"..." Ye Chong shook his head, "Being the teacher of your two teachers? No, it's impossible."

"Why not?" Zhou Xinxin continued to smile, "Threesomes must have my teacher."

"Brother Bird?" Gao Ang looked expectant.

"If you can't, you can't." Ye Chong didn't want to find trouble for himself, "I have self-knowledge, and I really can't teach you how to do it. I'm just good at refining medicine and weapons."

"Really?" Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang said almost in unison, their faces full of excitement.

"..." Ye Chong couldn't help but bewildered.

The reason why he said that just now is pure nonsense.

That's because the two guys want to learn agility, but he doesn't want to teach it. Instead, he talks nonsense about something the other is good at, so as to make them lose interest.

But what I didn't expect was that the two of them seemed so interested and excited when they heard this, which really made Ye Chong feel a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, don't be like this, why do you feel like you are going crazy?" Ye Chong smiled wryly and took a step back, "I'm used to it casually, and I can't speak in my head, so don't take it seriously.

I'm just more interested in refining medicine and equipment, and I'm really not good at it.


Just laugh, just laugh.

However, I also find it strange.

It's very interesting that you said you two.

One is the teacher of Jiuwu's martial arts refining medicine department, who is very good at refining medicine.

One is the teacher of Jiuwu's martial arts refining department, who is very proficient in refining.

I just said in front of you that I know how to refine medicine and weapons, do you really believe it?

You want to see me laugh, don't you? "

"Brother Bird," Gao Ang rolled his eyes, full of charm, "Do you think people will lie to you? Besides, it's not good for you to lie to people like this."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong coughed and covered his mouth. He couldn't figure out what mood he was in now, whether he should cry, laugh, or go crazy, anyway, it was terribly uncomfortable.

"Hehe, you think that your agility is so good." Zhou Xinxin smiled, "Then the medicine and weapon refining you are interested in and good at will certainly surprise us, why don't you teach me?" Shall we? Okay?"

"Yes, Brother Bird," Gao Ang took a step forward, "I believe in you, it will definitely work."

"Hey, you two are quite funny," Ye Chong couldn't help grinning, "Believe whatever you say."

"Actually, if you don't want to teach me how to make medicine," Zhou Xinxin's eyes radiated light, "then you should teach us the body skills that you don't like?"

"Stop." Ye Chong interrupted the other party with a smile, "You two, I hope you pay attention to your identities.

Ha ha.

What I feel now is that my student has become a teacher, and you two serious teachers have become students instead.

If this matter gets out, you will be ashamed, not me.

and also.

My agility and skills are all honed little by little in the process of actual combat, and there is really nothing to teach you.

As long as you kill more enemies and experience more life and death, your body skills will improve between life and death.

As for the refining of medicine and tools I just mentioned, it is purely a joke, if it is true, you will lose. "

"It's not a joke." Zhou Xinxin shook her body with her little hands behind her back, "Hehe, I've figured it out now.

The powder you sprinkled at the entrance of the jungle is not simple.

Not only does it have the special effect of blocking the approach of mutant beasts, but it can also prevent and detoxify. However, the most important thing is that it can refresh and refresh the mind, keeping people's minds clear.

In addition, I think it even has another effect, which is pain relief and delaying the onset of injuries.

Otherwise, Gao Ang would have passed out long ago.

Ye Chong, I may have said it lightly.

In fact, every function of the medicinal powder I mentioned just now, if it can be made into a medicine alone, will play the role of a high-grade elixir, which is of great value.

What's more, with so many special effects gathered together, the significance it represents is, of course, even more immeasurable.

In my opinion, if the refined elixir can achieve one of the special effects, it is not difficult for ordinary high-level alchemists to achieve it.


It would be difficult to refine this kind of elixir that integrates many special effects of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

It is estimated that the one who can achieve this step is none other than the world's top alchemy master.

So, Ye Chong, your medicine refining skills must be very good.

Ha ha.

Since you don't want to teach us agility, can you teach me how to refine medicine?

Thank you, Teacher Ye. "

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong coughed a few times with itchy throat, before he could speak, Gao Ang also said with a smile: "Actually, I found out a long time ago.

Brother Bird's medicine powder smells very pleasant.

Moreover, when the anaconda attacked us, its movements were a little sluggish, which should be related to the medicine powder.

However, I'm not in the business of refining medicine, so I don't know much about these.

But, Brother Bird, your sword...hehe...sword, gave me a strong shock.

As a fairly qualified weapon refiner, I am very clear about the power of junior top-rank warrior weapons.

Normally speaking, to kill the anaconda with astonishing defensive power, it is not impossible to use a low-level top-rank warrior's weapon, but the burst of energy and blood must be sufficient, fast and tricky.

I estimate that the vitality must be at least 50 points, otherwise, no matter how fast the speed is, no matter how tricky the angle is, it will not be able to kill it.


Ha ha.

Brother Bird's burst of qi and blood should be less than 50 points, right?

However, with a wave of your big knife, it is like chopping melons and vegetables.

What does this mean?

Of course the weapon is powerful.

But the weapon is indeed just a primary top-rank warrior's weapon.

What does this mean?

Naturally, this low-level top-rank warrior's weapon is stronger than others.

Here comes the problem.

Why is this happening?

In the final analysis, of course Brother Bird has worked hard on this primary high-grade warrior weapon.

What kind of effort was that?


Naturally, it must be the skill of refining the weapon.

But what kind of refining kung fu is, my level of refining is too low, so I don't know.

But I think it must have something to do with the pattern of the law.

The pattern of the law.

This is something that only masters above the senior craftsman dare to touch.

Brother Bird has such a sword that far exceeds the power of the same level, which shows that he is very capable in cultivating the pattern of law.

At the same time, it also shows that Brother Bird has a very deep knowledge in the art of refining, at least he is also a high-level refining master.

So, ah, hehe, Brother Bird is so skillful in refining art, he is definitely more than enough to be the teacher of a low-level refining master like me. "

"..." Ye Chong was in a trance for a while. He glanced at Gao Gao, whose eyes were shining brightly, and then at Zhou Xinxin, who was full of smiles. Although he knew that the third-level beast exorcising powder was made by the old yellow-haired Walter White. Yes, and the Blade of the Starry Sky, as a low-level top-rank warrior weapon, is far more powerful than weapons of the same level. It is because it has been nourished and cultivated by the high-level magic weapon liquid, but there is still a feeling of flattery in my heart.

Think about it too.

It is really a wonderful thing to be envied and admired by others these days.

In line with the principle of "see through, don't tell the truth", Ye Chong couldn't help laughing:

"I didn't expect that.

You two are worthy of being the teachers of Jiuwu Academy, and your reasoning ability and logical thinking ability are quite strong.


In terms of refining medicine and weapons, I do have some methods and methods of my own, but unfortunately, due to the limitations of my teacher, I cannot pass them on to outsiders.

Ha ha.

In fact, even if it can be taught, you think I am stupid?

Troublesome, time-consuming, troublesome and laborious, teach you? "

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