Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 776 Seven Star Pile

The fat baby man laughed and said slowly: "You think too much, I won't do anything in the ancient city of Qixingdui."

"Seven Stars Pile?" Ye Chong couldn't help being stunned, "I've heard that there is a Seven Stars Pile next to Zhongdu. Could it be here?"

"Yes, yes, no, no." The baby fat man looked to the north, where there was a vast river, "Actually, to be more accurate, this place should be called the Laoya River ruins."

"Laoyahe ruins?" Ye Chong nodded, "I didn't expect to come here by accident."

In fact, when he first came to Zhongdu, he knew some customs here.

In the process, he also had a general understanding of the surrounding environment.

It can be said that several of them are full of temptation and attraction for him.

Not to mention the Leqing Mountains, Longsu Land and the Wanzige Stone Forest, there is another place that has always fascinated him, which is Qixingdui.

There is a cloud in ancient times:

Qixingdui by the Laoya River, and Wuzhen Palace in front of Moon Bay.


Rumor has it that every name mentioned in this poem of Qijue hides the biggest secret of this world.

However, after a vast and long period of time, no one has really explored the mystery and true meaning of it.

Ye Chong yearned for it only because he was full of curiosity, but he didn't expect to come here today.

"I see that the mutant beasts around are just roaring and screaming, and they don't seem to come to chase us." Ye Chong smiled, "It's you, the human race who chased me all the way, almost killed me.

Moreover, it continues to kill me.

Ha ha.

Stop pretending, hurry up and do it, shall we? "

"Hands?" The fat baby man looked serious and shook his head, "Can't move.

If not, why don't you try it first?

However, I advise you not to do it, it will kill us both. "

"Oh?" Ye Chong could not help but smile, "You have a lot of ghost ideas along the way, what do you want to do this time?

It's better to tell me earlier, lest I get angry in a hurry. "

"You're wrong." The baby fat man squinted his eyes and scanned the surroundings, "It's you who has the most evil ideas, not me. I'm the victim."

"..." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "You are the one who is chasing me, but you still say you are the victim, you have a thick skin."

The fat baby man ignored Ye Chong and continued: "The Qixingdui since the new era is no longer the Qixingdui of the past.

It wakes up.

If the sleeping Qixingdui brought us the splendid and unparalleled Qixingdui culture, then what it presents before our eyes is mysterious and terrifying.

In fact, mutant beasts have occupied the place since the New Age.

Speaking of this point, it is a bit like the situation at Long Xidi in Xizhen.

However, it is obvious that the mutant beasts entrenched in the Seven Star Pile are of higher level, larger in number, and more in variety.

Why is this happening?

Many experts have studied here, but obviously, no one can tell what happened?and what is happening?

The mainstream view is that the reason why many mutant beasts that are about to break through to the level of beast generals can be gathered in Longsu Land is mainly because it is a place where aura is concentrated, and Qixingdui can gather a huge number of mutant beasts at the level of beast generals. It is also likely to be related to the evolution of mutant beasts.

It's just strange that the richness of the aura here is actually similar to that of most places, and there is a big gap compared with the Dragon Sucking Land.

Therefore, those who hold this point of view believe that the Terrans may have missed something.

And, there's more to the weirdness than that.

In the process of studying Qixingdui, the experts of the human race did not understand why the high-level mutant beasts like to stay here, but they found that the high-level mutant beasts here would not actively attack the human race.

However, when they are attacked, they will definitely launch a fierce counterattack.

and also.

After the human race enters the Qixingdui, as long as they don't take the initiative to cause trouble, they are relatively safe.

However, once they leave here, they are likely to be targeted by high-level mutant beasts and be surrounded.

This is not the point.

Even if they left Qixingdui, it would not be good if they were not targeted by high-level mutant beasts.

For there is also a terrible curse here.

In fact, the curse of Qixingdui has caused the death of at least three general-level fighters. "

"Then I'll stay here, why do I have to leave?" Ye Chong couldn't help but smile, "Leaving is also death, and it will be even worse, isn't it?"

"Stay here?" The baby fat man's bloody face looked even more hideous, "It's not that simple.

What you just went through, you know it yourself.

It is said that many human warriors who came here for research and exploration died in those living houses. "

"What did you say?!" Ye Chong's face suddenly changed, "A living house?"

"Yes," the chubby baby man smiled sinisterly, "Actually, when I saw you go in, I thought you were dead.

But it's a pity, you are indeed a very surprising guy, you can actually come out of the living house alive. "

"..." Ye Chong was dazed, looked around, and subconsciously moved a little further away from a magnificent building on the left.

Speaking of which, he originally planned to rush into the building and try to escape when the opponent suddenly launched an attack, but now it seems that it is obviously impossible.

"Hey, you don't have to be afraid." The baby fat man continued, "Not every house in Qixingdui is alive.

Moreover, even the living houses are just waiting for the food to come to their door. Like those general-level mutant beasts, they generally don't take the initiative to attack. "

"Hehe," Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a smile, "Actually, I really don't have anything to fear about this Qixingdui now.

But I'm getting more and more worried about you.

I think, you told me so much just now, it shouldn't be out of kindness, right?

If I guessed correctly, the person who wishes me the most to die right now should be you. "

"That's right, I do hope you die sooner." The fat baby man grinned, "However, I hope to be able to take pictures of your death.

Otherwise, although I know you are dead, others don't.

Moreover, I don't want to die with you either.

What I mean is that if you flee from the Seven Stars Heap desperately now, you will definitely be surrounded by countless high-level mutant beasts, or you will encounter the curse of death.

Of course, it won't work if you run around in the pile of seven stars.

Once a taboo is violated, Qixingdui will launch the deadliest blow to eliminate potential threats.

You are a human race, and I am also a human race. In the eyes of Qixingdui, we are not enemies, but accomplices. If you make a mistake, I will accompany you to death.


Do you understand now?

These are the reasons why I told you those things just now. "

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