After Ye Chong returned to the dormitory, he immediately closed the door tightly.

He made up his mind that the door would not be opened even if it was knocked.

Because he has very important things to do now.

Now that the high-level magic weapon liquid is in his hands, it's time for him to do it too.

Star Blades and small golden fishnets are waiting.

Speaking of which, the blade of the starry sky and the small golden fishing net are now waiting to be fed. This is the root cause of his dissatisfaction, but he still wants to take all the high-level magic liquid.

no way.

In the current dangerous environment, every improvement in strength means that one has an extra chance of surviving.

In order to achieve this goal, it doesn't matter even if you pay a little more.

There is no doubt that now is the time to rush.

In the effective time, it is meaningful to improve one's own strength.

It is nonsense to wait until you are dying to think of what you should do.

Ye Chong is not a fool.

Whether it's his intuition or instinct, they are telling him to seize the time and try his best to improve himself so that he can stay away from death.

Judging from the current situation, the critical attack that he managed to master has become the most important means for him to fight against the enemy.

Whether it is the blade of the starry sky or the small golden fishing net, they all play an increasingly important role in it.

If they can be raised to a higher level through the nourishment and cultivation of high-level magic liquid, then his critical strike power will be greatly improved.

When the time comes to fight against the enemy, his methods will become tougher and more effective.

Moreover, it also gave him more choices in terms of the combination of attack methods and the order of echelons.

Soon, Ye Chong opened the vial carefully, and then dropped a drop on the blade of the Starry Sky Blade.

As a result, a scene that surprised him appeared.

The moment the somewhat blackened high-grade magic weapon fluid touched the blade, the Starry Sky Blade let out a trembling moan.

And when the two came into contact, the entire blade body suddenly appeared cold, the light and shadow changed, and the distortion continued, as if it was completely alive.

At the same time, after the high-level magic weapon liquid submerged into the blade in an instant, it disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared before.

"The reaction is so strong? Are you not full?" Ye Chong grumbled.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the black vial in his hand and was about to drop it again.

But at the next moment, he frowned, stroked the handle of the knife with one hand, and closed his eyes.

At this moment, in the blade of the Starry Sky Blade, there is an astonishingly wonderful picture.

I saw three big golden tadpoles, all with their mouths wide open, frantically devouring the black brilliance from the sky.

At the same time, the other two golden tadpoles, whose bodies were mutilated and unable to move, were also twisting their bodies and doing the same movements.

At the same time, in the space of the blade, the black brilliance permeating the sky seems to be endless, flowing and spreading everywhere.

As a result, it didn't take long for the black brilliance to completely cover the space of the blade, making it impossible to see the slightest bit of the scene inside.

"I go.

Why is the concentration so high?

It seems that what Wu Dayong said is correct, perhaps this drop of high-level magic weapon liquid can be absorbed by the starry sky blade for a long time.

If another drop is added, it will be a disaster if the tadpoles inside are burst.

Ha ha.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Judging by the reaction of the pattern of the law inside, the effect should still be very ideal.

The advanced magic liquid is really worth the money, and my 5000 million points were spent well.

It's just a pity.

I can't see the changes inside, which is a bit worrying. "

Ye Chong smiled slightly, opened his eyes, raised his right hand to look at the black vial, and a look of joy appeared in his eyes.

But soon, he turned his gaze to his left wrist again.

At this moment, the small golden fishing net is like a piece of veil, obediently entangled there.

Ye Chong glanced at the blade of the starry sky that had already been sheathed and leaned against the wall, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Then with a shake of his left hand, he picked up the small golden fishing net and gently put it in a glass.

Immediately after the next moment, he tilted the black vial in his hand slightly, and a drop of black liquid slipped down quietly, and landed on the small golden fishing net with a thud.

In fact, to be honest, Ye Chong really wanted to divide this drop of advanced magic weapon liquid into two halves for use.

Think about it too.

The price is so high...

1 drop is 100 million points, which is equivalent to at least 500 million yuan.

Just dripping like this, it is clear that what is dripping is blood, flesh, tears, and sweat. This is hard-earned money that was born and died.

No wonder it doesn't feel bad.

The key is that the Starry Sky Blade is so big that even a drop of it feels useless. The small golden fishing net is so small, wouldn't it be too much to put a drop on it?

"The next time I see Wu Dayong, I have to reflect.

Every drop of the advanced magic liquid is so big, it is too wasteful.

It should be one drop into two drops, or even three drops.

In this way, I can decide to drop one drop or two drops according to where it is used.

How is it now...


This is……"

Ye Chong was muttering, suddenly blinked his eyes, and took a big step back.




The glass containing the small golden fishing net shook slightly, and there was a strange sound inside.

that feeling...

It's like there is a small fish bouncing around inside.

It didn't sound like a dying struggle, though, but a joyful throbbing.

Ye Chong blinked, and couldn't help but took another two steps forward.

In the glass, the tiny veil really looked like a small fish swimming in it.

Although the speed is not very fast, the movement range is not small, and when it hits the glass, there will be a strange sound.

Ye Chong couldn't help being surprised.

This phenomenon undoubtedly illustrates one thing.

Obviously, the high-grade magic weapon liquid also has an effect on the small golden fishing net, and the effect is not small.

Otherwise, it would not have such a strong reaction.

The key is judging from the sound, it is a happy response.

It's just like……

A small fish that had been away from the shore for a long time suddenly returned to the water again. The happiness and satisfaction were beyond words, and they were all in the water without saying anything.

Ye Chong is not a fool.

He was happy in his heart, but he also knew that at this moment, the small golden fishing net and the blade of the starry sky were in a critical stage of absorption, development and change, and it would be absolutely stupid to disturb them at this time.

Therefore, Ye Chong quickly left quietly.

In fact, the room is only this big, and there is no place to go far away, that is, the bed.

Last night because of Double Eleven, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep.

I was woken up by the old yellow hair this morning, and my eyes hurt from sleepiness.

Going to the arsenal in the morning, my head hurts from being tormented by Yue Yue.

Just now, I saw the small golden fishing net and the blade of the starry sky, nourished by the high-level magic liquid, each one was very comfortable.

Now it's his turn to feel dizzy and dizzy.

But at this moment, for Ye Chong, of course there is only one most comfortable thing, and that is to sleep——

The kind of people who sleep in the vicissitudes of life, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

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