Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 723 Dark Agreement

Ye Chong didn't want to bully others, nor did he want to be bullied.

But when it's time to bully, he will never be vague.

However, when Walter White left him, he didn't cry, but had a smile on his lips.

Of course Ye Chong didn't cry either.

His face looked calm, but there was a small flame of excitement in his eyes.

That feeling is like a person secretly taking advantage of a big advantage, and then suppressing the excitement in his heart, for fear of being known by others.

Speaking of it, Ye Chong was awakened by the old Huangmao's frenzied knock on the door early in the morning, and finally reaped a win-win result that both parties were satisfied with. It was definitely an unexpected surprise.

In fact, sometimes it’s okay to grab other people’s pigtails, shake them, you’ll be happy, and he’ll be happy too, but if you break them, it’s not good.

According to the dark agreement reached by the two, 10% of the annual funding that the old yellow-haired Walter White receives will be used to support the scientific research projects mentioned by Ye Chong.

In other words, the self-development project mentioned by Ye Chong has actually become a sub-project of Walter White's research project and will receive continuous funding.

Speaking of it, 10% is really a lot.

The old yellow-haired Walter White actually leads a huge research group, but they all do experiments in the back and then provide him with data support, while he chooses to rush to the front in order to obtain the most valuable first hand information.

In general, at least half of his annual scientific research funding of more than 1 million yuan is spent on the huge scientific research platform in the rear.

In addition, some of them were developed by him as unapproved new projects.

In fact, with these two large pieces of consumption, basically there is not much money left.

Now, to squeeze out 10% of the funds through reducing expenses, which is more than 1 million, to support the development of Ye Chong's sub-projects, it is really squeezed out from the teeth, it is not easy.

Of course, the old yellow-haired Walter White is not being taken advantage of.

The promise he got was that after Ye Chong had the ability, the horn materials, sharp claw materials and bird beak materials harvested from high-level mutant beasts would be handed over to Lao Huangmao for use as raw materials.

At the same time, Ye Chong has the priority to use and supplement the latest product developed by the Huangmao team.

There is an additional clause.

Ye Chong has the right as well as the responsibility to make key efforts for Walter White's scientific research team to obtain a higher amount of scientific research funding.

There is no specific explanation for this item, and only Lao Huang Mao and Ye Chong know what it means.

In fact, the entire dark agreement was a verbal agreement.

Who will restrain?

No one bound.

This is a gentleman's agreement.

However, this kind of thing is more unbreakable than some black and white agreements on the basis of common interests as the goal guide.

After Ye Chong sent away the old yellow-haired Walter White, although it was not yet 7 o'clock, he no longer felt sleepy.

Originally, during this period of time, especially during holidays, he would like to sleep back into the cage the most.

But not today.

no way.

Recently received too much stimulation.

I won't talk about what happened before returning to Jiuwu.

Last night, I was suddenly stimulated by Double Eleven.

This morning, I reaped a large amount of passive income.

This kind of stimulation from real money makes people very hot.



I have a shit research project?

However, the old yellow hair is also sensible, and he didn't ask the bottom line.

Ha ha.

A man of vision.


Looking at it now, my annual income of more than 1000 million yuan is quite good.

Almost equivalent to 100 million a month.

You don't really have to pay anything extra.

As for what the old yellow hair asked for, there were no deadly conditions.

At that time, it will be fine to do the task smoothly.

Most importantly, as a world-renowned toxicologist, Huang Mao and his team have no problem obtaining stable research funding.

In other words, this part of my extra income is fine in the long run.

This is a happy event.

These days, for ordinary people, earning [-] to [-] a year is not bad.

and I?

Ha ha.

A year of stable income of more than 1000 million.

That is, 100 million a month.

The daily income is more than 3 points.

My income of less than two days is what ordinary people earn for a year.

However, for warriors, this income is not exaggerated.

Especially for martial artists who love to take out missions, earning 1000 million in one mission is not a big problem.

I can do that too.

The key is stability.

To me, this money is like picking it up for nothing.

and also.

If I can really help Lao Huang Mao and his team to increase their funding, my income will also increase, which is worth looking forward to. "

In the following time, Ye Chong added some magic liquid to the blade of the starry sky and the small golden fishing net, and then went out and went straight to the cafeteria.

Although the supply of food on the train is sufficient, it is after all fast food delivered by the cold chain. It tastes okay if you eat it once or twice.

In contrast, most of the food in Jiuwu Free Restaurant is carefully prepared by the back kitchen, and the taste is really good.

However, what surprised Ye Chong was that there were not many people eating in the restaurant.

According to the past situation, there are almost [-]% of them in this time period.

As a result, it is sparsely populated now, with more than [-]% of the seats vacant.

As soon as Ye Chong finished his meal and sat down, a man and a woman came over, smiling brightly.

"Ye Tanhua is back?" The tall and handsome man had an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes, "You are really amazing, you have given us Jiuwu a lot of glory."

"Ye Chong, did you give in to Michonne?" The young and beautiful girl smiled like a flower, "Actually, many of us think you should be the champion, which is really a pity."

"You didn't go to the scene, so you don't know the real situation," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "It's not easy to win the championship.

I was lucky enough to get No.3, which is already very unexpected.

If it wasn't for several byes in a row, he probably wouldn't even be in the top ten.


Don't call me Ye Tanhua, it sounds a little weird. "


The young and beautiful girl couldn't hold back all of a sudden, her flowers trembled wildly, and she laughed coquettishly.

Ye Chong couldn't help but secretly sighed, and suddenly thought of Xin Xiaomeng, Han Lina, Tong Ya, Zhang Dong, Zhou Fa, and the captain of the Four Seas Squad, Bao Sihai.

"Actually, the name Tanhua suits you very well." The tall and handsome man's eyes shone with inexplicable brilliance, and he said with a smile, "It's all over the Internet, and everyone in Jiuwu hopes to become a big star like you."

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