Ye Chong looked around, feeling a little awkward, feeling that pouring things out of the military nano bag was like undressing in front of everyone.

In his opinion, what mutant beasts the warrior hunted and what materials he wanted to sell were all personal privacy, and it was really not suitable for them to do so in full view.

"Hehe, the mutant beasts are much harder to fight now than before." Liu Yun obviously misunderstood, and said with a smile, "You have just participated in the Martial Arts Conference, and you haven't had time to take a good rest. Beasts are not bad, and there are so many, it is really not easy.

Two days ago, more than a dozen students went to the Leqing Mountains to go on a mission together. As a result, they didn't get a few S3-level mutant beasts they wanted to hunt. Instead, they encountered a SS1-level mutant beast.

That's great.

Everyone fled wildly all the way and injured several people.

It is estimated that if they hadn't reacted quickly and were far away from the SS1-level mutant beast, they might have died a few of them.

So, Ye Chong, you are the pride of our Jiuwu. It is best to call a few more people when you go out on missions in the future. In case you encounter a SS1-level mutant beast, there will be someone to take care of you.

Ha ha.

Don't say anything.

I know that your time is precious, so take out the materials now, and I will deal with them. "

"Okay, Teacher Liu Yun," Ye Chong nodded sincerely, "I will definitely be more careful when I go out in the future."

At this time, there were also bursts of whispers on the scene.

"Ye Chong should have hit the S3 wolf, right? There are a lot of wolf in the Leqing Mountains recently, and they like to move around."

"How do you know that he went to the Leqing Mountains? I heard that his favorite place to go was West Town, which is Longsudi."

"Dragon sucking ground?

Are you kidding me?

The current dragon sucker is not the previous dragon sucker, there are a lot of mutant beasts that have just broken through to SS1 level.

If he really went there, there was no way he would come back alive. "

"Yeah, the mutant beasts now are harder to fight than the mutant beasts of the same level in the past. It's not bad to be able to kill a few S3-level big bad wolves."


While everyone was discussing, Ye Chong glanced at the expectant Liu Yun, then smiled slightly, opened the military nano bag, and then took out two big ears.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"This is..." Liu Yun picked up a rabbit ear, with a look of surprise on his face, "No, no, these are not the ears of the big bad wolf."

"Hehe," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "These are not wolf ears, but rabbit ears."

"Rabbit ears?" Liu Yun picked up a flashlight-sized detector and took a photo, "It's really rabbit ears!

However, what kind of rabbit is this with such big ears?


Such a powerful energy.

Such a rich essence.


This is not an S3-level mutant beast, but...


SS1 mutant beast? "

When he said this, Liu Yun looked at Ye Chong with a look of surprise.

In fact, it's no wonder she was shocked.

Under the current environment, while the mutant beasts are mutating and evolving vertically, they are also making horizontal progress and development.

That is to say, not only are they rapidly improving their beast level, but also their beast skills are much stronger than before.

In fact, the growth and improvement of beast skills is the reason why mutant beasts of the same level are stronger than before.

Think about it too.

For example, it is a pair of twins, both of whom are junior martial arts warriors. One has not learned combat skills, and the other has learned combat skills. It is obvious which one is stronger in combat. Of course, they have learned combat skills.

The same is true of the orcs.

At this moment, almost all the teachers and students in the huge mutated biology research room were stunned, as if they couldn't believe what Liu Yun said.

"Hey," Ye Chong took out another round animal eye, which looked glowing red, "Mr. Liu Yun, this is the eye of a yellow-haired rabbit, and there are four eye crystals inside."

"Okay, let me take a look." Liu Yun took the animal eyes, took a photo with a micro detector, and his expression changed immediately, "That's right, these are the eyes of SS1-level golden fur rabbits, my God, Ye Chong, this is you Killed yourself?"

"Golden rabbit? Isn't it yellow hair..." Ye Chong scratched his head in a daze, then smiled and looked at the other party, "Hehe, I didn't kill it, I picked it up on the road."

唷 ~

There was a burst of boos at the scene.

Apparently no one believed what he said.

"Hehe, Ye Chong, your luck is always so good." Liu Yun nodded with a smile, "SS1-level golden fur rabbits are rare mutant beasts, and the essence of the two beast eyes is perfect, which can be exchanged for 380 million points, and two rabbit ears It can be exchanged for 190 million points, a total of 570 million points.”


There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Ye Chong curled his lips secretly and said, "Eh? Teacher Liu Yun, I remember that the price of selling SS1-level mutant rhinos and SS1-level mutant gray wolves in the past seems to be much higher than this, right?"

"Hehe, it's indeed much taller." Liu Yun nodded with a smile, "However, from time to time, although the mutant beasts are now difficult to fight, after all, the number is increasing explosively. You are difficult to fight, but it doesn't mean that others It is also difficult to fight, so the price of mutant beast materials has a downward trend in general."

"Oh, I see." Ye Chong thought for a while, and then he understood, knowing that the other party was right, that's what happened.

"Hehe, in fact, you can also choose not to sell it," Liu Yun smiled. "Now the price of buying mutant animal materials changes every day, and maybe the price will be even higher in two days."

"No, of course I want to sell it." Ye Chong pushed the golden-haired rabbit ears and blood-red rabbit eyes forward, "It's useless to keep this stuff in my hands, it's more valuable to leave it to the school for research."

"Hehe, good," Liu Yun chuckled, and looked at the military nanobag again, "So, what else do you want to sell?"

"Oh, Teacher Liu Yun, look, I forgot, I'm sorry." As Ye Chong spoke, he took out a long strip of things from his bag.


There were screams at the scene.


"My God!

So scary.

Is this the kind of red thread snake that was shown on TV? "

"you are right……

The strange snake that appeared when the wilderness platform was attacked?

I don't see it.

The body types are different.

The red thread snake was round and round, but Ye Chong's one was a little flat when he took it out. "

"Could it be a red leech?"


There was a burst of female screams at the scene.

Those in front all backed away.

"Mr. Liu Yun, this long tongue belongs to him." Ye Chong smiled at the astonished Liu Yun, and then took out two round animal eyes, "I thought it was a crocodile, but I remember... a crocodile Doesn't it seem like you don't have such a long tongue?"

"This is not a crocodile." Liu Yun took a look at the animal's eyes with a micro-detector, and the corners of the eyes twitched a few times, "Oh my god, that's great, this is an SS1-level mutant land iguana. The Imperial Institute of Biology is looking for this animal. Plant something."

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