Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 784 This is so dizzy

Jiuwu Academy.


dorm room.

Ye Chong sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes tightly, his forehead was covered with sweat the size of soybeans, dripping down, while his body seemed to be shaking, shaking back and forth.

At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden light burst out suddenly, but it was fleeting, as if nothing had happened.

At the same time, in his mind, the group of cyan shadows had long been bound in the center by thin golden threads, and golden arrows whizzed and shot towards them constantly.

As a result, every time the cyan shadow was hit by an arrow, its body would tremble wildly, and with the sound of mourning, a large piece of the shadow would suddenly fall and sink into the golden ocean.

At the same time, the cyan shadow falling into the golden ocean was like a bomb exploding suddenly, instantly making the entire ocean turbulent and turbulent.

At this time, people will faintly discover that the water surface of the golden ocean seems to have risen a little, and the water is mighty and full of vitality.


A soft sound came out.

After the last golden arrow hit the target, the cyan shadow suddenly collapsed, turning into countless cyan air currents and falling into the golden ocean, instantly setting off a sky-shattering wave, completely submerging the entire mind space.

At the same time, Ye Chong, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly frowned and snorted softly.

Immediately after the next moment, he suddenly leaned up, fell to the ground, and remained motionless.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Chong opened his eyes silently.

It was at this moment, and it was impossible to tell from his face whether he was happy or sad, sad or happy.

However, he obviously didn't intend to get up immediately, but put his hands behind his head as a pillow, and put his feet together from his ankles, looking like he was basking in the sun on the beach, very relaxed and comfortable.


Ha ha.

Now I really don't know if this trip to Qixingdui is a good thing or a bad thing for me?

If it's a good thing, the teal shade has a lot of negative effects on me.

If I can't uproot the weeds and eradicate them all, it means that my martial arts journey is over.

If it is a bad thing, what is the situation now?

In order to eradicate the cyan shadow, I used Ye Zhi's Absence Slash in my mind, and I used it many times, countless times.

However, because Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash was not released from the body, each use did not really consume mental power.

The most important thing is that in this process, in order to hit the cyan shadow, Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash has been proficient, tempered and tempered.

If it is said that Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash used to have a speed of 100 points and an attack power of 100 points, then now Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash has a speed of 120 points and an attack power of 150 points.

Not to mention anything else, the increase in the power of Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash is a huge improvement and improvement for my critical strike.

and also.

During this process, I became a little more familiar with the use of mental power, and I was even able to condense a silk net to bind the cyan shadow.

Ha ha.

I don't know if this ability is related to my recent use of small yellow and black fishing nets.

However, this is not the most gratifying.

Every time the cyan shadow is hit by Ye Zhi's Lost Mind Slash, which turned into a sharp arrow, it will drop a large piece, and these fallen pieces are not rubbish or waste, but the best spiritual food, which can expand the spiritual sea And grow a lot.

Ha ha.

Speaking of which, almost every piece of cyan shade, once digested and absorbed, can almost increase two or three spiritual points.

This is much faster than my step-by-step practice.

Moreover, it is also more efficient than using combat merit points to increase the limit of mental power.


My current physical data is——

Battle exploits: 4779

Physique: 135 (139)

Vitality: 58 (145)

Spirit: 151 (151)

In the perfect state, my physique is 139, and the current value is 135, because my right leg injury has not healed.

When the qi and blood are in the full state, the value is 145, which is basically close to the 150 of the middle-level junior martial arts fighter. Currently, the qi and blood are 58, because I have consumed too much qi and blood along the way, and I did not use combat merit points to recover .

What about spirit?

Ha ha.

What the spirit brings to me is full of surprises.

I remember not long ago my mental limit was 110, right?

As a result, after digesting and absorbing the cyan shadow, it directly became 151.

In other words, the shade of cyan actually increased my mental limit by 41 units.

What the hell.

This is not a recovery, but a permanent improvement, which is incredible.

and so……

Should I be happy, or happy, or happy?


If teal shades are the curse Baby Fat is talking about, get more of them.

I like.

I wish I could be completely submerged in this sea of ​​damnation forever, ever, forever. "

Ye Chong is really dancing around now.

He even began to imagine that when he could visit the Laoyahe ruins again, he really hoped to be cursed.

However, he certainly understands that there are more important things to do now.

Undoubtedly, after solving the hidden dangers brought by the cyan shadow, breakthrough has become an imminent top priority.

Especially for warriors, the most difficult spiritual power to cultivate has actually broken through to the value of 151, which means that as long as they can practice with peace of mind, then their qi, blood and physique will achieve rapid progress under the guidance of the spirit of the pioneer master.

If the addition of combat merit points is added, the speed of cultivation will naturally be greatly improved.

When Ye Chong thought of this, he immediately showed excitement.

However, excitement is excitement, excitement is excitement, and when it is time to be calm, you have to be calm, at least you have to deal with some things quickly, so as not to be really busy, but it will be delayed.

Ye Chong quickly picked up a glass, and with a flick of his left wrist, the small yellow-black fishing net fell into the glass. Then he picked up the bottle of Advanced Magical Liquid and poured a drop into it.

In the same way, he also dropped a drop of advanced magic weapon liquid on the blade of the starry sky, then slowly stood it up against the wall, and patted it lightly with his hand: "Come on, brother, I need you!" become stronger."

Of course, the blade of the starry sky can't speak, but the black brilliance flashes on the blade, which makes people feel relieved and comfortable when they look at it.

In the following time, Ye Chong tidied up the seized backpack. He didn't expect that the ferocious man's bag was poor enough, basically there was nothing of value. If he had known this, he might as well have thrown it away.

It's a pity that the backpack of another tall man who was beheaded by him, and the backpack of the fat baby man who was eaten alive by the old duck, were all left at the scene and were not taken. Otherwise, they should at least get it from Baby Fat Get a lot of good stuff.

"What annoyance, if I knew this, I might as well throw away my backpack in the Leqing Mountains. It would be troublesome to deal with now." Ye Chong muttered, with a depressed expression on his face.

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