Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 726 This guy is here

"Ms. Ye, don't be angry, let me explain first." The young male teacher Yue Yue saw that something was wrong, and immediately said with a smile, "In fact, many people in foreign countries are named after their ancestors or ancestors. It has the meaning of remembering and commemorating.”

"Get out!" Ye Chong slapped the table, then grabbed the gray notebook, tore off the signature page, pinched it casually, and turned it into fly ash, "Compare my name to Gousheng and Er Gouzi, Now curse me to death, believe it or not, I crush you."

"Ms. Ye, you can't throw garbage in the arsenal. Look at the fly ash. It's not good if you inhale it into your lungs. It's very harmful to your eyes and easy to upset your stomach." The young male teacher Yue Yue took a step back and muttered.

Ye Chong was a little bit crazy, almost going crazy.

What kind of shit is this guy I met today?

Is this the virtue of the teaching staff of the three major domestic martial arts colleges, whether they hold teaching positions or not?

Just when he and Yue Yue were still entangled, footsteps sounded at the top of the stairs, and someone shouted: "Ye Chong, are you here?"

Both of them couldn't help but looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw Wu Dayong striding towards here.

"Teacher Wu, you are here." Yue Yue said respectfully.

"Long time no see, Teacher Wu." Ye Chong smiled.

"Hahaha, Ye Chong, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, sorry, sorry." Wu Dayong walked over to Ye Chong with an apologetic face, and stretched out his hand, "Oh, Ye Chong, I didn't expect that you really came up.

I had something to do today, and I was afraid that you would come over, so I wanted to arrange it.

I didn't expect that I was in a hurry, and I was still one step late, please forgive me.

ashamed, ashamed.

You came here so early, you must be in a hurry, right? "

The young male teacher Yue Yue on the side, seeing Wu Dayong's current appearance, couldn't help being confused for a while.

Unexpectedly, this teacher Wu, who is usually unsmiling, met Ye Chong today, as if he was a completely different person.


Even if Ye Chong got a pretty good ranking in the Martial Arts Conference, after all, he is only a junior martial arts fighter with an initial cultivation level, so he shouldn't be treated like this by a formal teacher, right?

Yue Yue rubbed her hands together in embarrassment, standing to one side, not daring to speak.

"Teacher Wu, you're welcome." Ye Chong shook hands with the other party, "I'm just here too, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

"Hehe, that's good, that's good." Wu Dayong's face relaxed a little, and then he glanced at Yue Yue, "The school responds to the call of the era of martial arts for all, and the scale of enrollment is increasing, and the number of teachers is relatively short. , so I selected some students as trainee assistants, and consciously trained them for the position of teachers, hehe, Yue Yue didn't say anything excessive, did he?"

"Oh, so that's how it is," Ye Chong stretched his eyebrows, and suddenly realized that he thought it was strange, where did he get such an unreliable teacher, "He didn't say anything, hehe, we are just blind chat."

"Okay," Wu Dayong smiled, turned his head and said to Yue Yue, "You go down first.

For the new batch of primary warrior weapons, please check the serial number, introduction and price again, so as not to make any mistakes. "

"Yes, Teacher Wu." Yue Yue bowed and agreed, and then took a sneak peek at Ye Chong, full of regret and gratitude.

"Teacher Wu is so busy, he still remembers my affairs. It's really troublesome." Ye Chong glanced at Yue Yue who was going away, couldn't help smiling, and then looked at Wu Dayong, "I don't goods are here No?"

"It's coming, it's coming," Wu Dayong nodded with a smile, "and it's the latest model of high-level magic liquid, the experimental data is very impressive."

"Really?" Ye Chong couldn't help but look happy. To be honest, he was really looking forward to the advanced magic liquid.

Speaking of which, the ordinary magic weapon liquid has brought him some unexpected effects, and the high-level magic weapon liquid purified on the basis of the ordinary magic weapon liquid, what kind of changes can it bring to the starry sky blade and the small golden fishing net? , It is really full of infinite expectations.

"Really." Wu Dayong nodded with certainty, then turned around and clicked a few times on the keyboard of the safe beside him, then looked at his eyes, click, and the safe opened in response.

Soon, he took out a yellow cardboard box from inside, and placed it on the counter in front of him.

When Ye Chong saw this, his heart skipped a beat.

Advanced Magic Liquid is a very expensive item, definitely much more valuable than gold. When I booked it last time, it was agreed that it would be 5000 million points.

What is the concept of 5000 points?

According to the official exchange rate on Jiuwu Campus, 1 point can be exchanged for 6 yuan.

If it is according to the exchange ratio in private, 1 point can be exchanged for 5 yuan.

In short, the exchange ratio of the actual transaction is between 1:5 and 1:6.

In other words, if the 5000 million points are converted into money, it will be between 2 million and 5 million yuan.

This number is not a small number.

An enterprise can be regarded as a large enterprise if it has an income of hundreds of millions of yuan within a year.

If the gross profit after deducting costs and expenses from these revenues can reach 2 million, it can definitely be regarded as a large enterprise with good returns.

If the net profit can reach 10% under this level of gross profit rate, then this enterprise definitely means a good development potential.

From this perspective, it can also be seen how powerful Ye Chong was when he took out 5000 million points to buy the advanced magic liquid.

Undoubtedly, it is almost equivalent to the income of that big company for 3 years, its gross profit for 15 years, and its net profit for 30 years.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder that Wu Dayong was not very excited when he met such a super big client as Ye Chong.

Don't forget, the things sold by the armory are said to be cheap, but they actually have a large profit margin, and the parties in charge of the sale have a commission.

Of course, the points of the commission are related to the items sold, and the span is very large, basically from 5‰-5%. The more expensive the item, the higher the commission.

For the high-level Shenbingye, Ye Chong didn't know what percentage of the commission was based on, and it was impossible for Wu Dayong to tell him.

However, a casual analysis can also know the same.



Even if it is a compromise, according to the 2% commission, the commission of 1000 is 20, the commission of 1 is 200, the commission of 1 million is 200 million, and the commission of 3 million is 600 million.

To be honest, such a large commission amount is still very tempting.

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