Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 774 Don't go in

Ye Chong has a bit of a headache now, he doesn't want to walk, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't.

Let's go, always feel that something is following behind, uncomfortable.

Don't leave, baby fat will find him sooner or later, if you don't leave, you will die.

"Now I can only give it a try and see what's going on?"

Ye Chong muttered something in his heart, and then suddenly accelerated his speed.

At the same time, his direction of progress has also changed significantly.

After going on like this for six or seven minutes, he quietly stopped, holding his breath and concentrating.

At the same time, a ray of spiritual power also quietly and silently stretched all the way behind him.

However, what surprised Ye Chong was that there seemed to be nothing following him.

Can't even see.

Can't even hear it.

Mental power exploration did not find it.

I'm afraid the only explanation is that I scare myself and think too much.

Ye Chong couldn't help laughing at himself, then picked a direction and accelerated his speed.

Also at this time.

Jie Jie!

There was a sneer like a night owl.

Immediately following the big tree 30 meters away from the front right, a figure shot towards him like a falcon.


Ye Chong's scalp went numb, and he turned around and started running fast.

As he ran, he was still thinking:

"What I just felt was him?


If it is really him, it is impossible to wait until now.

Ma Dan.

Those mutant beasts were too stupid, so they couldn't trap him for a while longer.

and also.

Are all those damn beast general-level mutant beasts dead? !

Why didn't you meet any of them? ! "

Anyway, it had been exposed, and Ye Chong didn't have any scruples, he jumped directly to the top of the tree, and galloped forward at full speed.

Actually, he is not stupid.

There are naturally reasons for this.

One is because for such a long time, he has not encountered a mutant beast of the general level, so he is not afraid of being targeted by high-level beasts.

As for the low-level beasts below S3 level, he has nothing to worry about.

He was able to escape the siege of countless S3-level beasts in the first stadium of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, and now in this vast space, he can naturally also calmly escape their siege.

What's more, he also has the help of a third-level beast exorcist fan, and he might be able to turn the flames of war on Baby Fat again.

Another reason is that in a short time, the small recovery period in the combat achievement point column will end again, which means that his blood can be replenished most quickly.

and also.

The baby fat is always consuming Qi and blood, and it is estimated that it is almost exhausted.

What he is doing now is also to make the opponent's blood consume faster.

When it's almost time...

It's time to be rude.

At this moment, while the baby fat man was accelerating towards the target, there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Judging from the fact that the target is still full of energy and blood, his judgment should be no problem.

The other party is likely to have something of great value.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the fact that a small junior martial arts fighter still has blood.

At the same time, in the process of frantically chasing forward, the baby fat man was also stuffing something into his mouth, and then chewing continuously, even the pink liquid quietly fell from the corner of his mouth.

Ye Chong was only focused on running forward and didn't see this scene, otherwise, he would be extremely depressed.

no way.

It can be seen at a glance that what Baby Fat stuffed into his mouth is nothing else, it must be a treasure that can quickly replenish qi and blood.

This stuff is precious.

Just stuffing the baby fat into the mouth, it is estimated that it will cost millions of dollars every minute.

In order to chase and kill him, the other party paid such a high price. If he saw it, he must be both depressed and worried.

Because if it goes on like this, his wishful thinking of draining the opponent's blood will come to nothing.

However, Ye Chong really didn't see this scene now, but was galloping forward beautifully.

If you get close, you can even see a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Time passed little by little.

Suddenly, Ye Chong froze, looked at somewhere in front of him, his expression changed.

At the end of this forest, there is a small river, and on the bank of the river, there is an antique city, with clouds and mist swirling around it, and it looks quite mysterious.

Ye Chong hesitated for a moment, then looked back, and quickly gritted his teeth and accelerated his forward speed.

"Don't go in! It's dangerous!" the baby fat man yelled, "That ancient city is a lair of mutant beasts."

Ye Chong frowned. Although he didn't speak, he could see that his face was a bit ugly.

However, he obviously didn't intend to stop at all, instead he suddenly increased his forward speed.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he had seen this ancient city, and he knew nothing about it, but he knew a truth.

The enemy of the enemy can be regarded as a friend.

What the enemy does not want you to do, is likely to be in your best interest.


What this ancient city is, I don't know.

However, judging from the appearance of Baby Fat, he should have a little understanding of this place.


Since he doesn't want me to enter the ancient city, I will do the opposite.

Why else?

To stay here and be chased by him and torn to shreds?


What is the lair of mutant beasts?

The Dragon Sucking Land I roamed about earlier, also known as Xizhen, is a typical lair of mutant beasts.

and then?

Didn't I live well there?


The ancient city in front of me may be my chance to survive.

If baby fat is afraid of getting inside, that's even better.

I can find a comfortable place and get a good night's sleep.

When I wake up, what am I afraid of?

No way, I'm going to fight that guy again. "

When Ye Chong thought of this, the corner of his mouth curled up, and then he stepped on a nearby tree with one foot, and his whole body shot straight into the ancient city like a bird throwing itself into the forest.

At the same time, the baby fat man stopped abruptly, his rotten eyes trembling constantly, as if his heart was full of entanglements.

But at the next moment, when he found that Ye Chong was rising and falling in the ancient city, and was about to disappear, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth, jumped, and also went straight into the ancient city, chasing after him.

Almost at the same time, somewhere in the northwest corner of the ancient city, there was a strange cry that sounded like thunder, which made people feel a little war and their scalps went numb.

As a result, shortly after that strange cry, the entire quiet ancient city seemed to come alive, and the roars of mutant beasts sounded everywhere, one after another, one after another, and it was impossible to tell whether it was the roar of a land beast or the cry of a beast. Or other mutated beasts howling wildly in the sky.

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