Ye Chong was in a bad mood at first, but when he saw the other party's urinating bear-like appearance, he was instantly enraged and his hair exploded.

The blade of the starry sky changed from chopping to piercing, and with a buzzing sound, it went straight to the back of the opponent's ears and head.

The yellow-haired rabbit reacted extremely quickly, the attacking posture of its claws remained unchanged, but its body turned around.

As a result, the blade of the starry sky slid past the side of the opponent's body, but a pair of sharp claws arrived in front of him.

"Niang Xipi!"

Ye Chong couldn't help roaring violently, raised his right foot and kicked forward.

He was so angry, who cares if he was hurt or not.


Amidst the loud noise, Ye Chong and the yellow-haired rabbit groaned at the same time, and stepped back.


The latter opened his mouth wide, his fangs intertwined, and his blood-red eyes seemed to be staring at death.


The former cursed angrily, stepped forward again, and kicked his right foot with incredible speed.

The yellow-haired rabbit stood up in an instant, and then clawed down fiercely with its front paws.

At the same time, the corner of Ye Chong's mouth curved upwards, but his right foot shrank back.

The yellow-haired rabbit was stunned for a moment, and a pair of big blood-red eyes rolled around.

Almost at the same time, the blade of the starry sky fell from the sky, and there was a lot of wind.

As a result, before the yellow-haired rabbit had time to react, a black brilliance disappeared in a flash, stretching backwards from between its ears.


Amidst the strange sound, the yellow-haired rabbit's body was split into two, and the blood and filth were scattered in all directions instantly, and the scene suddenly filled with endless bloody atmosphere.


Ye Chong wiped the blood splattered on his face with his hands, and without hesitation, he immediately started collecting the animal eyes, ears, claws and other materials of the yellow-haired rabbit.

However, before he could finish cleaning the battlefield, there was a sudden rustle in the nearby forest, and two huge mutant beasts came out one after the other.

The first mutant beast was an SS1-level mutant land iguana. It looked a bit like a mutant crocodile, but it was much bigger, stronger, fiercer, and crueler than the mutant crocodile.

The second mutant beast is an SS1-level mutant honey badger, covered with a layer of white fur from head to tail, it looks like a boy with a flat head, and his eyes are full of fearlessness.

As soon as these two guys appeared, they surrounded them aggressively.


Pretending to be with me? !

Ye Chong didn't say a word, and went up to him holding the Starry Sky Blade.



hoo hoo hoo!

The two SS1-level mutant beasts stopped immediately and roared.

Speaking of which, these two general-level mutant beasts obviously didn't expect this kind of situation to happen. The opponent is a warrior of the lowest level. They should run away when they meet them, right? How come they rushed up.

However, before the two of them could stop their confusion, Ye Chong had already arrived in front of him, and the blade of the starry sky directly slashed down on the SS1-level mutant land iguana, and the sound of air explosion suddenly exploded, deafening.

At the same time, the latter opened his mouth wide open, and a thick long scarlet tongue sprang out immediately, and shot straight at the head and face of the former, like lightning and thunder, with an incredible speed.

At the same time, the SS1-level mutant flat-headed boy let out a roar, and bounced off the ground, like a rocket launched from the ground, and shot between Ye Chong's legs, looking like he was about to come to hell.

Almost at this critical moment, a large yellow and black net bag covered his head, completely covering the SS1-level mutant flat-headed brother.

At this moment, Ye Chong slid to the side, quietly avoiding the flying long tongue, but the starry sky blade in his hand did not stop at all, but accelerated continuously with a click, and slashed downward.


The sound of breaking into the body sounded.

at the same time.


The long scarlet tongue rolled back, wrapping Ye Chong's body tightly.

Then at the next moment, Ye Chong grabbed the base of the long scarlet tongue with both hands, picked up half of the head of the SS1-level mutant land iguana, and slammed it aside.

At the same time, when the SS1 flat-headed brother in the small yellow and black fishing net was still blinking in bewilderment, the bloody half of his head fell on it.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

For a while, the sound of heavy objects colliding together continued one after another.

Ye Chong's eyes were red-eyed, and he kept swinging the half of his head attached to his long tongue, and he didn't seem to want to stop at all.

The SS1-level mutant flat-headed brother is completely confused, and he doesn't move when he stays in the net.

In the end, the head of the SS1-level mutant flathead was still hard, and half of the head of the SS1-level mutant land iguana was rotten into a paste.


Ye Chong wiped the blood from his mouth, spat out, then reached into his arms, found out the little villain, and threw it at the flat-headed brother in the small yellow and black fishing net again.




An indescribable scream suddenly spread around.

After a while, the SS1-level mutant flat-headed brother let out a miserable howl and remained motionless.

Call ~

Ye Chong breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately put away the small yellow and black fishing net, and stuffed the little villain into the bloody rotten meat of the SS1-level mutant flat-headed brother.

However, what he was looking forward to obviously did not appear again.

The little villain the size of an egg is like a fool, motionless.

"what happened?

In the underground nuclear defense engineering hall of Yangwu College, the little villain ate a SS2-level black monster bird.

Then, when they arrived at Biyuan Community, they also digested the SS1-level white-winged bird in the basement.

After that, it's a little weird.

At that time, after I succeeded in attacking Baby Fat, I used the little villain to critically attack him. As a result, the little villain showed no signs of devouring the opponent's body other than showing toughness.

What now?

Also like this.

I was still thinking at the time, maybe it was because the little villain couldn't devour the warriors of the human race.

It seems...

It's really not like that.

So, what's the problem?

Could it be that this guy is full?

Or do you just like animals? "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly, and put the little villain on the body of the SS1-level mutant land iguana. After finding that it had no effect, he threw it into the body of the SS1-level yellow rabbit, and the result was still silent .

"Well, it should be that this guy is full and has no appetite now."

Ye Chong grunted, and then directly used the Starry Sky Blade to collect the materials of the mutant beast.

In fact, he really hoped that the little villain could absorb all these things.

Not to mention anything else, it's not a bad thing to remove the traces of him killing these general-level mutant beasts.

Furthermore, most of the mutant beast materials of the beast general level are of high value, and it is a pity to waste them.

Especially the eyes of the beast, the ears of the yellow-haired rabbit, the tongue of the land iguana, and the teeth of Brother Pingtou.

It wouldn't be a waste if it was all swallowed up and digested by the little villain.

However, since the little villain is not interested in these things now, he will do it.

Would it be a fool to ask him to throw these things here for nothing?

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that now that he had consumed the advanced magic liquid, he had become a complete pauper.

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