In the huge assembly hall, everyone looked at Ye Chong with admiration, awe and disbelief.

The total personal score is 190 animal eyes.

Exceeding the 2 animal eyes in No.132 Qinzhong, there are a total of 58 animal eyes.

The team has a total score of 328 animal eyes.

Exceeding the 2002 animal eyes of the No.278 team, there are a total of 50 animal eyes.

And, that's not all.

Among the achievements obtained, it included the matter of killing five S1 level monsters.

There is no doubt that this is obviously much better than Gu Bingqian killing an S1 monster.

Everyone present knew in their hearts that the physical strength of an S1 level monster was roughly equivalent to that of a junior martial arts fighter among warriors.

Of course, if the junior martial arts fighters among the warriors fight against S1 level monsters, they can win under normal circumstances, because they have higher IQs than S1 level monsters, and they have practiced martial arts skills and combat skills, and their overall combat effectiveness is even stronger. powerful.

However, everyone in the assembly hall knew that Ye Chong was not a martial artist, and he wasn't even a quasi-martial artist. At best, he was a high scorer who ranked eighth in the physical test.

Before the trial, no one would have thought that such a person would actually kill five S1 level monsters, and also achieved No. The quasi-martial artists were all trampled under their feet.

There is no doubt that this is definitely an accident among accidents, and people can't believe the reality in front of them.

However, this is the truth.

"According to the latest spirit of the Global Martial Arts Federation and the specific requirements of the domestic Martial Arts Academy Admission Center, I am announcing the reward policy on behalf of the Dadonghai Coastal Garrison." The five-year-old and three-thirty-year-old officer looked around and said loudly:


No.1, 200 million yuan in cash reward.

No.2, 100 million yuan in cash reward.

No.3, a reward of 50 yuan in cash. "


There was an uproar in the assembly hall.

"What?! The reward for No.1 is so high?"

"Ye Chong has made a lot of money!"

"Look at Hao Zhuang and Qin Zhong, their expressions have changed."

"Ye Chong is awesome! I remember that he earned 30 from the last physical examination, right? Add another 200 million, I'll go, 230 million local tyrants!"



All the members of the 00 team surrounded Ye Chong, everyone stretched out their hands, trembling, and shouted:

"Red envelopes! Red envelopes! Captain hurry up and send out red envelopes!"


clap clap!

clap clap clap!

Ye Chong turned around, opened his left and right hands at the same time, slapped everyone's palms, and then said with both hands behind his back:

"See if the palm of your hand is red? Does it look like a red envelope? If anyone wants it, just stretch out your little paw and try it out."


The members of the 00 team immediately either pouted or bit their red lips one by one, and stretched out their hands to approach Ye Chong's body.

"Hehe! Be quiet, everyone!" The 30-year-old military officer grinned, "Next, I will announce the team's reward policy."

"Trial team No. 3, 001 team, reward 100 million."


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Trial team No. 2, 002 team, reward 200 million."


The huge assembly hall suddenly became chaotic as if a pot had exploded.

Especially the 001 team not far away, everyone shouted frantically and hugged each other excitedly.


All the members of the 00 team covered their mouths, but they couldn't stop the excitement, excitement and madness in their eyes. Gao Shuang even jumped up, grinning and laughing constantly.

"He won 200 million, does he have anything to do with you? Is there any need to be so excited?" Ye Chong glanced at them coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.


All the members of the 008 trial team approached Ye Chong's body, some pulled their arms, some hugged their thighs, some rubbed their arms against their arms, some leaned back against their backs, and cheered for a while. Laughing, exhilarating.

Ye Chong was immediately stunned.

He dare not move his hands and feet now.

no way.

In this case, if you move your hands and feet a little, you may touch something that you shouldn't touch.

He didn't dare to shake his arms either.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, throw your teammates away?


If any teammate falls on his back, wouldn't that feast the eyes of the wolves around him?

At this time, I heard a 30-year-old officer in his thirties announce loudly:

"Trial Team No. 1, Team 00!"

"Reward 400 million!"

"At the same time, the total score of 328 surpassed the specified line of 300, and an additional reward of 100 million!"

"Team 00 will reward 500 million in total!"


It was as if a tsunami had occurred in the entire assembly hall, and all kinds of sounds mixed together and rang into one piece.


Ye Chong was caught off guard and was pushed to the ground, and was immediately submerged in the turbulent screams and screams.


My goodness!

If distributed according to average, each team member is 50, which is equivalent to No. 3 in personal achievement.

By the way, it is the same reward amount as the two-star quasi-warrior Gu Bingqian, scary! "

"The amount of rewards for this trial is so high, and the team rewards far exceed the individual rewards. What does it mean? Does the Martial Arts Federation pay more attention to the improvement of team combat capabilities while emphasizing individual combat capabilities?"

"Of course, I heard that sea beasts are now mutating and evolving very fast, and their reproductive capacity is constantly improving. What's even more frightening is that a large number of ordinary mutant sea beasts are evolving into S1 level monsters.

Although we humans also have mutation and evolution, but the speed is obviously slower, the overall situation is very unfavorable, and fighting alone is not the way.

Therefore, it is of course necessary to promote collective combat capabilities.

After all, our human IQ is still a little higher than that of the opponent, and our human beings have rich experience in warfare, and are especially good at group warfare. Military strategies and tactics are diverse and ever-changing. This is not comparable to mutant sea beasts. "

"I heard from gossip that major martial arts colleges will set up specializations in team combat and command. It seems that the purpose is to improve team combat capabilities and form a group advantage in combat against the orcs."

"Ye Chong has made a lot of money. His personal and team results have crushed the three quasi-martialists, and the amount of rewards he got is unimaginable. What is this? It's like a golden phoenix flying out of the grass nest!"

"Nonsense! Hey, look, does Ye Chong look like a golden phoenix? Hehe, did you see it? He is not a golden phoenix, but a serious golden dragon, and he is being crushed by a group of golden phoenixes." of the Golden Dragon."


At this time, a man in his thirties who was five big and three thick pressed his hands down, and continued:

"Hehe, well, everyone, please be quiet. In addition to the rewards for individual and team results, there are also special rewards for this trial."

"According to the list of items sent by the relevant medical research institutions, the snake gall of the mutated siren snake has high research value, especially in the fields of improving eyesight, calming the mind, and toxicology research."

"The price of the mutated Siren Snake Gallbladder issued by the relevant medical research institute is 100 million. Congratulations to Ye Chong! This money belongs to you!"


The assembly hall was completely chaotic.

Amidst the giggling laughter around him, Ye Chong stood up covering his head.

Seriously, now he's confused too.

"It stands to reason that this trial is enough to be called a heavy casualty, right?"

"But led by this 30-year-old military officer, the depression and gloom on the scene were all swept away, and even turned into a sea of ​​joy."

"Is this... is it sharpening the warrior's mind?"

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