In the most remote corner of the assembly hall, Yan Dong and Yue Feng were secretly communicating with each other.

The two of them looked at Ye Chong with expressions of hatred, loss, annoyance, despair and fear.

"I thought this kid was a genius who learned martial arts, and he was able to defeat so many martial arts masters in one fell swoop with the guidance of an expert behind him." Yue Feng's eyebrows were almost twisted into pimples, and his eyes were full of sadness:

"But I didn't expect that I still underestimated him!"

"Not only is he a martial arts genius, but he also has great physical potential, rich combat experience, and even with so many girls' pictures, he can still achieve such good results. He can be compared with a quasi-martial artist!"

"Well, once he enters the Martial Arts Academy to study in the future, with his potential, I'm afraid he will make great strides in the martial arts, and maybe grow into the most powerful martial artist."

"Brother, we two want to take revenge, I'm afraid there is no hope."

When he said this, Yue Feng sighed, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to be in an extremely bad mood.

"Brother Yue, don't be sad, your body has great potential, I'm afraid he's a bird!" Yan Dong wrinkled his nose, and looked at Ye Chong with a hint of ruthlessness:

"Besides, I think the 00 team's high grades are mainly due to the fact that those girls are good at movies, not necessarily because of that kid's ability."

"Hey, as far as I know, the Lin sisters are not easy! Maybe the 00 team is brilliant because of these two little beauties."

"Dongzi, you're thinking too much." Yue Feng shook his head, "The more I look at that kid, the more difficult it becomes. Have you noticed? Gu Bingqian seems to be interested in him."

"What?" Yan Dong was stunned, then looked at the statistics station, "No, that little Bing girl only looks at him occasionally, what interest can she have?"

"Hey, Dongzi, do you think a beautiful woman called Bing Niu would sneak a peek at a man?" Yue Feng shook his head, "Impossible, unless she has already moved her heart."

"Damn it!" Yan Dong patted his head, "It makes sense! Sometimes I get anxious when I don't see you. Is it a reason?"

"Get out! Don't talk nonsense outside!" Yue Feng looked around and found that everyone was watching the statistics desk intently, and then whispered:

"Dongzi, remember, from now on, we will stay away from this guy just like last time! Mad, I think this kid is getting more and more troublesome, like a demon, a If you are not careful, you will kill someone."

While the two were sneaking and whispering, the man in his 30s was making a generous speech.

However, Ye Chong didn't listen to a word.

Because he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Gu Bingqian would glance at him intentionally or unintentionally from time to time.

Just watch it.

Being looked at by a beautiful woman is like someone doing eye exercises for you, isn't it comfortable?

However, Qin Zhong and Hao Zhuang also watched!

To be precise, it was a cold glance.

There was a small sword in his eyes.

Swish swish!

Slashed and cut across his body.

This is also easy to understand.

After all, they are all competitors standing together, and it's normal to have some hostility towards each other, it's better than a knife in the back.



What does this mean?

I don't seem to have offended you, do I?

I haven't even figured out your names, so how come you have objections to me together? "

Could it be that your girlfriend is in my trial team?

That's not right either!

If it's really your girlfriend, there's no reason not to join your team, right?

Besides, I don't seem to have done anything bad, right?

Why are you looking at me so viciously?


Why do I suddenly seem to like people who can fake smiles? "

Just when Ye Chong was thinking wildly, he heard a 30-year-old military officer say:

"The current results are:

001 Squad 152.

002 Squad 146.

00 team 138.

003 Squad 80.

Hao Zhuang, the captain of Team 003, was invited to come forward and hand over the spoils. "

Hao Zhuang is tall, very majestic, and looks very simple and honest.

He took a step forward and took out the film bag from the general's multi-purpose bag.


A small pile of eyeballs fell into a rectangular glass container.


Before the counting personnel started counting, there were thunderous shouts in the huge assembly hall.

"My God, why are there so many?"

"As expected of a one-star quasi-warrior, isn't it too violent? Killed so many mutant sea beasts."

"It's unbelievable, I'm afraid there must be hundreds of them?"


At the same time, the three staff responsible for counting each held a small flashlight-like detector in their hands, and shone on each eyeball, and the relevant data would appear on the screen of the hand-held detector.

"Hao Zhuang, 102 beast eyes, 51 mutated sea beasts, and a slight injury to his left leg." The short and fat statistician looked at him with a smile, "Not bad! Not bad! The total score of the 003 team is 182."

Hao Zhuang smiled foolishly, and turned back with his head held high.

He was already tall and tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of momentum, and looked very masculine. Girls' screams and cheers came from the crowd in the distance.

Ye Chong glanced back, unexpectedly, Lin Xiaomei and the others were all looking at him, which made him a little embarrassed, and thought: "Why didn't you call?"

"Next." The short and fat statistician shouted, "Ye Chong, hand in the spoils."

Hearing this, Ye Chong immediately stepped forward and took out the film bag from the military multifunctional backpack. There were not many things in it, and he poured it all out.


There was a commotion at the scene, even louder than when Hao Zhuang stepped forward just now.

It's no wonder that Hao Zhuang is a serious one-star quasi-warrior with great strength, so it's normal to hand over a lot of spoils.

But Ye Chong is not a quasi-warrior, as long as he has more things than the captains of the other top ten squads, it will be very good.

Except for the quasi-warrior squad, among the top ten squads, the captain of the 005 squad turned in the most trophies, 32, and the beast eyes that Ye Chong poured out just now were obviously more than 32.

The mutated sea beasts are all very big, and their eyes are also big, even if there is only one more, they can still be seen.

"Ye Chong, 40 beast eyes, 00 mutated sea beasts, no body injuries." The short and fat statistician glanced at the other party with a smile, nodded and said: "Not bad! The total score of the 178 team is [-]."


There was a murmur of murmurs, less cheering, and no screaming.

When Hao Zhuang saw this, he couldn't help but smile naively, and his eyes towards Ye Chong immediately became more gentle.

Qin Zhong's face relaxed, he raised his head, he didn't even look at Ye Chong, but looked at Gu Bingqian intentionally or unintentionally.



When Ye Chong was walking back, he saw the members of the 00 team, all of them looked a little pale, and couldn't help but muttered in his heart:

"It's just a little effort, the eyes are not right."

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