Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 743 Brother Bird

Ye Chong twitched his brows, walked to the side of the snake corpse, and picked the severed head with his foot, but it didn't move.

no way.

too heavy.

The body of the snake is thicker than the mouth of the tank.

It can't be moved without using the power of Qi and blood.

However, in the current environment, Ye Chong could do without the power of Qi and blood.

Good steel should be used on the blade, right?

Just now he used the blade of the starry sky to chop off the snake's head. It looked easy, but in fact, to him, it was a thunderous blow, and it consumed a lot of energy and blood, at least more than 30 points.

Don't forget, he is just a junior martial arts warrior with an initial level of cultivation. He is full of fights and calculations. He has less than 150 blood points. With 30 blood points, how much can he cut?

Theoretically, this Thunder Clap hacking method can make 5 cuts, but in fact, it is not bad to get a total of 4 cuts.

If there is not a little bit of blood on the body, it will definitely collapse on the ground like mud.

Of course, the situation was urgent, and he knew that the anaconda was covered in scales and had amazing defense power, so he directly hit it with a thunderbolt.

Under normal circumstances, he would not be willing to waste such a waste of killing other mutant beasts.

Up to now, he is unwilling to consume a single bit of energy and blood just to turn himself into a snake.

Soon, Ye Chong used the starry sky blade in his hand to fight under the snake's body, and directly pried up the snake's body at the severed part.

I saw that the scales at seven inches were indeed broken and damaged, but that was only so far, and did not really hurt the snake's body.

"It seems... that's it?" Gao Ang blushed, "I didn't expect to hit it with all my strength, but it didn't kill it?"

"The scales of this anaconda should have reached the level of a C-grade alloy," Ye Chong picked up the Starry Sky Blade and tapped it on the snake. "It's not as easy to break as you think."

"Then you..." Gao Ang stared at the blade of the starry sky with a look of shock on his face, "What level of warrior's weapon is this big sword in your hand? Isn't it a junior high-grade warrior's weapon?"

"This is a knife," Ye Chong muttered, "Don't be a sword. If you have this spare time, you might as well pick up some anaconda scales. This is a good material for refining weapons."

"Yes, yes, see how confused I am," Gao Ang immediately lit up his eyes and slapped his head, "This thing is very expensive, Brother Ye, you can also buy some, and you can exchange for points."

"Don't call me Brother Ye," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "You are older than me, and you are still a teacher, this is inappropriate."

"Appropriate," Gao Ang said with a smile while digging the scales of the anaconda with the dagger he carried with him, "Brother is the greatest, Brother Ye, you are strong, and you have avenged blood for me, so it is right to call you Brother Ye .”

"..." Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "Brother Ye is too formal, it's not good for people to hear."

"Then I'll call you Brother Chong." Gao Ang put a scale he dug into his bag, "How about it, that's a nice name."

"Ahem, no way," Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Brother Chong seems to be a more appropriate name for a woman, but it's too ambiguous for you to call it that."

"It's okay, I don't care." Gao Ang was so excited now, his hands moved quickly, and he put another scale into his bag while speaking.

"You don't care, I care." Ye Chong frowned, "I'm a celebrity now, I have to pay attention to my image..."

"Celebrity? That's right, Brother Chong, you belong to a celebrity now." Gao Ang turned his head and smiled, showing a hint of charm, "Otherwise, Brother Chong, you are now the famous birdman Ye Chong, I might as well call you Brother Bird, are you okay?"

"This..." Ye Chong now has a strange expression on his face. When he saw Gao Gao's expression just now, his heart skipped a beat. What does this mean? He's really not a man?

"How is it? Brother Bird?" Gao Ang looked back at Bai Meisheng and smiled, with two dimples on his face.

"Ahem, this is not good either," Ye Chong smiled awkwardly, "It sounds weird."

"It's so close, isn't it?" Gao Ang shook his head, his short hair remained motionless, "I think it's a bit sweet and greasy to be heard."

"Yeah, cough cough cough, you should call me Ye Chong." Ye Chong is a little flustered and short of breath now, "This sounds more natural."

"No, no, huh? Are you blushing, what's going on?" Gao Ang smiled and stretched out his hand to stroke his short hair, "Hehe, why don't I call you Achong?"


Ye Chong was caught off guard, he didn't hold back all of a sudden, and sprayed directly.

"A Chong, you ate the leek box in the morning, right?" Gao Ang wiped his face lightly, "It smells so good, I also like to eat the leek box, next time you take me to eat, okay?"

"Stop." Ye Chong was about to go crazy, "Don't call me Ah Chong, no, no, I shudder when I hear this name."

"Okay, dear," Gao Ang smiled softly, "From now on, people will call you Brother Bird, okay? Ah, this name is so handsome."

"Bird...Brother Bird?" Ye Chong looked helpless, as the saying goes, if you reach out and don't hit a smiling person, you really can't help it, "It's up to you.

However, I have a suggestion.

After you go back, hurry up and find a famous doctor and take care of it.

In fact, medicine is very advanced these days, and it doesn't mean that you can't be a man. "

"It's okay, Brother Bird, I've never had a better time than now." Gao Ang smiled lightly.

"..." Ye Chong muttered, "Are you... okay? The key point is that I really don't feel well."

"Huh? What are you doing?" Zhou Xinxin came out from the side, "Did you have such a happy chat? Gao Gao, you look much better."

"It's okay," Gao Ang moved a little further away from Zhou Xinxin, but took a step closer to Ye Chong, "Brother Bird, I'll pick some scales for you, how about you?"

"Ah, the anaconda's scales are also ingredients for refining medicine," Zhou Xinxin said with a happy face, "Gao Gao, get me a few pieces, I'll go back and refine medicine."

"I didn't see that I was busy." He raised his head without raising his head, "You can do it yourself, it's easy to do, just slash the dagger close to the root..."

"..." Zhou Xinxin looked at Ye Chong with a confused look on his face, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with him?"

"I'll go, isn't he normal?" Ye Chong said angrily, "What can I do with him in this short time?"

"But now... why is he so weird?" Zhou Xinxin looked puzzled, "He didn't treat me like this before."

"Then what attitude should he have towards you?" Ye Chong couldn't help but smile, "He's hurt like this, what's wrong with his attitude towards you?"

"It's just wrong." Zhou Xinxin looked at Gao Gao who was picking scales from the anaconda's tail, his face was filled with worry and confusion, "His attitude towards me before is similar to his attitude towards you now."

"No," Ye Chong grinned and shook his head, "He used to treat you like a man and a woman, but he and I were like two old men. What do you mean, do you mean we ..."

Zhou Xinxin didn't speak, but there was a strong suspicion in Ye Chong's eyes.

"I'll go," Ye Chong said with a dazed look on his face, "You really think so?"

"Yes," Zhou Xinxin suddenly looked at the other party with a half-smile, "You know exactly what's going on."

"..." Ye Chong spread his hands and raised his voice three points, "If you want to dig scales, hurry up, 5 minutes, no longer."

After speaking, he walked aside.

You can't go.

He's going crazy.

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