Ye Chong walked extremely fast.

Being in a dense forest, the trees are narrow and narrow, and poisonous flowers, poisonous weeds, and poisonous gums can be seen everywhere, so you must be extremely careful when walking through.

However, these are obviously nothing to Ye Chong who has perfect control of actual combat agility and success in practicing flying skills.

Swish swish!

Not long after, he disappeared into the dense forest ahead.

Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang kept speeding up with a whimper.

But how fast can it be?

The gap between the trees is so small, you have to pass sideways, or bend over to drill holes, and sometimes you even have to climb.

The key poison is everywhere.

Although the two of them haven't been poisoned yet, they are really scared.

In particular, the poisonous gum flowing down from the tree exudes a strange smell, which makes my head hurt even if I smell it, let alone touch it.


Slower and slower.

Seeing that Ye Chong disappeared, they simply didn't leave.


How to go?

You can't keep up with all your efforts, and now the other party is gone, how can you go?

There is no direction.


The two stopped at the same time, staring at each other, not knowing what to do.

The key is not to speak out.

Think about it too.

When there is no sound, there are anacondas wanting their lives.

What about making a sound?

Do you think you are dying too slowly?

and also.

Although the ant beasts I met on the road didn't dare to attack them, it didn't mean they wouldn't report back.

Do you really think these guys are ants?


of course not.

At least in terms of IQ, it is definitely not comparable to the previous ants.

Of course they will report their encounters with the human race upwards.

Because that's what these ant ant scouts do.

At the same time, it also means that after the event is completed, they are likely to get a chunk of the most delicious life.

Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang are not stupid either.

Not only did they dare not make a sound, but they wished they could stop breathing to avoid attracting attention.

Plus, it's a real jungle.

The kind that blocks out the sun.

Don't think it should be dark now, but you can hardly see your fingers in this forest.

It's just that they are all warriors, and they are high-level martial arts fighters, so whether it is vision, hearing, or smell, they are much better than ordinary people, and it is not a big problem to figure out the surrounding situation.


Suddenly there was a strange sound in the dense forest ahead.

It's a bit like a watermelon falling to the ground, and it's a bit like splitting a piece of meat with a knife.

Bloody smell.

Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang smelled this scent coming from the front almost at the same time.

As a result, the two of them were even more frightened and dared not move.

"Brother Bird is dead?"

"Or did he kill something?"

A series of question marks appeared in Gao Gao's mind.

He remembered that when the damned anaconda bit him, there seemed to be a similar sound.

He was in so much pain that he was about to cry.

Zhou Xinxin looked vigilant, holding a long sword, ready to fight at any time.



There seemed to be liquid dripping from the air.

This scene is all too familiar.


Whether it was Zhou Xinxin or Gao Gao, their heads seemed to explode, and they immediately backed away in fright.

Also at this time.

A voice sounded quietly.

"I seem to... smell something again?"


When Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang heard this, they immediately relaxed and stopped moving.

At the same time, the eyes of the two were full of shock and disbelief.

I saw Ye Chong floating down from the air, looking coquettish.

" just...didn't you just go to the front?" Zhou Xinxin looked confused, "Besides, I seem to have heard the sound of hacking and killing?"

"Yeah, Brother Bird, what happened?" Gao Gao put his hands on his chest and leaned forward, looking quite frightened.

"Look at what you said," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "If I can go to the front, I won't come back? I killed a hozen that was stalking secretly, so I have to stay there?"

"What?!" Gao Ang covered his mouth, "Brother Bird, you are awesome! You are so fast."

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong coughed lightly, ignored Gao Ang, but looked at Zhou Xinxin who was in a daze and said, "What's wrong? Dear Mr. Zhou, do you have a runny nose?"


Zhou Xinxin came to his senses, wiped his nose with his hand and said, "This is nosebleed, not snot..."

When she said this, she couldn't help but froze.

"Nosebleed?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Are you poisoned?"

"No, it's not." Zhou Xinxin's face was gloomy, she turned around, took out a tissue and wiped it off, "Maybe the weather is a bit dry, it will be fine in a while."

"Dry weather?" Ye Chong frowned, even if it is too hot and humid in the dense forest, it has nothing to do with the dry weather.

"Brother Bird, don't worry," Gao Ang said suddenly, "Teacher Zhou has an old problem, and she will be fine after a rest. The reason I came here with her this time is to find medicine..."

"Gao Ang, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb." Zhou Xinxin blocked his nostrils with a tissue, "Don't speak so nicely, as if you didn't come here for the refining materials."

When Ye Chong heard this, he figured it out.

One is the teacher of the Jiuwu Martial Arts Alchemy Department.

One is the teacher of the Nine Martial Arts Refining Department.

The two of them entered the Leqing Mountains together this time, and it is estimated that the task is secondary, the main purpose should be to find the herbs needed for refining medicine, and the other is to collect materials for refining tools.

Not to mention anything else, it can be guessed from the fact that both of them are carrying relatively large nanometer multifunctional bags.

Ye Chong didn't care about this, but looked at Zhou Xinxin with a little hesitation and said, "You now..."

"I'm fine," Zhou Xinxin smiled, and blinked playfully, "Hey, the bleeding is gone, and you can leave at any time."

"It's okay? Something will happen if you faint." Gao Gao glanced to the other side and muttered.

When Zhou Xinxin was about to speak, Ye Chong waved his hands and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhou, as long as you are fine.

However, I have something to do.

Well, how about this, take a rest in place for a while.

I'd better keep things simple.


Try not to make any noise. "

After speaking, Ye Chong tapped one foot on the ground, and his whole body soared into the sky without a sound, and disappeared into the luxuriant foliage above him.

At the same time, Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang looked up in shock, everyone's eyes were full of shock.

At this moment, Ye Chong was already sitting cross-legged on the huge branch and closed his eyes.

Now that you're resting, it's good to have a good rest.

When he killed the anaconda, he spent a lot of energy and blood, just in time to meditate and recover.

Speaking of which, it is always a good thing to recharge your batteries in an environment full of dangers and turbulence.

What's more, now that he is still looking for two other weirdos with two weirdos, he has to be prepared.

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