"Run?" Ye Chong glanced at the other party, "Who said you're going to run? Where are you going? You can't run anywhere."

"It was you who told me to run away just now, that I..." Gao Ang's face was ashen, his lips trembling.

"What I'm saying is that you couldn't run in your current state, and you would be finished if you ran." Ye Chong shrugged, "But you weren't allowed to run.

Besides, men have to be tough on themselves.

It doesn't matter.

Don't think about bullshit all day long.

But what should be bullshit is bullshit.

Look at how powerful the people in Dongchang used to be, and no one dared to say anything. "


Gao Ang shook his body, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Zhou Xinxin was so angry that she put her hands on her hips and was about to lose her temper.


Ye Chong frowned, then raised his hand upwards, then stared forward, standing still.

At this time, only the end of the road was heard, and there was also a faint rumbling sound.

Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang's expressions changed, and they were like ants on a hot pot, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"When?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he muttered, "This time will be good, let's go."

Ye Chong turned sideways, and quietly entered the dense forest from the side of the fallen tree.

Seeing that Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang were still in a daze, he tilted his head and said, "If you don't want to die, hurry up."

The two immediately walked in.

Ye Chong put his hand into his arms, then raised it toward the entrance behind him, and a sweet-scented medicinal powder spread out.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Zhou Xinxin was stunned, "It's so weird."

Zhou Xinxin is a teacher in the Department of Martial Arts and Alchemy of Jiuwu Academy. Although she has little experience in actual combat against the enemy, she still has a solid foundation in pharmaceutical research, application and teaching.

"This is poisonous powder," Ye Chong said unhurriedly, "Don't smell it."

"..." Zhou Xinxin was confused, and immediately covered her mouth with the front of her clothes, "Why didn't you say it earlier, I sucked it in."

Gao Ang also quickly pulled up the hood of the military winged man suit, and took two quick steps into the dense forest.

"You didn't ask in advance." Ye Chong muttered, "Actually, it's nothing.

This medicine powder does not cause much harm to the human race.

After aspiration, it is easy to have stomach upset.

It doesn't matter though.

We are all warriors.

Not ordinary people.

There is no need to hide and tuck when going to the toilet.

I don't think it stinks. "

"..." Zhou Xinxin snorted, her face turned pale with anger.

"..." Gao Ang's face is not good-looking, he is so injured, can he still go to the bathroom as fast as he can?

In fact, speaking of it, Ye Chong is really not a good guy.

Time is too precious.

This is the only way he can think of to gag the two of them now.

Just now, he discovered that the broken surface of the fallen tree was very fresh, and it should have broken within a day.

Moreover, looking into the dense forest along the fallen tree, there are still many fallen and broken branches, and the broken surfaces are also very fresh.

This clearly shows one thing.

The big tree was tilted, and the position in the back was once attacked by mutant beasts.

The mutated beast is not a fool, let alone a psychopath. It has nothing to do to attack the thick tree.

Clearly, something gave them a strong stimulus.

Think about it and know.

In this day and age, what else can drive mutant beasts into madness?

If nothing else, life is one of them.

Therefore, it is very likely that Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina escaped into the entrance of the dense forest here.

In addition, there are mutant beasts rumbling from the third road, and the end of the fourth road is also the same.

This shows what?

There is no doubt that there is something nearby that makes these mutant beasts worry about it.


In their view, besides the two lives of Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang in the Swastika Stone Forest, are there other lives that are tugging at their heartstrings?

It's not impossible.

So if that's the case, who else could it be?

Of course, Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina who lost contact here are the most likely.

Therefore, Ye Chong is really in a hurry now, and wants to know the situation of the two of them as soon as possible.

As for the third-level animal repelling powder he just sprinkled at the entrance to the dense forest, of course he also had his own purpose.

First, let the mutant beasts attacking from both ends stay away.

Second, the third-level animal repelling powder has a very natural and unique sweet fragrance. If Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina smell it, they will understand one thing - he, Ye Chong, has come to them.

Thirdly, there are many poisonous plants and plants in the dense forest, and some poisonous insects and small animals are not ruled out. The third-level animal repellent powder has certain anti-virus and detoxification effects.

When Ye Chong sprinkled the third-level animal repelling powder just now, Zhou Xinxin and Gao Gao also splashed some.

This can actually prevent them from being poisoned.

Fourth, the third-level animal repellent powder also has a very good effect-improving eyesight, calming the mind and relieving pain.

Zhou Xinxin lacked actual combat experience, so she could wake up a little bit and avoid doing stupid things by getting some third-level beast exorcising fans.

Gao Ang's body has been severely injured, and now he is in excruciating pain. Sucking some level [-] animal repelling powder can at least relieve some pain and avoid affecting his actions.

Fifth, he sprinkled the third-level animal repelling powder, which actually had another purpose.

This is the way to shut up Zhou Xinxin and Gao Ang.

Speaking of which, he now needs to concentrate all his energy to realize his plan to find Xin Xiaomeng and Han Lina, and he really doesn't have time to talk nonsense with the two in front of him.

"No, Ye Chong, your medicinal powder..." Zhou Xinxin, as a teacher in the Department of Martial Arts and Alchemy, is still very sensitive to such things as medicinal powder, "It's amazing. What's your name..."

"Shut up." Ye Chong shouted, "There are also mutant beasts in this forest, if you talk again, I will leave you here and not take you away."

Speaking of which, Ye Chong didn't want the two people around him to know where the third-level animal repelling powder came from, and what kind of effect and effect it had.

The less trouble, the better.

He is also unwilling to do things that are asking for trouble.

At this moment, Ye Chong was exploring the road ahead, Gao Gao was in the middle, Zhou Xinxin was in charge of breaking the back, and the three of them walked forward quietly.

Ye Chong didn't walk fast.

While walking and stopping, he kept observing the breakage and lodging of the branches, flowers and plants in the forest.

Suddenly, he lightly raised his hand upwards and stopped his progress, followed by the two people behind him.

Ye Chong then waved his hand downwards, and pointed to the back and up.

Zhou Xinxin nodded slightly, stepped on the ground with one foot, and flew upwards.

Ye Chong was stunned, and immediately stretched out his hand and pulled it down, making a snort.

Seeing that half of Zhou Xinxin's right arm sleeve was broken, she immediately said angrily, "What are you doing? You rascal."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, and couldn't help shouting: "Shut up! I told you to pay attention to the back and the top, why are you jumping like a grasshopper?"

"I thought you asked me..." Zhou Xinxin muttered.

Also at this time.


There was a sound of dripping water.

For some reason, the three of them suddenly had a creepy feeling.

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