

820. Admission requirements [-]. A one-star quasi-warrior with a score of [-] and above in the physical examination.

800. Admission requirements [-]. A two-star quasi-warrior with a score of [-] and above in the physical examination.

780. Admission requirements [-]. Three-star prospective warriors with a score of [-] and above in the physical examination.

750. Admission requirements [-]. Four-star prospective warriors with a score of [-] and above in physical examination.


Huaxia Martial Arts Academy enrolls 3000 students in total.

When seeing these messages, Ye Chong couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

Isn't the admission standard of the Huawu Academy in Shanghai too high?

It is actually much higher than the Imperial Martial Academy in the capital.

From this point of view, this martial arts academy is likely to be the most sought-after.


The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he looked at the upper part of the website, where the school motto of Huaxia Martial Arts Academy was written:

Progress freely, without restraint.

"Hey, Huawu's school motto connects with me, so what am I waiting for?"

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